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1Animal breeding: selected article from the World Animal Review, 1977(C E F S)
2Eradication of hog cholera and African swine fever, 1976 (E F S)
3Insecticides and application equipment for tsetse control, 1977 (E F)
4New feed resources, 1977 (E/F/S)
5Bibliography of the criollo cattle of the Americas, 1977 (E/S)
6Mediterranean cattle and sheep in crossbreeding, 1977 (EF)
7 The environmental impact of tsetse control operations, 1977 (E F)
7 Rev. 1The environmental impact of tsetse control operations, 1980 (E F)
8Declining breeds of Mediterranean sheep, 1978 (E F)
9Slaughterhouse and slaughterslab design and construction, 1978 (EFS)
10Treating straw for animal feeding, 1978 (CEFS)
11Packaging, storage and distribution of processed milk, 1978 (E)
12Ruminant nutrition: selected articles from the World Animal Review, 1978 (CEFS)
13Buffalo reproduction and artificial insemination, 1979(E*)
14The African trypanosomiases, 1979 (EF)
15Establishment of dairy training centres, 1979 (E)
16Open yard housing for young cattle, 1981 (ArEFS)
17Prolific tropical sheep, 1980 (EFS)
18Feed from animal wastes: state of knowledge, 1980 (C E)
19East Coast fever and related tick-borne diseases, 1980 (E)
20/1Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa - Vol. 1. General study, 1980 (EF)
20/2Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa - Vol. 2. Country studies, 1980 (EF)
20/3Le bétail trypanotolérant en Afrique occidentale et centrale - Vol. 3. Bilan d'une décennie, 1988 (F)
21Guideline for dairy accounting, 1980 (E)
22Recursos genéticos animales en América Latina, 1981 (S)
23Disease control in semen and embryos, 1981 (CEFS)
24Animal genetic resources - conservation and management, 1981 (CE)
25Reproductive efficiency in cattle, 1982 (CEFS)
26Camels and camel milk, 1982 (E)
27Deer farming, 1982 (E)
28Feed from animal wastes: feeding manual, 1982 (C E)
29Echinococcosis/hydatidosis surveillance, prevention and control: FAO/UNEP/WHO guidelines, 1982 (E)
30Sheep and goat breeds of India, 1982 (E)
31Hormones in animal production, 1982 (E)
32Crop residues and agro-industrial by-products in animal feeding, 1982 (E/F)
33Haemorrhagic septicaemia, 1982 (EF)
34Breeding plans for ruminant livestock in the tropics, 1982 (E FS)
35Off-tastes in raw and reconstituted milk, 1983 (Ar EFS)
36Ticks and tick-borne diseases: selected articles from the World Animal Review, 1983 (EFS)
37African animal trypanosomiasis: selected articles from the World Animal Review, 1983 (EF)
38Diagnosis and vaccination for the control of brucellosis in the Near East, 1982 (ArE)
39Solar energy in small-scale milk collection and processing, 1983 (EF)
40Intensive sheep production in the Near East, 1983 (Ar E)
41Integrating crops and livestock in West Africa, 1983 (E F)
42Animal energy in agriculture in Africa and Asia, 1984 (E/FS)
43Olive by-products for animal feed, 1985 (ArEFS)
44/1Animal genetic resources conservation by management, data banks and training, 1984 (E)
44/2Animal genetic resources: cryogenic storage of germplasm and molecular engineering, 1984 (E)
45Maintenance systems for the dairy plant, 1984 (E)
46Livestock breeds of China, 1984 (EFS)
47Réfrigération du lait à la ferme et organisation des transports, 1985 (F)
48La fromagerie et les variétés de fromages du bassin méditerranéen, 1985 (F)
49Manual for the slaughter of small ruminants in developing countries, 1985 (E)
50Better utilization of crop residues and by-products in animal feeding: research guidelines - 1. State of knowledge, 1985 (E)
50/2Better utilization of crop residues and by-products in animal feeding: research guidelines - 2. A practical manual for research workers, 1986 (E)
51Dried salted meats: charque and carne-de-sol, 1985 (E)
52Small-scale sausage production, 1985 (E)
53Slaughterhouse cleaning and sanitation, 1985 (E)
54Small ruminants in the Near East - Vol. I. Selected papers presented for the Expert Consultation on Small Ruminant Research and Development in the Near East (Tunis, 1985), 1987 (E)
55Small ruminants in the Near East - Vol. II. Selected articles from World Animal Review 1972–1986, 1987 (ArE)
56Sheep and goats in Pakistan, 1985 (E)
57The Awassi sheep with special reference to the improved dairy type, 1985(E)
58Small ruminant production in the developing countries, 1986 (E)
59/1Animal genetic resources data banks - 1. Computer systems study for regional data banks, 1986 (E)
59/2Animal genetic resources data banks - 2. Descriptor lists for cattle, buffalo, pigs, sheep and goats, 1986 (EFS)
59/3Animal genetic resources data banks - 3. Descriptor lists for poultry, 1986 (EFS)
60Sheep and goats in Turkey, 1986 (E)
61The Przewalski horse and restoration to its natural habitat in Mongolia, 1986 (E)
62Milk and dairy products: production and processing costs, 1988 (EFS)
63Proceedings of the FAO expert consultation on the substitution of imported concentrate feeds in animal production systems in developing countries, 1987 (CE)
64Poultry management and diseases in the Near East, 1987 (Ar)
65Animal genetic resources of the USSR, 1989 (E)
66Animal genetic resources - strategies for improved use and conservation, 1987 (E)
