Устойчивость к противомикробным препаратам


Ограничение использования противомикробных препаратов и борьба с устойчивостью к ним у молочного скота - Практический опыт Швеции

Настоящее издание дает обзор долгосрочных мер молочного сектора Швеции, направленных на содержание животных здоровыми, таким образом, отводя шведским молочным фермам ведущее ...

Assessment of antimicrobial resistance risks in six Latin American countries 2019–2021: Integrated regional project in antimicrobial resistance

This report represents a summary of the results obtained from the application of the tool in six Latin American countries, from 2019 to 2021.

The International FAO Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring (InFARM) System and IT platform

One of the key elements to strengthen country capacity for surveillance and monitoring of AMR and AMU in food and agriculture is to provide a standardized approach to collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and sharing data...

Antimicrobial Resistance Multi-Partner Trust Fund annual report 2021

Progress against the overarching AMR MPTF results matrix is now being reported for the first time.

Antimicrobial resistance in livestock in the Lao People's Democratic Republic

Lao PDR is one of the vulnerable countries to antimicrobial resistance at present. Yet, there are many achievements made recently through the support of FAO ECTAD...

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