Award Ceremony Recognizing Outstanding progress in Fighting Hunger

Monday 16 June, 12:00-13:00, Red Room

Awards Ceremony Recognizing Outstanding Progress in Fighting Hunger

About the event: This side event will recognize countries that have achieved outstanding progress in fighting hunger. The Director General will award a diploma to countries that have reached the MDG one hunger target or the World Food Summit goal in the course of 2013.

Purpose: This year the Director-General will recognize the achievements of Chile, China and Morocco. Chile has reached the World Food Summit goal, while China and Morocco have reached the Millennium Development Goal hunger target. The MDG hunger target requires countries to reduce by at least 50 percent the proportion of undernourished persons in the population before the end of 2015 compared to the level in 1990, or to bring the proportion below 5 percent. The World Food Summit goal requires countries to reduce by at least 50 percent the number of undernourished persons in the population before the end of 2015 compared to the level in 1990. Progress towards these targets is assessed on the basis of the estimates reported in The State of Food Insecurity in the World Report 2013. Countries that have maintained the prevalence of undernourishment below 5 percent will also be mentioned by the Director-General.

Responsible offices: 



Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish


The Director-General will deliver the opening address followed by statements from the representatives of the countries being awarded. 

Twitter hashtag:

#CL149, #foodsecurity_award

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