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An indexed bibliography of papers on tagging of tunas and billfishes: Supplement 1

William H. Bayliff
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
8604 La Jolla Shores Drive
La Jolla, California 92037-1508 USA

This report is a supplement to the first indexed bibliography of papers on tagging of tunas and billfishes (Bayliff, 1993a), which was printed and distributed with financial assistance received from the FAO program, Cooperative Research on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries.


Anderson, R.C., and M.S. Adam. 1995. Tuna research component: final tagging report. Marine Research Section, Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture, Republic of Maldives. 31 p.

Anonymous. 1993a. New resolve in east coast tuna fishery. Austral. Fish. 52(5): 7-11.

Anonymous. 1993b. National report of France. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Rep. Biennial Period, 1992-1993, Part I: 348-352.

Anonymous. 1993c. The report of the data preparatory meeting for southwest Atlantic tuna and tuna-like fisheries. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 40(2): 1-90.

Anonymous. 1994a. Tuna tagging takes centre stage at forum. South. Fish. [Australia] 2(2): 7.

Anonymous. 1994b. Computer tuna tag becomes a reality. Austral. Fish. 53(9): 12-14.

Anonymous. 1994c. How the archival tag works. Austral. Fish. 53(9): 13.

Anonymous. 1994d. National report of France. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Rep. Biennial Period, 1992-1993, Part II: 363-1964.

* Bailey, K. 1988. Albacore tagging produces results. Catch (MAF, New Zealand) 15(12): 10-11.

Bailey, K. 1990. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Solomon Islands 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 2: 25 p.

Bailey, K. 1991a. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Papua New Guinea 3. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 7: 26 p.

Bailey, K. 1991b. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Solomon Islands 2. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 15: 26 p.

Bailey, K. 1992. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Nauru 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 19: 21 p.

Bailey, K., and B. Caillart. 1991. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Palau 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 6: 23 p.

Bailey, K., and D. Itano. 1991. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Palau 2. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 10: 25 p.

Bailey, K., and D. Itano. 1992a. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Wallis and Futuna 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 20: 22 p.

Bailey, K., and D. Itano. 1992b. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Tuvalu 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 21: 22 p.

Bailey, K., and D. Itano. 1993. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-New Caledonia 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 23: 32 p.

Bailey, K., and A.D. Lewis. 1990. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Philippines 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 4: 20 p.

Bailey, K., and P. Williams. 1991. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Papua New Guinea 4. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 11: 25 p.

Bailey, K., P. Williams and R. Price. 1993. A manual for the tagging database system of the Regional Tuna Tagging Project. South Pacif. Comm., Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, Tech. Rep. 30: viii, 49 p.

Baird, G.C. (ed.). 1994. MAF [New Zealand] Fisheries Marine Research Annual Report for 1992-93: 60 p.

Bard, F.X., and A. Hervé. 1994. Structure de stock de l'albacore (Thunnus albacares) Atlantique d'après les marquages comparés aux lieux de ponte. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 42(2): 204-208.

Bartoo, N., and T.J. Foreman. 1994. A review of the biology and fisheries for north Pacific albacore, Thunnus alalunga. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 2: Papers on biology and fisheries. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(2): 173-187.

Bayley, R.E., and E.D. Prince. 1994a. A review of tag release and recapture files for Istiophoridae from the Southeast Fisheries Center's Cooperative Game Fish Tagging Program, 1954 to present. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tuna 41: 527-548.

Bayley, R.E., and E.D. Prince. 1994b. Billfish tag-recapture rates in the western Atlantic and the ICCAT billfish tagging program. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 42(2): 362-368.

Bayliff, W.H. 1993a. An indexed bibliography of papers on tagging of tunas and billfishes. Inter-Amer. Trop. Tuna Comm. Spec. Rep. 8: 91 p.

Bayliff, W.H. 1993b. Growth and age composition of northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, caught in the eastern Pacific Ocean, as estimated from length-frequency data, with comments on trans-Pacific migrations. Inter-Amer. Trop. Tuna Comm. Bull. 20 (9): 501-540.

Bayliff, W.H. (ed.). 1993c. Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Ann. Rep. 1992: 315 p.

Bayliff, W.H. 1994a. Interactions among fisheries for northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, in the Pacific Ocean. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 1: Summary report and papers on interaction. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(1): 249-263.