67/1Trypanotolerant cattle and livestock development in West and Central Africa - Vol. I, 1987 (E)
67/2Trypanotolerant cattle and livestock development in West and Central Africa - Vol. II, 1987 (E)
68Crossbreeding Bos indicus and Bos taurus for milk production in the tropics, 1987 (E)
69Village milk processing, 1988 (EFS)
70Sheep and goat meat production in the humid tropics of West Africa, 1989 (E/F)
71The development of village-based sheep production in West Africa, 1988 (ArEFS) (Published as Training manual for extension workers, M/S5840E)
72Sugarcane as feed, 1988 (E/S)
73Standard design for small-scale modular slaughterhouses, 1988 (E)
74Small ruminants in the Near East - Vol. III. North Africa, 1989 (E)
75The eradication of ticks, 1989 (E/S)
76Ex situ cryoconservation of genomes and genes of endangered cattle breeds by means of modern biotechnological methods, 1989 (E)
77Training manual for embryo transfer in cattle, 1991 (E)
78Milking, milk production hygiene and udder health, 1989 (E)
79Manual of simple methods of meat preservation, 1990 (E)
80Animal genetic resources - a global programme for sustainable development, 1990 (E)
81Veterinary diagnostic bacteriology - a manual of laboratory procedures of selected diseases of livestock, 1990 (EF)
82Reproduction in camels - a review, 1990 (E)
83Training manual on artificial insemination in sheep and goats, 1991(EF)
84Training manual for embryo transfer in water buffaloes, 1991 (E)
85The technology of traditional milk products in developing countries, 1990 (E)
86Feeding dairy cows in the tropics, 1991 (E)
87Manual for the production of anthrax and blackleg vaccines, 1991 (EF)
88Small ruminant production and the small ruminant genetic resource in tropical Africa, 1991 (E)
89Manual for the production of Marek's disease, Gumboro disease and inactivated Newcastle disease vaccines, 1991 (EF)
90Application of biotechnology to nutrition of animals in developing countries, 1991 (EF)
91Guidelines for slaughtering, meat cutting and further processing, 1991 (EF)
92Manual on meat cold store operation and management, 1991 (ES)
93Utilization of renewable energy sources and energy-saving technologies by small-scale milk plants and collection centres, 1992 (E)
94Proceedings of the FAO expert consultation on the genetic aspects of trypanotolerance, 1992 (E)
95Roots, tubers, plantains and bananas in animal feeding, 1992 (E)
96Distribution and impact of helminth diseases of livestock in developing countries, 1992 (E)
97Construction and operation of medium-sized abattoirs in developing countries, 1992 (E)
98Small-scale poultry processing, 1992 (ArE)
99In situ conservation of livestock and poultry, 1992 (E)
100Programme for the control of African animal trypanosomiasis and related development, 1992 (E)
101Genetic imrpovement of hair sheep in the tropics, 1992 (E)
102Legume trees and other fodder trees as protein sources for livestock, 1992 (E)
103Improving sheep reproduction in the Near East, 1992 (Ar)
104The management of global animal genetic resources, 1992 (E)
105Sustainable livestock production in the mountain agro-ecosystem of Nepal, 1992 (E)
106Sustainable animal production from small farm systems in South-East Asia, 1993 (E)
107Strategies for sustainable animal agriculture in developing countries, 1993 (E)
108Evaluation of breeds and crosses of domestic animals, 1993 (E)
109Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, 1993 (ArE)
110L'amélioration génétique des bovins en Afrique de l'Ouest, 1993 (F)
111L'utilización sostenible de hembras F1 en la producción del ganado lechero tropical, 1993 (S)
112Physiologie de la reproduction des bovins trypanotolérants, 1993 (F)
113La technologie des fromages au lait de dromadaire (Camelus dromedarius), 1993 (F)
114Food losses due to non-infectious and production diseases in developing countries, 1993 (E)
115Manuel de formation pratique pour la transplantation embryonnaire chez la brebis et la chèvre, 1993 (FS)
116Quality control of veterinary vaccines in developing countries, 1993 (E)
117L'hygiène dans l'industrie alimentaire, 1993 - Les produits et l'aplication de l'hygiène, 1993 (F)
118Quality control testing of rinderpest cell culture vaccine, 1994 (E)
119Manual on meat inspection for developing countries, 1994 (E)
120Manual para la instalación del pequeño matadero modular de la FAO, 1994 (S)
121A systematic approach to tsetse and trypanosomiasis control, 1994 (E/F)
122El capibara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) - Estado actual de su producción), 1994 (S)
123Procesamiento de subproductos animales comestibles, 1995 (S)
124L'approvisionnement des villes africaines en lait et produits laitiers, 1995 (F)
125Veterinary education, 1995 (E)
126Tropical animal feeding - A manual for research workers, 1995 (E)

Availability: November 1995
Ar - Arabic
C - Chinese
E - English
F - French
P - Portuguese
S - Spanish
Multi - Multilingual
* - Out of print
** - In preparation

The FAO Technical Papers are available through the authorized FAO Sales Agents or directly from Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.


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