SO4:Enable Inclusive and Efficient Agricultural and Food Systems

Friday 27 March, 12:30-13:30, Iran Room

Enable Inclusive and Efficient Agricultural and Food Systems



About the event: Globalization and commercialization have brought revolutionary changes to agricultural and food systems: the primary sector is characterized by increasingly integrated supply chains; and agricultural and food systems are becoming more science- and capital-intensive. This has yielded positive results, but has also hampered the participation of smallholder producers, women and youth, and economically small countries in markets. Increasing the participation of these groups and countries in food and agricultural systems is critical to achieving FAO’s goal of a world without hunger. Improving the efficiency of such systems will help ensure the responsible use of available natural resources, improve incomes, reduce food losses and waste, and facilitate the delivery of products that are healthy and safe to eat.

Purpose: The SO4 side event will illustrate some of the key achievements of work undertaken during the last year in the SO’s main working areas: value chain and agribusiness development, enabling of finance and investment, reduction of food loss and waste, supporting countries in complying with trade agreements and international standards. The achievements will not be presented by the delivery team, but by SO4 partners: national government (Rwanda), private sector representative (Rabobank Foundation), an international organization (WTO) and the donor country (Switzerland). The major focus of the event is to demonstrate the real FAO impact on more inclusive and efficient food systems at the national and global levels.

Responsible office:

Eugenia Serova, Director, AGS, and SO4 Coordinator


English, French and Spanish


After a short video and the introduction from the SO4 Coordinator, the audience will be invited to participate in an interactive 45-minute panel discussion.


Weekly Agenda for SO4

Twitter hashtag:

#CL151; #UNFAOresults

Additional Information