Bayliff, W.H. 1994b. A review of the biology and fisheries for northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, in the Pacific Ocean. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 2: Papers on biology and fisheries. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(2): 244-295.

Bayliff, W.H. (ed.). 1994c. Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Ann. Rep. 1993: 316 p.

Bayliff, W.H. (ed.). 1995. Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, Ann. Rep. 1994: 296 p.

Bertignac, M. 1994. Analysis of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) tagging data in Maldives Islands using a spatial attrition model. Indo-Pacif. Tuna Develop. Manag. Prog. IPTP Coll. Vol. 8: 231-238.

Bertignac, M., P. Kleiber and A. Waheed. 1994. Analysis of Maldives Islands tuna tagging data with a spatially aggregated attrition model. Indo-Pacif. Tuna Develop. Manag. Prog. IPTP Coll. Vol. 8: 226-231.

Boggs, C.H. 1992. Depth, capture time, and hooked longevity of longline-caught pelagic fish: timing bites of fish with chips. U.S. Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv. Fish. Bull. 90(4): 642-658.

Brill, R.W., D.B. Holts, R.K.C. Chang, S. Sullivan, H. Dewar and F.G. Carey. 1993. Vertical and horizontal movements of striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) near the Hawaiian Islands, determined by ultrasonic telemetry, with simultaneous measurements of oceanic currents. Mar. Biol. 117(4): 567-574.

Brown, C.A. 1995. Preliminary examination of size and location data for U.S. tagged and recaptured swordfish. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 44(3): 217-224.

Caton, A.E. (ed.). 1994. Review of aspects of southern bluefin tuna biology, population, and fisheries. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 2: Papers on biology and fisheries. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(2): 296-343.

Caton, A., K. McLoughlin, T. Polacheck and P. Ward. 1993. Southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii. In: Kailola, P., M.J. Williams, P.C. Stewart, R.E. Reichelt, A. McNee and C. Grieve (eds.). Australian Fisheries Resources, Bureau of Resource Sciences, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, Australia: 362-365.

Cayré, P. 1991c. The behavior of yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) around FADs as determined by sonic tagging. In: Pietersz, V.L.C. (ed.). Symposium on Artificial Reefs and Fish Aggregating Devices as Tools for the Management and Enhancement of Marine Fishery Resources. FAO, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand: 41-60.

Cayré, P. and F. Marsac. 1993. Modelling the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) vertical distribution using sonic tagging results and local environmental parameters. Aquatic Living Resources 6(1): 1-14.

Cayré, P., and F. Marsac. 1994. Modelling the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) vertical distribution using sonic tagging results and local environmental parameters. Indo-Pacif. Tuna Develop. Manag. Prog. IPTP Coll. Vol. 8: 188.

Chapman, L.B., P.J. Ward and C.M. Ramirez. 1992. Is trolling for albacore tuna off south-eastern Australia commercially feasible? Australia Dept. Prim. Indus. Energy, Bur. Res. Sci., Working Pap.: 154 p.

Cort, J.L., and J.M. de la Serna. 1994. Revisión de los datos de marcado/recaptura de atún rojo (Thunnus thynnus, L.) en el Atlántico este y Mediterraneo. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 42 (1): 255-259.

Cort, J. L., and B. Liorzou. 1995. Revisión del marcado/recaptura de atún rojo en el Atlántico oriental y Mediterráneo. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 44(1): 293-304.

Dagorn, L., J.M. Stretta and M. Petit. 1995. Températures de surface de l'océan déplacements des thons: proposition d'un nouvel outil pour exploiter des données de marquage-recapture. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap., 44(3): 278-288.

Delgado de Molina, A., R. Delgado de Molina, J. Ariz and J.C. Santana. 1995. Nota sobre el marcado de listado en agues de las Islas Canarias durante 1994. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 44(2): 246-248.

Delgado de Molina, A., J.C. Santana, R. Delgado de Molina and J. Ariz. 1993. Resultados de experiencias de marcado realizadas sobre listados en aguas de las Islas Canarias. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 40(2): 198-200.

Deriso, R.B., R.G. Punsly and W.H. Bayliff. 1994. A Markov movement model of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean and some analyses for international management [abstract]. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 1: Summary report and papers on interaction. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(1): 137.

Diouf, T. 1995. Rapport d'activités sur les pêcheries d'istiophoridés au Sénégal (juin à octobre 1994). Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 44(3): 30-31.

