FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Viet Nam

Implementation of the Global Strategy in Viet Nam

35% land area devoted to agriculture

20.1% share of agriculture in GDP


Though Viet Nam has a well established statistics system, the country's recent strong annual growth rates pose challenges for their collection and effective use. The General Statistics office (GSO), along with various other ministries and international and national experts, developed the ''Vietnam Statistical Development Strategy 2011-2020 and vision to 2025'' in 2010. 

The GSO conducts rural, agricultural and fisheries censuses approximately every five years. The latest was carried out in 2011, with the next planned for 2016. The Viet Nam Statistical Strategy has identified several shortcomings in the Viet Nam system, including a lack of organizational and human resources to reform the system, indicator systems in data collection that are not comprehensive, inadequate data quality, and the late dissemination of data, which reduces its utilization. 

Current Work

Implementation of the Global Strategy in Viet Nam started in July 2015. The Global Strategy in Asia Pacific is partnering with the General Statistics Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on producing a Strategic Plan for Agricultural and Rural Statistics (SPARS) for the country. Though implementation is in its early stages, one workshop has been held, which resulted in the drafting of two reports that are components of the overall SPARS.


Consultations and one country workshop have led to the completion of two reports - an In-depth Country Assessment (IdCA) and a draft roadmap for a SPARS. The SPARS roadmap has been endorsed by the government, and a second draft of the IdCA is currently under review. These two reports, along with a country proposal paper, form the foundation of activities in Viet Nam. All are scheduled to be completed during the first half of 2016.