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1. It has long been agreed that legislation covering environmental protection in Botswana is adequate. However, this legislation falls under different ministries and authorities and this causes a lot of conflicts and overlaps. In that regard UNEP long recommended the collation, streamlining and updating of environmental legislation. This recommendation is hereby reiterated.

2. There is a need to strengthen the institutional capabilities of agencies that deal with forest resources. Most of them are low key institutions whose capabilities are currently over stretched. The government should actively give this aspect due attention by elevating the status of most of these institutions.

3. There has been very little research carried out on management of natural woodlands. Research is seriously needed to provide guidelines for the management of forest resources in the country. The Ministry of Agriculture should seriously consider implementing the National Forestry Research Action Plan of 1992.

4. There seems to be very minimal inter-departmental consultation and collaboration among and between government and NGOs on issues relating to conservation and management of forest resources. It is thereby recommended that inter-departmental collaboration should be promoted to enhance conservation and sustainable utilization of forest resources.

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