Diplock, J.H. 1993. Tuna fisheries in the Federated States of Micronesia, 1979-90. Mar. Fish. Rev. 55(1): 1-9.

Ellway, C. 1994. Yellowfin tuna tagging proposal for the western Indian Ocean. Indo-Pacif. Tuna Develop. Manag. Prog., IPTP Coll. Vol. 8: 216-226.

Fonteneau, A. 1991a. Les thons et le droit international: les especes "haute-migratrices." 10a Semana das Pescas dos Açores: 299-319.

Fonteneau. A. 1991b. Monts sous-marine et thons dans l'Atlantique est. Aquatic Living Resources 4(1): 13-25.

Fonteneau, A. 1994. Structure de la population d'albacore de l'Atlantique: quelques considérations sur les migrations et la modélisation. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 42(2): 215-218.

Gascuel, D., A. Fonteneau and C. Capisano. 1992. Modélisation d'une croissance en deux stances chez l'albacore (Thunnus albacares) de l'Atlantique est. Aquatic Living Resources 5(3): 155-172.

General Sectorial Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture. 1993. National report of Venezuela. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Rep. Biennial Period, 1992-1993, Part 1: 373-375.

Gunn, J. 1994. 'Smart' archival tag comes up trumps for tuna. Austral. Fish. 53(11): 10-11.

Hampton, J. 1994. A review of tuna fishery-interaction issues in the western and central Pacific Ocean. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 1: Summary report and papers on interaction. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336 (1): 138-157.

Hampton, J., S. Jackson, R. Kearney, T. Lewis and R. Miller. 1993. Skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis. In: Kailola, P., M.J. Williams, P.C. Stewart, R.E. Reichelt, A. McNee and C. Grieve (eds.). Australian Fisheries Resources, Bureau of Resource Sciences, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, Australia: 347-349.

Hampton, J., T. Murray and K. Bailey. 1991. South Pacific albacore observer programme on troll vessels, 1989-1990. South Pacif. Comm., Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, Tech. Rep. 25: vii, 25 p.

Harrison, N. 1993. Sailfish fiesta sparks debate. West. Fish. [Australia], Spring 1993: 16-17.

Hearn, W.S., and A. Mazanov. 1994. Interactions among fisheries: tag-recapture methods for estimating the effect on catches of changing fishing intensity [abstract]. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 1: Summary report and papers on interaction. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(1): 92.

Hester, F. 1994. A reexamination of the stock structure hypothesis for Atlantic bluefin tuna. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 42(1): 250-254.

Holland, K., and R. Brill. 1991. Movements of tuna and marlin in Hawaiian waters. 10a Semana das Pescas dos Açores: 263-264.

Ianelli, J.N. 1993. Studies on the population structure of skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: xv, 215 p.

Itano, D.G. 1991a. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Philippines 2. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 9: 30 p.

Itano, D.G. 1991b. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Marshall Islands 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 13: 27 p.

Itano, D.G. 1992b. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Marshall Islands 2. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 17: 11 p.

Itano, D.G. 1992c. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Kiribati 2. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 18: 28 p.

Itano, D., and K. Bailey. 1990. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Papua New Guinea 2. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 3: 26 p.

Itano, D.G., and K. Bailey. 1991a. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Kiribati 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 14: 36 p.

Itano, D.G., and K. Bailey. 1991b. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Australia 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 16: 30 p.

Itano, D.G., and K. Bailey. 1992. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Australia 2. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 22: 20 p.

Itano, D.G., and A.D. Lewis. 1990. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Papua New Guinea 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 1: 26 p.

Itano, D., and L.J. Opnai. 1990. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-FSM 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 5: 29 p.

Itano, D., and L.J. Opnai. 1991. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Indonesia 1. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 8: 32 p.

Jones, J.B. 1991. Movements of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the South Pacific: evidence from parasites. Mar. Biol. 111(1): 1-9.

Kalish, S., and J. Kalish. 1993. Two bluefin traverse the Tasman. Austral. Fish. 52(6): 30.

Kearney, R.E. 1987. Skipjack tuna migration and interactions. U.S. Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFC-72: 4-13.

Kearney, R.E. 1991. Extremes in fish biology, population dynamics, and fisheries management: Pacific skipjack and southern bluefin tuna. Rev. Aquat. Sci. 4(2-3): 289-298.

Kleiber, P. 1994. Types of tuna fishery interaction in the Pacific Ocean and methods of assessing interaction. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 1: Summary report and papers on interaction. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(1): 61-73.

