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Sincere gratitude is expressed to the Government of Zimbabwe for hosting the Consultation and to the Honourable Minister of Mines, Environment and Tourism, Mr. Simon Khaya Moyo, for his opening speech.

The technical papers contributed by the resource persons, the country background papers contributed by the country specialists, the active participation of the resource persons, country specialists, representatives of multilateral and bilateral organizations, government institutions, universities and non governmental organizations are gratefully acknowledged.

The encouragement and support of Ms. Victoria Sekitoleko, Subregional Representative, and staff of the FAO Subregional Office for Southern and East Africa (SAFR) in Harare, Zimbabwe, and the continuing support of Mr. Hans Wolter, Chief, Water Resources, Development and Management Service (AGLW) at FAO Headquarters in Rome, are greatly appreciated.

Special thanks are due to Mr. Parviz Koohafkan, Chief, Soil Resources, Conservation and Management Service (AGLS) at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Mr. Moïse Sonou, Senior Water Development Officer at the FAO Regional Office for Africa (RAFR) in Accra, Mr. Thierry Facon, Technical Officer at FAO-AGLW in Rome, Ms. Karen Frenken and Mr. Andreas Savva, Water Resources Management Officers at FAO-SAFR in Harare, for their contributions to the overall planning and coordination of the Consultation as well as their technical and organizational support to the Consultation, and finally to Ms. Rachel Manyanga for her secretarial support during the Consultation.

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