التقنيات الحيوية الزراعية
التقانات الحيوية الزراعية في مجالات المحاصيل، والحراجة، والثروة الحيوانية، ومصائد الأسماك والتصنيع الزراعي  Biotech-banner
FAO fact sheet on Biotechnology and Food Security
In connection with the The World Food Summit: five years later to be held in Rome, 10-13 June 2002, FAO has prepared a series of fact sheets on specific issues and topics (http://www.fao.org/worldfoodsummit/fsheets.htm ). One of them is a 2-page pamphlet on biotechnology and food security (in Arabic, English, French, Italian and Spanish). Contact [email protected] for more information.