Tuesday 18 June (afternoon)


FAO Conference

38th Session
Rome, 15-22 June 2013

Statements by Heads of Delegations under Item 9:
"Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition"

To be checked against delivery!
Note that the addresses and statements are posted as provided and may differ from those actually delivered. Please consult the Webcast or Audio proceedings to ensure accuracy

Dr. Sigurgeir Thorgeirsson Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture of the Ruplic of Iceland

His Excellency Phouang Parisak Pravongviengkham Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Forestry of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

His Excellency E. U Ohn Than Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Monsieur Louis Lahoud Directeur général du Ministère de l’agriculture de la République libanaise [French]

Sr. D. Jaime Haddad Sánchez De Cueto Subsecretario de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Reino de España

Her Excellency Lyudmila Nizhevich Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus

Ms Deborah Roche Deputy Director-General of the Ministry for Primary Industries of New Zealand

Ms Krystyna Gurbiel Under-Secretary of State of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Poland

Excmo. Sr. Don Hugo J. Gobbi Embajador, Dirección de Asuntos Económicos Multilaterales y G-20, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de la República Argentina

Son Excellence Monsieur Moctar Ould Dahi Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent de la République islamique de Mauritanie auprès de la FAO

The Honourable Roderick Galdes Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture and Fisheries of the Republic of Malta

Mr Ib Byrge Sorensen Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Kingdom of Denmark

His Excellency Bernard Shamlaye Ambassador of the Republic of Seychelles to France

His Excellency José Diogo Albuquerque Secretary of State for Agriculture of the Portuguese Republic

His Excellency Antonino Marques Porto Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Brazil to FAO

His Excellency Neil Briscoe Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to FAO

His Excellency Thomas Wriessnig Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to FAO

His Excellency David J. Ritchie Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Australia to FAO

Excmo. Sr. Don Miguel Ruíz-Cabañas Izquierdo Embajador Representante Permanente de México ante la FAO

Son Excellence Monsieur Vincent Mertens de Wilmars Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent du Royaume de Belgique auprès de la FAO

Son Excellence Monsieur Hassan Abouyoub Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent du Royaume du Maroc auprès de la FAO

His Excellency Abdallah Saleh, Acting Deputy Minister for Agriculture of Palestine, on behalf of His Excellency Walid Assaf, Minister for Agriculture of Palestine.

The Kingdom of Bhutan1


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea1


1 Statement inserted in the verbatim report on request.

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