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Instructions for Users

Two versions of the Bycatch Database, collected by National Resources Consultants, Inc., are presented in one MS-DOS diskette together with a text file (README.TXT) containing this note. The BYCDATAA file includes the complete database with the records organized in 23 fields. The BYCDATAB file is a summary of the complete database, it includes only a part of the records and 10 fields. The databases are in the Excel format (.XLS) but can also be imported in other software.

1. Description of Complete Bycatch Database (BYCDATAA.XLS)

Column A:Count (serial number)
Column B:Period
Column C:FAO Fishing Region1
Column D:Area of fishing2
Column E:Fishing Nation
Column F:Fishing gear
Column G:Target species code
Column H:Discard species code
Column I:Discard in numbers
Column J:Discard in weight (mt)
Column K:Retained target species in numbers
Column L:Retained target species in weight (mt)
Column M:Discard number per target number
Column N:Discard number per target weight (mt)
Column O:Discard weight (mt) per target weight (mt)
Column P:Summed discard number per target number
Column Q:Summed discard number per target weight (mt)
Column R:Summed discard weight (mt) per target weight (mt)
Column S:Nontarget catch category
Column T:Retained total per target
Column U:Source reference number
Column V:Report category
Column W:Notes
2. Description of the Summary Bycatch Database (BYCDATAB.XLS) 
Column A:Species Name
Column B:ICCSAAP Code
Column C:FAO Fishing Region
Column D:1988–1990 average harvest total for species/area (mt)
Column E:Minimum discard ratio
Column F:Mean discard ratio
Column G:Maximum discard ratio
Column H:Minimum discard weight
Column I:Mean discard weight
Column J:Maximum discard weight

1 See next page for FAO Fishing Region codes.

2For t he codes of column 4 to 8, see page 12 of the text.

3. Discard Assessment Methodology

If minimum and maximum discard ratios are available, mean discard weights are derived from the average of the minimum and maximum discard weight. If minimum and maximum discard ratios are not available, mean discard weights are derived by multiplying mean discard ratio by harvest weight. In BYCDATAB, ratios in italics are best estimates of discard ratios. Values in bold in Mean Discard Ratio column apply to unidentified (Other) species in each ICCSAAP code and are intended to provide an indication of the level of discarding associated with the subject species group.3 The ratios are the simple averages of observed minimum and maximum values for the same ICCSAAP code. For example, the mean value for ICCSAAP 34 is 0.2948. This was derived from the simple average of 0.022, 0.022, 0.33, and 0.805. The value 0.022 is used twice to account for its application as the minimum and maximum value for horse mackerel in the estimation process. Even though 0.022 was used as the estimate of horse mackerel discard ratios in several FAO regions, it is not used more than twice to derive the unspecified species mean. To use it more than twice would over—emphasize the importance of horse mackerel in the mean estimate, an estimate that is intended to be an index of all ICCSAAP 24 species other than those specified by name.


CodeFishing area nameCodeFishing area name
01Africa - Inland waters41Atlantic, Southwest
02America, North - Inland waters47Atlantic, Southeast
03America, South - Inland waters51Indian Ocean, Western
04Asia - Inland waters57Indian Ocean, Eastern
05Europe - Inland waters61Pacific, Northwest
06Oceania - Inland waters67Pacific, Northeast
07Former USSR - Inland waters71Pacific, Western Central
18Arctic Sea77Pacific, Eastern Central
21Atlantic, Northwest81Pacific, Southwest
27Atlantic, Northeast87Pacific, Southeast
31Atlantic, Western Central48Atlantic, Antarctic
34Atlantic, Eastern Central58Indian Ocean, Antarctic
37Mediterranean and Black Sea88Pacific, Antartic

3 When BYCDATAB.XLS is imported in other software different from Excel, the italics and boldattribute can be lost.


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