Passerelle sur la production laitière et les produits laitiers


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SDCP IFAD Kenya Dairy On farm clean milk production
This video is describing the activities of the Smalholder Dairy Commercialization Project.
This video is describing the activities of the Smalholder Dairy Commercialization Project.
Video highlights activities of smallholder dairy commercialization programme (an IFAD funded project in Kenya) towards increasing the income of the rural poor in kenya who depend substantially on production and...
Video highlights activities of smallholder dairy commercialization programme (an IFAD funded project in Kenya) towards increasing the income of the rural poor in kenya who depend substantially on production and...
USAID Kenya, in partnership with Land o' Lakes, is working to strengthen the resilience of Kenya's rural farming families by helping them produce, manage and store fodder to ensure milk...
Central Kenya Dairy, a dairy association in Kenya whose experience describes the set-up of partnerships in order to improve the dairy production quality
Les chèvres mangent presque de tout. Mais quand elles sont attachées ou en enclos, elles nécessitent beaucoup d’eau et un aliment équilibré en suffisance. En leur donnant du fourrage chaque...
As foreign troops prepare to leave Afghanistan, a unexpected kind of peace-building is taking place in rural villages in the Behsud district of Nangahar Province near the Pakistan border. Here,...
More than six countries from the Southeast Asia Region came together in Bangkok on 1 June 2013 to celebrate World Milk...
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