Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
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Classifications and Metadata Standards
Methodological standards
 Exports: This covers all movements out of the country of fish and fishery products. Data on exports include fish caught by domestic fishing vessels and landed directly in foreign ports.  More
 Stock variations: This category refers to changes in stocks occurring at all levels between the production and the retail levels. It covers changes in government stocks, in stocks with manufacturers, importers, exporters, other wholesale and retail merchants, transport and storage... More
 Total food supply: There are various ways of defining supply and, in fact, various concepts are in use. The elements involved are production, imports, exports and changes in stocks (increases or decreases). There is no doubt that production, imports and... More
 Population: Refers to the present-in-area de facto population, i.e. includes all persons physically present within the geographical boundaries of countries. In general, the population data used are three-year averages of the mid-year estimates published for each country by the Population... More
 Per capita supply: Data under this category indicate the per capita food fish supplies available for human consumption during a given reference period. It is derived by dividing total food supply by the population. More
 At present there is no comprehensive data collection at the international level of integrated environmental and economic data for fisheries. The issue, however, is getting increasing attendance and therefore the Handbook includes a short reference to this topic. The UN... More
 With the ever-growing amount of control being exercised in many fisheries, the provision of statistical information has become increasingly used or contemplated as a mandatory requirement for the granting of licenses or permits to fish. Even where no licensing system... More
 The requirement for the use of logbooks is usually dependent on the size of the vessel and the fishery sector. For example, the European Union requires that all commercial fishing vessels over 10 meters in length should use logbooks, except... More
 Vessel transmitted information Vessel transmitted information (VTI) includes the reporting of catch, effort and entry and exit notifications, and may be supplemented by data from a vessel monitoring system (VMS) or an automatic identification system (AIS) which are submitted by... More
 Recognizing the need for areal breakdown, the CWP has suggested that a graticule-based system could be used throughout the globe and has recommended that the quadrangles (also called rectangles or squares) be coded and identified according to the following standard... More
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