Urban Food Security and Food Marketing. A Challenge to City and Local Authorities

Table of Contents

Food Supply and Distribution to Cities
a component of FAO Special Programme for Food Security

Food into Cities Collection - DT/40-99E

Revised and adapted version for electronic distribution of the document:

Urban Food Security and Food Marketing.
A Challenge to City and Local Authorities

Food into Cities Collection, DT/40-99E

Document prepared by:

Olivio Argenti
Food Marketing Expert
Marketing and Rural Finance Service
Agricultural Support Systems Division
E-mail: [email protected]

© FAO, 1999

Table of Contents

To Mayors, City Managers and Urban Planners

Urban Food Security and the Future of Cities

City and Local Authorities and Food Supply and Distribution

Major Food Supply and Distribution Problems

Investing in a New Urban Market

Buying Food in Cities

What Mayors, City Managers and Urban Planners Need to do?

FAO’s Main Activities and Results in Food Supply and Distribution to Cities

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