Kleiber, P., and A. Fonteneau. 1994. Assessment of skipjack fishery interaction in the eastern tropical Atlantic using tagging data. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 1: Summary report and papers on interaction. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(1): 94-107.

Kleiber, P., and J. Hampton. 1994. Modeling effects of FADs and islands on movement of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis): estimating parameters from tagging data. Canad. Jour. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51 (12): 2642-2653.

Klimley, A.P, E.D. Prince, R.W. Brill and K. Holland. 1994. Archival tags 1994: present and future. U.S. Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., NOAA Tech. Mem. NMFS-SEFSC-357: ii, 42 p.

Kothias, A., and F.X. Bard. 1993. National report of Côte d'Ivoire. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Rep. Biennial Period, 1992-1993, Part 1: 347.

Labelle, M.. 1993. A review of albacore tagging in the South Pacific. South Pacif. Comm., Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, Tech. Rep. 33: v, 17 p.

Labelle, M., J. Hampton, K. Bailey, T. Murray, D.A. Fournier and J.R. Sibert. 1993. Determination of age and growth of South Pacific albacore (Thunnus alalunga) using three methodologies. U.S. Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv. Fish. Bull. 91(4): 649-663.

Lee, D.W., and E.D. Prince. 1995. Analysis of otoliths and vertebrae from nine tag-recaptured Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). In: Secor, D.H., J.M. Dean and S.E. Campana (eds.). Recent Developments in Fish Otolith Research. Univ. South Carolina Press: 361-374.

Magnuson, J.J., B.A. Block, R.B. Deriso, J.R. Gold, W.S. Grant, T.J. Quinn, S.B. Saila, L. Shapiro and E.D. Stevens. 1994. An Assessment of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.: xviii, 148 p.

Majkowski, J., W.S. Hearn and R.L. Sandblad. 1994. A tag-release/recovery method for predicting the effect of changing the catch of one component of a fishery upon the remaining components [abstract]. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 1: Summary report and papers on interaction. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(1): 93.

McElroy, J.K. and J.C.B. Uktolseja. 1992. Skipjack pole-and-line operations in east Indonesia: a comparative analysis of catch performance. Mar. Policy 16(6): 451-462.

Miyabe, N. 1994. A review of the biology and fisheries for bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, in the Pacific Ocean. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 2: Papers on biology and fisheries. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(2): 207-243.

Mullen, A.J. 1989b. Aggregation of fish through variable diffusivity. U.S. Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv. Fish. Bull. 87(2): 353-362.

Murray, T. 1994. A review of the biology and fisheries for albacore, Thunnus alalunga, in the south Pacific Ocean. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 2: Papers on biology and fisheries. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(2): 188-206.

Naamin, N., and S. Bahar. 1994. Interaction in the yellowfin tuna fisheries of the eastern part of Indonesian waters. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 1: Summary report and papers on interaction. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(1): 199-212.

Opnai, L.J., K. Bailey and D.G. Itano. 1991. Regional Tuna Tagging Project Activity Report-Federated States of Micronesia 2. South Pacific Commission, Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, RTTP Activity Report 12: 28 p.

Ortiz de Zarate, V. and N. Cummings-Parrack. 1994. Preliminary analysis of albacare tag-return observations from surface fleets in north Atlantic. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 42(1): 391-394.

Ortiz de Zarate, V., N. Cummings-Parrack and C. Rodriguez-Cabello. 1994. New tag-recapture growth analysis for north Atlantic albacore data. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 42(1): 395-401.

Ortiz de Zarate, V., J. Gil and M. Quintans. 1993. Condiciones termicas observadas durante la campaña de marcado de atún blanco (Thunnus alalunga, Bonn. 1788) en 1991. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 40(2): 361-364.

Ortiz de Zárate, V., and C. Rodríguez-Cabello. 1993. Estimación del crecimiento de atún blanco del Atlantico nordeste a partir de las datos de marcado/recaptura. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 40(2): 365-374.

Polacheck, T. 1994. An overview of interaction issues among the fisheries for southern bluefin tuna. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 1: Summary report and papers on interaction. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(1): 264-298.

Porch, C.E., V.R. Restrepo, S.C. Turner and G.P. Scott. 1995. Virtual population analyses of Atlantic bluefin tuna incorporating movement and tagging data. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 44(1): 183-190.

