Partnership for agricultural water for Africa

Partner harmonization

Harmonizing partner programmes and approaches is critical to capture synergies, take advantage of complementarities, avoid duplication of efforts and, ultimately, enhance development impact and sustainability of investments. Building on the Paris declaration and the Accra agenda for action, AgWA would provide a platform for closer collaboration and harmonization between partners. This is most appropriately and efficiently done at the country level.

Main activities within this component are:

  • Harmonize policy dialogue between donors, regional organisations, and countries in order to avoid fragmentation and duplication efforts.
  • Develop a common AWM programme and co-financing approach, with cross supervision and joint evaluation between donors.
  • Establish an accepted national and regional results-based framework to clearly demonstrate achievements in AWM.
  • Align project implementation arrangements.
  • Establish a monitoring and evaluation framework in order to present more ‘concrete’ results from AWM at national, regional and international levels. The AQUASTAT (FAO) is a starting point.