La agricultura climáticamente inteligente


Overview and Key messages 
2.1 Why is a landscape approach needed for achieving Climate-smart agriculture? 
2.2 How can a landscape approach be implemented? 
2.3 Examples of landscape approaches 
2.4 Conclusions

Overview and Key messages
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Water management in agriculture: status and trends
3.3 Potential impacts of climate change on water in agriculture
3.4 Vulnerability to climate change and resilience: a variety of situations
3.5 Assessing risk, preparing responses
3.6 Options for adaptation to climate change
3.7 Prioritizing options with an eye on vulnerable categories of people
3.8 Conditions for successful adaptation
3.9 Water management for climate change mitigation
3.10 Conclusions

Overview and Key messages 
6.1 Genetic resources for food and agriculture 
6.2 Genetic resources for food and agriculture: a prerequisite for climate-smart agriculture 
6.3 Concluding remarks

This Manual is a guide to compiling statistics related to GHG emissions and removals. It is aimed at staff of national statistical offices and environmental ministries and agencies. It provides information on accessing and using the FAOSTAT Emissions database andl sets out a step-by-step approach to estimating GHG emissions with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Emission Inventories.

The report contains the proceedings of the first workshop of a joint project by Zambia's Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL), The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and The CGIAR programme on Climate Change, and Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) who are collaborating on developing and quantifying participatory scenario analysis under an EC funded project that will contribute to Zambia, having the tools, knowledge and capacities to adopt, advance, scale up and roll out solutions towards Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA).

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