Porter, J.M. 1993. National report of Canada. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Rep. Biennial Period, 1992-1993, Part 1: 341-346.

Porter, J.M. 1994. National report of Canada. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Rep. Biennial Period, 1992-1993, Part II: 354-359.

Porter, J.M., M. J.W. Stokesbury, C.A. Dickson and W.E. Hogans. 1994. A mark-recapture experiment on bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) from the Browns-Georges Banks region of the Canadian Atlantic: 1993 update. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 42(1): 150-153.

Prince, E.D. 1994. Progress of the ICCAT enhanced research program for billfish in the western Atlantic Ocean during 1993. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 42(2): 358-361.

Prince, E.D. 1995. Progress of the ICCAT enhanced research program for billfish in the western Atlantic Ocean during 1994. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 44(3): 6-8.

Prince, E.D., D.W. Lee, J.L. Cort, G.A. McFarlane and A. Wild. 1995. Age validation evidence for two tag-recaptured Atlantic albacore, Thunnus alalunga, based on dorsal, anal, and pectoral fin rays, vertebrae, and otoliths. In: Secor, D.H., J.M. Dean and S.E. Campana (eds.). Recent Developments in Fish Otolith Research. Univ. South Carolina Press: 375-396.

Punt, A.E., and D.S. Butterworth. 1995a. Use of tagging data within a VPA formalism to estimate migration rates of bluefin tuna across the north Atlantic. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 44(1): 166-182.

Punt, A.E., and D.S. Butterworth. 1995b. Updated assessments of North Atlantic bluefin tuna taking account of trans-Atlantic migration. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 44(2): 319-331.

Romanov, E.V., and R. de P. e Silva. 1994. Preliminary results of tuna tagging during Soviet-Mozambican tagging programme in the Indian Ocean. Indo-Pacif. Tuna Develop. Manag. Prog., IPTP Coll. Vol. 8: 239-241.

Ruais, R. 1993. Bluefin tuna politics and science: a bad mix for U.S. fishermen. Nat. Fisherman 74(6): 20-21, 76.

Sakagawa, G.T. 1994a. Report of the third meeting of the Western Pacific yellowfin tuna research group. Southwest Fisheries Science Center, U.S. Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., and Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, South Pacif. Comm.: v, 59 p.

Sakagawa, G.T. 1994b. Report of the fourth meeting of the Western Pacific yellowfin tuna research group. Southwest Fisheries Science Center, U.S. Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., and Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, South Pacif. Comm.: vi, 66 p.

Salvadó, C.A.M. 1993. Population field theory with applications to tag analysis and fishery modeling: the empirical Green function. Canad. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50(11): 2491-2512.

Salvadó, C.A.M. 1994. Discrete population field theory for tag analysis and fishery modeling. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 1: Summary report and papers on interaction. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(1): 122-136.

Saul, P., and J. Holdsworth. 1992. Cooperative gamefish tagging in New Zealand waters, 1975-1990. New Zealand Fish. Tech. Rep. 33: 24 p.

Scoles, D.R., and J.E. Graves. 1993. Genetic analysis of the population structure of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the Pacific Ocean. U.S. Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv. Fish. Bull. 91(4): 690-698.

de la Serna, J.M., and E. Alot. 1993a. Resultados de la campaña de marcado de pez espada (Xiphias gladius) realizada en el Mediterráneo en el año 1991. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 40(1): 113-115.

de la Serna, J.M., and E. Alot. 1993b. Resultados de la campaña de marcado de atún rojo (Thunnus thynnus) realizada en el Mediterráneo occidental en el año 1991. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 40(1): 116-118.

Sibert, J.R., and D.A. Fournier. 1994. Evaluation of advection-diffusion equations for estimation of movement patterns from tag recapture data. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 1: Summary report and papers on interaction. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(1): 108-121.

Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO). 1994. National report of Spain. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Rep. Biennial Period, 1992-1993, Part II: 384-386.

Speare, P. 1992. A technique for tetracycline injecting and tagging billfish. Bull. Mar. Sci. 51(2): 197-203.

Suzuki, Z. 1994a. A review of interaction between purse seine and longline on yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) in the western and central Pacific Ocean. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 1: Summary report and papers on interaction. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(1): 158-181.

Suzuki, Z. 1994b. A review of the biology and fisheries for yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the western and central Pacific Ocean. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 2: Papers on biology and fisheries. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(2): 108-137.

