For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows:

Brox, J. , Planning and engineering data. 4. Containers for fish handling. FAO Fish.Circ., 1984 (773):53 p. .

A vehicle for distribution of short or ephemeral notes, lists, etc., including provisional versions of documents to be issued later in other series For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follows:


The comments made on the publication: Planning and Engineering Data 1. Fresh Fish Handling from experts in the field -especially those involved in handling of fresh fish, distribution, storage and marketing -raised the idea to publish a document treating exclusively the material for handling the fish-boxes and containers. It is well known that fish-handling and the means of transportation are, in many cases, the weakest points in marketing fresh fish, as well as in industrially processing it, especially in developing countries.

Although it looks as if the construction of a container for fish handling or a fish box is a simple work, there is not a single container on the world market which responds to the requirements for an ideal container or box for fish handling. On the contrary, there are many containers used for handling the fish, both in developing and developed countries, which are not suitable for this purpose because the main principles of handling the fish and constructing the containers were not taken into consideration.

This document is meant to help in planing fishing industry in general and handling, storing and distributing fish in particular. It is directed to the persons involved in planning the fishing industry at governmental level and also to those dealing with construction and manufacturing of containers and boxes and using them during routine work.

The document discusses handling of fish in general, problems, materials and standard requirements for construction of containers and fish boxes. Determination of quantity requirements for fish boxes is also discussed as well as economy. A special attention is paid to the fish boxes in developing countries.