تركز المساعدة التي تقدمها منظمة الأغذية والزراعة في أفغانستان على ستة مجالات دعم ذات أولوية باتفاق مع الحكومة، هي: تعزيز القدرة الإنتاجية الزراعية، بزيادة قدرات صغار المزارعين والرعاة؛ وتحسين إدارة الموارد المائية والري، بالتركيز على استراتيجية شاملة للأراضي والري وزيادة القدرات؛ ووضع وتنفيذ سياسات زراعية فعالة، بما في ذلك بناء القدرات المؤسسية فيما يتعلق ببرمجة وإدارة الزراعة والتنمية الريفية؛ وتحسين إدارة الموارد الطبيعية، من خلال الإدارة البيئية المستدامة؛ وتحقيق الأمن الغذائي والتغذوي وزيادة القدرات المؤسسية على معالجة القضايا المتعلقة بسلامة الأغذية وجودتها؛ وتنمية القدرات اللازمة لإدارة الطوارئ، مما يستتبع تعزيز التأهب للطوارئ والقدرة على الحد من مخاطر الكوارث. [للمزيد]

وسائط سمعية
Three years on from significant outbreaks of inter-communal violence across Rakhine State, hundreds of thousands of people remain in need of humanitarian assistance. With a poverty rate of 78 per...
conflict-affected communities in northern Rakhine, Myanmar
Vegetable market at Nuku‘alofa, Tongatapu Island, Kingdom of Tonga. In the background, traditional Tongan mats.
vegetable market in Tonga
Experts from Latin America, Europe and Central Asia met this week at the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) in Halle, Germany to share their experiences with...
Strategies to promote agricultural exports
وسائط سمعية
A new study has been released today by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the Food Climate Research Network (FCRN) at the University of Oxford. The “Plates, Pyramids,...
Only a handful of countries have food guidelines promoting diets and food systems that are not only healthy but sustainable.
وسائط سمعية
A new study has been released today by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the Food Climate Research Network (FCRN) at the University of Oxford. The “Plates, Pyramids,...
Food guidelines offer opportunities to protect the planet, too
“Garden Wall” is a microgardening project implemented by FAO and funded by the OCHA managed Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF). Garden walls are a proven technique to grow vegetables and herbs...
vertical gardens Lebanon
وسائط سمعية
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva welcomed today Oscar Arias Sánchez, Tawakkol Karman, Betty Williams and Muhammad Yunus at FAO headquarters in Rome for the launch of the FAO-Nobel Peace...
Betty Williams - Nobel Peace Laureates Alliance for Food Security and Peace
وسائط سمعية
During the International Year of Pulses, the association Seed Guardians set off for the mysterious world of a large group of garden crops - pulses. Considering the fact that pulses...
Grains of multiple shapes and colors
رسوم المعلومات
The infographic demonstrates the negative consequences of peatlands drainage and raises awareness about multiple environmental and social benefits that can be achieved during peatland rewetting and sustainable management.
Peatlands and Climate Change
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva signing a Memorandum of Understanding with UNIDO Director General LI Yong. 
Signature of MoU
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Remarks by Ms Elisabeth Backteman, State Secretary of the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation of the Kingdom of Sweden .
El clima está cambiando, la alimentación y la agricultura también. En el marco del Día Mundial de la Alimentación, la FAO llama a reflexionar sobre la relación y el impacto del...
DMA en Panamá
Head of the Department of Economic Affairs and Sustainable Development of Germany, Miguel Berger talk about the Photovoltaic panel donated to FAO.
Photovoltaic Germany
Remarks by the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries of the Independent State of Samoa.
Laaulialemalietoa Polataivao Leuatea - Samoa
Agriculture is a key economic sector in the Mediterranean employing nearly a quarter of the region’s workforce and has shown substantial growth in recent years. The Mediterranean faces a number of...
agrifood in Albania
Ukraine represents one of the most fertile agriculture regions of the world and is traditionally a net exporter of milk and dairy products. However, as imports of dairy products have...
Strengthening Ukraine’s Dairy Sector
Mesoamérica sin Hambre es un acuerdo de cooperación sur-sur triangular firmado entre México, a través de AMEXCID, y la FAO. En su segundo año de implementación, los nueve países en...
Mesoamérica sin Hambre
Mesoamérica sin Hambre es un acuerdo de cooperación sur-sur triangular firmado entre México, a través de AMEXCID, y la FAO. En su segundo año de implementación, los nueve países en...
Mesoamérica sin Hambre
Mesoamérica sin Hambre es un acuerdo de cooperación sur-sur triangular firmado entre México, a través de AMEXCID, y la FAO. En su segundo año de implementación, los nueve países en...
Mesoamérica sin Hambre - 2016
Lucy Ng’ang’a, who is working as an Agriculture and Climate Change Expert in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Kenya, describes why and how the country is preparing...
Agriculture and Climate Change Adaptation Planning in Kenya