Taucher, C. 1987. DFG tackles marlin tagging project. Outdoor California 48(5): 17-18.

Turner, S.C., and J.E. Powers. 1995. Review of information related to Atlantic bluefin tuna east-west movement. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 44(1): 191-197.

Turner, S.C., and V.R. Restrepo. 1994. A review of the growth rate of west Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, estimated from marked and recaptured fish. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 42(1): 170-172.

U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service-Southeast Fisheries Science Center. 1994. National report of the United States. Inter. Comm. Cons. Atlan. Tunas, Rep. Biennial Period, 1992-1993, Part II: 387-359.

Waheed, A., and R.C. Anderson. 1994. The Maldivian tuna tagging programmes. Indo-Pacif. Tuna Develop. Manag. Prog., IPTP Coll. Vol. 8: 211-216.

Ward, P., A. Caton and J. Hampton. 1993. Bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus. In Kailola, P., M.J. Williams, P.C. Stewart, R.E. Reichelt, A. McNee and C. Grieve (eds.). Australian Fisheries Resources, Bureau of Resource Sciences, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, Australia: 366-369.

Ward, P., A. Caton, G. McPherson, J. Pepperell and T. Skousen. 1993. Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares. In: Kailola, P., M.J. Williams, P.C. Stewart, R.E. Reichelt, A. McNee and C. Grieve (eds.). Australian Fisheries Resources, Bureau of Resource Sciences, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, Australia: 358-361.

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Ward, R.D., N.G. Elliott, P.M. Grewe and A.J. Smolenski. 1994. Allozyme and mitochondrial DNA variation in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) from the Pacific Ocean. Mar. Biol. 118(4): 531-539.

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Wild, A. 1994. A review of the biology and fisheries for yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the eastern Pacific Ocean. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 2: Papers on biology and fisheries. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(2): 52-107.

Wild, A., and J. Hampton. 1994. A review of the biology and fisheries for skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, in the Pacific Ocean. In: Shomura, R.S., J. Majkowski and S. Langi (eds.). Interactions of Pacific tuna fisheries. Proceedings of the First FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries, 3-11 December 1991, Noumea, New Caledonia. Vol. 2: Papers on biology and fisheries. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 336(2): 1-51.

Wild, A., J.B. Wexler and T.J. Foreman. 1995. Extended studies of increment deposition rates in otoliths of yellowfin and skipjack tunas. Bull. Mar. Sci. 57(2): 555-562.

Williams, D., A. Caton, J. Pepperell and P. Ward. 1993. Striped marlin Tetrapturus audax. In Kailola, P., M.J. Williams, P.C. Stewart, R.E. Reichelt, A. McNee and C. Grieve (eds.). Australian Fisheries Resources, Bureau of Resource Sciences, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, Australia: 378-380.

(Note: * = not seen)


Kawakawa, Euthynnus affinis, Indian Ocean

Brief mention

Romanov and de P. e Silva, 1994

Skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, Atlantic Ocean


Kleiber and Fonteneau, 1994


Kleiber and Fonteneau, 1994


Delgado de Molina et al., 1993; Delagado de Molina et al., 1995; Fonteneau, 1991a; Fonteneau, 1991b; Kleiber and Fonteneau, 1994; Salvadó, 1993

Sonic or archival tagging

Fonteneau, 1991b

Skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, Indian Ocean


Anderson and Adam, 1995; Waheed and Anderson, 1994


Anderson and Adam, 1995; Bertignac, 1994


Anderson and Adam, 1995; Bertignac, 1994; Bertignac et al., 1994


Anderson and Adam, 1995; Bertignac, 1994; Waheed and Anderson, 1994

Shedding of tags

Anderson and Adam, 1995

Sonic or archival tagging

Cayré, 1991c

Skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, Pacific Ocean


Kearney, 1991


Ianelli, 1993; Kearney, 1987; Wild and Hampton, 1994; Wild et al., 1995


Diplock, 1993; Hampton, 1994; Kearney, 1987; Wild and Hampton, 1994


Kearney, 1987; Kearney, 1991; Wild and Hampton, 1994


Bailey, 1991a; Bailey, 1991b; Bailey, 1992; Bailey and Caillart, 1991; Bailey and Itano, 1991; Bailey and Itano, 1992b; Bailey and Itano, 1992b; Bailey and Itano, 1993; Bailey and Lewis, 1990; Bailey and Williams, 1991; Bayliff, 1993c; Bayliff, 1994c; Bayliff, 1995; Ianelli, 1993; Itano, 1991a; Itano and Bailey, 1991a; Itano and Bailey, 1992; Itano and Opnai, 1990; Itano and Opnai, 1991; Kearney, 1987; Kleiber and Hampton, 1994; McElroy and Uktolseja, 1992; Opnai et al., 1991; Watanabe et al., 1995; Wild and Hampton, 1994

