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Sources of information

Baer, W. (1999). "North American Outlook for Wood Products - Imports and Exports". International Wood Products Association in ATIBT, Special issue No. 9, January-February 1999.

Blandon, P.R. (1999). "Japan and World Timber Markets". CABI Publishing.

Bourke, I.J. (1997). "Value-added Products and Trade Restrictions" In: report in ITTO vol. 7, No. 4.

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FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - various publications.

ITTO (1999). "Report on the Downturn in the International Tropical Timber Market." A study arising from decision 6(XXIV) of the International Tropical Timber Council. September 1999. Geoffrey Pleydell and Ivan Tomaselli.

ITTO (1999). "Report on the Impediments to Market Access for Tropical Timber". Report prepared by: Tan Sri Dato' Wong Kum Choon and Michael Ginnings.

ITTO (2000). Tropical Timber Market Report. 1-15 February.

ITTO. Annual Review and Assessment of the World Timber Situation. Various issues.

Jaakko Pöyry (1999). TRADA Technology and the BioComposites Centre. "Competitiveness of the European Woodworking Industries". Report prepared for the European Commission DGIII/C/5 and Confédération des Industries du Bios.

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TRADA (1995). "New Growth... New Competitiveness? The Timber Industry: A Strategic study for Increased Competitiveness. TRADA Technology, Hughenden Valley, Buckinghamshire, UK.

UCBD. "European Imports of Tropical Timber". Various issues. Union pour le commerce des bois durs dans l'UE. Galerie du Centre, Bloc I, 5o Etage, 1000 Bruxelles.

UN-ECE/FAO (1995). ETTS V Working Paper.

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