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Evaluating FAO’s work in food and agriculture policy

A report on the "Evaluation of FAO’s role and work in food and agriculture policy" was presented to the 110th session of the FAO Programme Committee that took place at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy on 7-11 May 2012. The main purpose of the evaluation was to assess the capacity, role and comparative advantage of FAO in providing policy support to the global community in the areas of its mandate, considering that no evaluation had been carried out on FAO’s work in this area since 2001. It sought to evaluate the extent to which FAO has addressed its core function on articulating policy and strategy options and advice (and policy-related elements in the other core functions) in its work at global, regional and national levels. Under policy analysis, the report considers FAO’s work on biotechnology (paragraphs 223-225). The report is available in five official FAO languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish). The FAO Programme Committee assists the FAO Council in carrying out its duties regarding the development and implementation of the organization's programme activities. See or contact [email protected] for more information.
