The Alto Andino macro zone


The Alto Andino macro zonethree predominant and distinctive agro-productive systems prevail, the rearing of camelids and sheep all of which rely on “bofedales” (a type of high Andean wetland/peatland), the cultivation of quinoa, as the nutritional staple of the Aymaras, as well as the cultivation of a diversity of herbs and traditional crops such as potatoes and maize, under traditional production systems such as terracing in valleys and on slopes. 

The Araucania Pehuenche: The principal base of traditional livelihoods of the Pehuenche people is livestock rearing, managed through ancestral practices which involve rotation and transhumance between highlands and valleys along the Andean “Cordillera”. Complementing these practices is the gathering of non-timber forest products from native forestssuch as the araucaria pine nut (piñón) which forms the basis of the Mapuche diet. 

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