Conducting a PRA Training and Modifying PRA Tools to Your Needs. An Example from a Participatory Household Food Security and Nutrition Project in Ethiopia.*)

Table of Contents

*) This online document is a modified version of the original joint back to office report of a technical backstopping mission to the preparatory phase of GCP/ETH/056/BEL. Project title: “Improving Household Food Security and Nutrition in Northern Shewa (Amhara region) and Southern zone (Tigray region), Ethiopia.”

prepared by

Ms. Sally Sontheimer, Gender and Natural Resource Management Officer (SDWW) Mr. Karel Callens, Household Food Security and Nutrition Consultant (ESNP) Mr. Bernd Seiffert, Participatory Approaches and Methods Officer (SDAR)

for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


Technical Backstopping to the Preparatory Phase of GCP/ETH/056/BEL

Reporting Officers:

· Ms. Sally Sontheimer,
Gender and Natural Resource Management Officer, SDWW

· Mr. Karel Callens,
Household Food Security and Nutrition Consultant, ESNP

· Mr. Bernd Seiffert,
Participatory Approaches and Methods Officer (APO), SDAR




GCP/ETH/056/BEL - Preparatory Phase


Mr. Karel Callens and Mr. Bernd Seiffert: 7-22 October 1999
Ms. Sally Sontheimer: 9-20 October 1999


The Reporting Officers were part of a team of HQ Staff and Consultants assigned to carry out the initial training and organisation of a thematic participatory appraisal (PRA). The PRA was focused on identifying the causes of and opportunities for addressing nutrition and household food security problems in the project areas. The team assisted in the organisation and facilitation of two workshops and in the design of the field appraisal. The first workshop was an orientation for National Consultants working on the project held in Addis Ababa, from 8 to 13 October 1999. The second was a PRA training workshop for the field teams held in Mekelle from 14 to 21 October 1999. The specific role of the Reporting Officers was to provide technical support, in collaboration with the Team Leader, to the National Consultants, to help facilitate relevant sessions of the workshops and assist in the design of the thematic PRA.

The Reporting Officers appreciated the good co-operation and excellent teamwork within the whole group. Thus we would like to thank the members of the national team of consultants, the international Team Leader, Mr. Hermann Pfeiffer, the National Team Leader, Ato Mekonnen and Mark Wijne, APO-Nutritionist at the FAO Representatives Office.

The purpose of this report is to explain how various issues related to nutrition, food security, gender, community participation and local knowledge were dealt with during the training workshops and how these issues were taken into account in the design of the field assessment.

Itinerary and Activities:



1. Arrival in Addis Ababa

Thursday, 7 October (Callens & Seiffert)
Saturday, 9 October (Sontheimer)

2. Participation/Facilitation - Orientation Workshop with National Consultants in Addis Ababa

8-13 October (Callens & Seiffert)
9-13 October (Sontheimer)

3. Departure for Mekelle

14 October

4. Participation/Facilitation - PRA Training Workshop

14-19 October

5. Meetings with NGOs, bilateral and multilateral agencies in Addis Ababa

20-22 October (Callens & Seiffert)

6. Departure for Rome

22 October (Callens & Seiffert)
20 October (Sontheimer)

This electronic document has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software and careful manual recorrection. Even if the quality of digitalisation is high, the FAO declines all responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the present document and its original printed version.

Table of Contents

1. The Orientation and Training Process

1.1. Orientation with National Consultants in Addis Ababa
1.2. Training of the Field Teams in Mekelle

2. The Development and Design of the Field Appraisal

2.1 Outlining the Objectives of the Appraisal
2.2 Defining the Scope of the Appraisal
2.3 Focus of the Appraisal
2.4 Appraising the Development Context and Livelihood Analysis
2.5. Preparing for Conducting the Thematic PRA

3. Outlining the Community Action Planning Process

4. SWOT Analysis of the Preparatory Phase

5. Recommendations based on the SWOT Analysis of the Preparatory Phase

6. PRA Tool Box

6.1. Brief Introduction to PRA.
6.2. Modified PRA Tools

6.2.1. Resource Map
6.2.2. Social Map
6.2.3. Wealth Ranking Objectives:
6.2.4. Local Perceptions of Malnutrition Mapping Objectives:
6.2.5. Venn Diagram on Institutions
6.2.6. Resource Cards
6.2.7. Seasonal Calendar
6.2.8. Income and Expenditure Matrix
6.2.9. Daily Activity Clocks
6.2.10. Focus group discussion: Constraints and Opportunities to achieving Nutrition and Household Food Security
6.2.11. Semi Structured Interview: Household Case Study
6.2.12. Community Workshop
6.2.13. Daily Evaluation and Planning Meeting

6.3. Documentation Sheets for the Modified PRA tools

6.3.1 Documentation Sheet Resource Map
6.3.2. Documentation Sheet Social Map
6.3.3. Documentation Sheet Wealth Ranking
6.3.4. Documentation Sheet Local Perceptions of Malnutrition Mapping
6.3.5 Documentation Sheet Venn Diagram on Institutions
6.3.6. Documentation Sheet Resource Cards
6.3.7. Documentation Sheet Seasonal Calendar
6.3.8. Documentation Sheet Income and Expenditure Matrix
6.3.9. Documentation Sheet Daily Activity Clocks
6.3.10. Documentation Sheet Focus Group Discussion on Constraints and Opportunities to achieving Nutrition and Household Food Security
6.3.11. Documentation Sheet for Household Case Study - Semi Structured Interviews
6.3.12. Documentation Sheet Community Workshop