Objective 6.2: Strengthening national statistical capacity for evidence-based decision-making

Thursday 26 March, 12:30-13:30, Iran Room

Strengthening national statistical capacity for
evidence-based decision-making


About the event: What are the growing demands for statistics? What new technologies are being used to address this? And what is the role of partnerships within the data revolution? This side event will focus on the statistics component of Objective 6. The focus will be on the contribution of Statistics in the delivery of the Organization’s programme of work and what further challenges exist for improving data quality and raising the efficiency of FAO’s work delivery. The panel members will then debate and discuss statistical needs and what FAO is doing to address these.

Purpose: To ensure a robust and practical results-based approach,  FAO strives to ensure that it has the internal capacity to achieve the expected results. Objective 6 frames the technical and quality services work of the Organization. Within Objective 6, statistics has a key part to play as both a cross-cutting output, and as a global public good. FAO Statistics performs a clear functional role in multiple contexts across disciplines. FAO Statistics enables in-house units to pursue normative and broader analytical work through the collection and dissemination of relevant, reliable and timely data on food and agriculture. In addition, as a global public good, information on food and agriculture is made available to those who need it, when they need it and in a form they can access and use. This event will highlight how the work of FAO Statistics fits into the international context.

Responsible office:

Pietro Gennari, Chief Statistician and Director, FAO Statistics


English, French and Spanish


Pietro Gennari will make a brief presentation about FAO’s work on statistics.
The panel will consist of:

  • Gero Carletto, Lead economist and Manager of LSMS, World Bank 
  • Boubaker Karray, Director General, DGEDA (Direction Générale des Études et de Développement Agricoles), Tunisia
  • Margot Skarpeteig, Deputy Permanent Representative, Norway
  • Kaitlin Yarnall, Executive Editor, Cartography, Graphics & Art, National Geographic Magazine

Erwin Northoff, from FAO’s Communications Division, will moderate the discussion.


www.fao.org/economic/ess/ess-home/; www.fao.org/statistics/en/

Twitter hashtag:

#CL151; #UNFAOresults; @faostatistics

Additional Information