Stock structure

Hampton et al., 1993; Ianelli, 1993; Wild and Hampton, 1994

Albacore, Thunnus alalunga, Atlantic Ocean


Ortiz de Zarate et al., 1994; Ortiz de Zárate and Rodríguez-Cabello, 1993; Prince et al., 1995


Anonymous, 1993b; Ortiz de Zarate and Cummings-Parrack, 1994; Prince et al., 1995

Albacore, Thunnus alalunga, Pacific Ocean


Bartoo and Foreman, 1994; Chapman et al., 1992; Labelle, 1993; Labelle et al., 1993; Murray, 1994


Bartoo and Foreman, 1994; Hampton, 1994


Bartoo and Foreman, 1994; Chapman et al., 1992; Jones, 1991; Labelle, 1993; Murray, 1994

Stock structure

Bartoo and Foreman, 1994

Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, Atlantic Ocean


Gascuel et al., 1992


Bard and Hervé, 1994; Fonteneau, 1991a; Fonteneau, 1991b; Fonteneau, 1994; Kothias and Bard, 1993

Stock structure

Bard and Hervé, 1994; Fonteneau, 1994

Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, Indian Ocean


Ellway, 1994; Waheed and Anderson, 1994


Ellway, 1994


Anderson and Adam, 1995; Cayré and Marsac, 1993; Cayré and Marsac, 1994; Waheed and Anderson, 1994


Romanov and de P. e Silva, 1994

Sonic or archival tagging

Cayré, 1991c; Cayré and Marsac, 1993; Cayré and Marsac, 1994

Stock structure

Ellway, 1994

Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, Pacific Ocean


Sakagawa, 1994a


Sakagawa, 1994b; Wild, 1994; Wild et al., 1995


Deriso et al., 1994; Hampton, 1994; Naamin and Bahar, 1994; Suzuki, 1994a; Wild, 1994


Sakagawa, 1994a; Wild, 1994


Bailey, 1991a; Bailey, 1991b; Bailey, 1992; Bailey and Caillart, 1991; Bailey and Itano, 1991; Bailey and Itano, 1992b; Bailey and Williams, 1991; Deriso et al., 1994; Holland and Brill, 1991; Itano, 1991a; Itano and Bailey, 1991a; Itano and Bailey, 1992; Itano and Opnai, 1990; Itano and Opnai, 1991; McElroy and Uktolseja, 1992; Mullen, 1989b; Naamin and Bahar, 1994; Opnai et al., 1991; Sakagawa, 1995b; Saul and Holdsworth, 1992; Suzuki, 1994b; Ward et al., 1992; Ward et al., 1993; Ward et al. 1994; Wild, 1994

Sonic or archival tagging

Holland and Brill, 1991

Stock structure

Anonymous, 1993a; Scoles and Graves, 1993; Ward et al., 1994

Southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii


Caton, 1994; Majkowski et al., 1994


Majkowski et al., 1994; Polacheck, 1994


Caton, 1994; Kearney, 1991; Majkowski et al., 1994


Caton, 1994; Gunn, 1994; Kalish and Kalish, 1993; Majkowski et al., 1994; Polacheck, 1994

Sonic or archival tagging

Anonymous, 1994b; Anonymous, 1994c; Gunn, 1994; Sakagawa, 1994a; Sakagawa, 1994b

Stock structure

Caton, 1994; Caton et al., 1993

Bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, Atlantic Ocean


Fonteneau, 1991a; Fonteneau, 1991b

Bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, Indian Ocean

Brief mention

Romanov and de P. e Silva, 1994

Bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, Pacific Ocean


Miyabe, 1994


Bailey, 1991a; Bailey, 1991b; Bailey and Itano, 1991; Bailey and Itano, 1992b; Bailey and Williams, 1991; Bayliff, 1993c; Bayliff, 1994c; Bayliff, 1995; Holland and Brill, 1991; Itano and Bailey, 1992; Itano and Opnai, 1990; Itano and Opnai, 1991; Miyabe, 1994; Opnai et al., 1991; Ward et al., 1992; Ward et al., 1993

