جهات الاتصال

هل لديك تظلم أو مقترح بشأن مشروع منظمة الأغذية و الزراعة (الفاو)؟ أستخدم آلية معالجة التظلم الخاصة بالمشروع , أو أتصل ب يرجى أضافة البريد الألكتروني للمكتب اللامركزي اذا تعذر حل التظلم من خلال ادارة المشروع \ على المستوى الفني, يرجى الأتصال بمكتب المفتش العام (التحقيقات)

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رمزعنوانمن عندإلىالميزانية الإجمالية
TCP/ERI/3903 Technical support for the implementation of the Farmers Field School/Agro-pastoralist Field School in Eritrea 2023 2024316,000$
TCP/ERI/3904 Enhance pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods and resilience through integrated control of Camel and other major livestock diseases in Eritrea 2023 2024400,000$
TCP/ERI/3901 Supporting the implementation of FAO Hand in Hand Initiative in Eritrea for Sustainable and Inclusive Food and Agriculture Systems in selected intervention areas 2022 2024366,000$
TCP/ERI/3902 Technical Assistance to support the Date palm expansion Programme in Eritrea 2022 2024222,000$
رمزعنوانمن عندإلىالميزانية الإجمالية
OSRO/ERI/022/JPN Emergency support to the vulnerable pastoralists and agro-pastoralists by responding to Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) outbreaks in Gash Barka, Debub, Anseba and Maekel Regions. 2024 2025225,000$
OSRO/ERI/021/CHA Enhancing the livelihoods of Female headed households and Women with Starter and Layer feed in the Drought Affected Areas 2023 20241,500,000$
GCP /ERI/902/LDF Building Community Based Integrated and Climate Resilient Natural Resources Management and Enhancing Sustainable Livelihood in the South-Eastern Escarpments and Adjacent Coastal Areas of Eritrea (FSP) 2023 20309,002,083$
GCP /ERI/904/GFF Building Community Based Integrated and Climate Resilient Natural Resources Management and Enhancing Sustainable Livelihood in the South-Eastern Escarpments and Adjacent Coastal Areas of Eritrea (FSP) 2023 20306,678,226$