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1Irrigation practice and water management, 1972 (Ar* E* F* S*)
1 Rev.1Irrigation practice and water management, 1984 (E)
2Irrigation canal lining, 1971 (New edition, 1977, available in E, F and S in the FAO Land and Water Development Series, No. 1)
3Design criteria for basin irrigation systems, 1971 (E*)
4Village irrigation programmes - a new approach in water economy, 1971 (E* F)
5Automated irrigation, 1971 (E* F* S*)
6Drainage of heavy soils, 1971 (E* F S*)
7Salinity seminar, Baghdad, 1971 (E* F)
8Water and the environment, 1971 (E* F* S*)
9Drainage materials, 1972 (E* F* S*)
10Integrated farm water management, 1971 (E* F* S*)
11Planning methodology seminar, Bucharest, 1972 (E* F*)
12Farm water management seminar, Manila, 1972 (E*)
13Water use seminar, Damascus, 1972 (E* F*)
14Trickle irrigation, 1973 (E* F* S*)
15Drainage machinery, 1973 (E* F*)
16Drainage of salty soils, 1973 (C* E* F* S*)
17Man's influence on the hydrological cycle, 1973 (E* F* S*)
18Groundwater seminar, Granada, 1973 (E* F S)
19Mathematical models in hydrology, 1973 (E)
20/1Water laws in Moslem countries - Vol. 1, 1973 (E* F)
20/2Water laws in Moslem countries - Vol. 2, 1978 (E F)
21Groundwater models, 1973 (E)
22Water for agriculture - index, 1973 (E/F/S*)
23Simulation methods in water development, 1974 (E F* S*)
24Crop water requirements, (rev.) 1977 (C* E F S)
25Effective rainfall, 1974 (C* E* F* S*)
26/1Small hydraulic structures - Vol. 1, 1975 (E F S)
26/2Small hydraulic structures - Vol. 2, 1975 (E F S)
27Agro-meteorological field stations, 1976 (E F* S*)
28Drainage testing, 1976 (E F S)
29Water quality for agriculture, 1976 (E* F* S*)
29 Rev.1Water quality for agriculture, 1985 (C** E F S)
30Self-help wells, 1977 (E)
31Groundwater pollution, 1979 (C* E S)
32Deterministic models in hydrology, 1979 (E)
33Yield response to water, 1979 (C* E F S)
34Corrosion and encrustation in water wells, 1980 (E)
35Mechanized sprinkler irrigation, 1982 (C E F S)
36Localized irrigation, 1980 (Ar C E F S)
37Arid zone hydrology, 1981 (C** E*)
38Drainage design factors, 1980 (Ar C E F S)
39Lysimeters, 1982 (C E F S)
40Organization, operation and maintenance of irrigation schemes, 1982 (C** E F S**)
41Environmental management for vector control in rice fields, 1984 (E F S)
42Consultation on irrigation in Africa, 1987 (E F)
43Water lifting devices, 1986 (E)
44Design and optimization of irrigation distribution networks, 1988 (E F**)
45Guidelines for designing and evaluating surface irrigation systems, 1989 (E)
46CROPWAT - a computer program for irrigation planning and management, 1992 (E F S)
47Wastewater treatment and use in agriculture, 1992 (E)
48The use of saline waters for crop production, 1993 (E)
49CLIMWAT for CROPWAT, 1993 (E)
50Le pompage éolien, 1994 (F)
Availability: December 1994

Ar - Arabic

C - Chinese

E - English

F - French

P - Portuguese

S - Spanish

Multil - Multilingual

* Out of print

** In preparation

The FAO Technical Papers are available through the authorized FAO Sales Agents or directly from Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.


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