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3. Regional Cooperation (Article 10.3)

"States with neighbouring coastal areas should cooperate with one another to facilitate the sustainable use of coastal resources and the conservation of the environment." (Article 10.3.1).

"In the case of activities that may have an adverse transboundary environmental effect on coastal areas, States should:

a) provide timely information and, if possible, prior notification to potentially affected States;
b) consult with those States as early as possible." (Article 10.3.2)
"States should cooperate at the subregional and regional level in order to improve coastal area management. "(Article 10.3.3)

67. Some fisheries stocks are shared, or transitory, or spend part of their life cycle in more than one jurisdiction. In such cases, developments in one State's coastal area might well have an impact on the fish stocks of a neighbouring State.

68. Environmental impacts, e.g., caused by pollution, coastal erosion, may be transmitted from one State to another by oceanic currents. Consultations with the State or States likely to be affected will assist in the most appropriate valuation of the proposed environmental changes.

69. Many coastal resources, including fisheries, have a strong regional character. Where appropriate, States should cooperate at a sub-regional or regional level in research programmes, and in the elaboration of mechanisms and protocols for the exchange of knowledge, experience and technical assistance in support of responsible development and management of coastal resources.

70. Another area for cooperation is the exchange of information. Where appropriate, States should provide in an accurate and timely manner, whatever relevant information they may possess. Such information relates to the fisheries themselves (biological characteristics of the resources, production by species, economic information) and to the impact on fish stocks of coastal developments, e.g., habitat and pollution effects.

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