Sonic or archival tagging

Holland and Brill, 1991

Northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, Atlantic Ocean


Porch et al., 1995; Porter et al., 1994; Punt and Butterworth, 1995b; Turner and Powers, 1995


Lee and Prince, 1995; Turner and Restrepo, 1994


Hester, 1994; Magnuson et al., 1994


Porch et al., 1995; Punt and Butterworth, 1995b; Turner and Powers, 1995


Cort and Liorzou, 1995; Cort and de la Serna, 1994; Hester, 1994; Magnuson et al., 1994; Porch et al., 1995; Porter, 1993; Porter et al., 1994; Punt and Butterworth, 1995b; Ruais, 1993; Turner and Powers, 1995

Shedding of tags

Magnuson et al., 1994

Stock structure

Hester, 1994; Magnuson et al., 1994

Northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, Pacific Ocean


Bayliff, 1994b


Bayliff, 1993c; Bayliff, 1994a; Bayliff, 1994b; Bayliff, 1994c; Bayliff, 1995


Bayliff, 1993b; Bayliff, 1993c; Bayliff, 1994a; Bayliff, 1994b; Bayliff, 1994c; Bayliff, 1995

Stock structure

Bayliff, 1993c; Bayliff, 1994b; Bayliff, 1994c; Bayliff, 1995

Longtail tuna, Thunnus tonggol, Pacific Ocean

Brief mention

Bailey and Lewis, 1990; Itano and Opnai, 1991

Atlantic sailfish, Istiophorus albicans


Bayley and Prince, 1994a

Indo-Pacific sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus, Indian Ocean


Harrison, 1993

Indo-Pacific sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus, Pacific Ocean

Brief mention

Speare, 1992

Black marlin, Makaira indica, Pacific Ocean


Speare, 1992

Indo-Pacific blue marlin, Makaira mazara, Pacific Ocean


Holland and Brill, 1991

Sonic or archival tagging

Holland and Brill, 1991

Atlantic blue marlin, Makaira nigricans


Bayley and Prince, 1994a; Kothias and Bard, 1993; U.S. Department of Commerce, 1994

White marlin, Tetrapturus albidus, Atlantic Ocean


Bayley and Prince, 1994a; U.S. Department of Commerce, 1994

Shortbill spearfish, Tetrapturus angustirostris, Pacific Ocean

Brief mention

Boggs, 1992; Saul and Holdsworth, 1992

Striped marlin, Tetrapturus audax, Pacific Ocean


Brill et al., 1993; Saul and Holdsworth, 1992; Taucher, 1987

Sonic or archival tagging

Brill et al., 1993; Taucher, 1987

Stock structure

Williams et al., 1993

Swordfish, Xiphias gladius, Atlantic Ocean


Brown, 1995


Brown, 1995

Swordfish, Xiphias gladius, Pacific Ocean


Taucher, 1987

Sonic or archival tagging

Taucher, 1987

Materials and methods

Conventional tags: Tagging and handling

Anderson and Adam, 1995; Bailey, 1990; Bailey, 1991a; Bailey, 1991b; Bailey, 1992; Bailey and Caillart, 1991; Bailey and Itano, 1991; Bailey and Itano, 1992a; Bailey and Itano, 1992b; Bailey and Itano, 1993; Bailey and Lewis, 1990; Bailey and Williams, 1991; Bailey et al., 1993; Itano, 1991a; Itano, 1991b; Itano, 1992b; Itano, 1992c; Itano and Bailey, 1990; Itano and Bailey, 1991a; Itano and Bailey, 1991b; Itano and Bailey, 1992; Itano and Lewis, 1990; Itano and Opnai, 1990; Itano and Opnai, 1991; Labelle, 1993; Labelle et al., 1993; Opnai et al., 1991; Romanov and de P. e Silva, 1994; Saul and Holdsworth, 1992; Speare, 1992; Waheed and Anderson, 1994

Conventional tags: Recovering the tags

Bayley and Prince, 1994b; Labelle, 1993; Majkowski et al., 1994; Romanov and de P. e Silva, 1994; Waheed and Anderson, 1994

Conventional tags: Handling the recapture data

Bailey et al., 1993

Sonic or archival tagging

Anonymous, 1994c; Klimley et al., 1994

Design of tagging experiments

Bailey, 1990


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