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Notes for all tables

Table XV. - State of exploitation, total production and nominal catches by selected species groups fished in the Southeast Pacific (FAO Statistical Area 87), in metric tonnes, years 1950-94

Catches ('000t)
Stock or species group Main fishing countries in 94 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-89 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 State of exploitation
South Pacific hake Peru,Chile 66 97 166 92 150 156 225 140 92 131 232 F-O
Patagonian grenadier Chile 0 0 1 74 212 227 128 165 214 83 81 F-O
Patagonian hake Chile 0 0 4 44 69 57 52 40 38 20 23 F-O
Other Cods,hakes,haddocks,.. 0 0 7 7 13 10 9 5 10 31 6
32-Cods,hakes,haddocks,... 66 97 179 216 443 451 414 350 354 264 343
Antarctic toothfishes nei Chile 0 0 0 3 4 7 9 11 27 21 21
Other Redfishes,basses,congers 27 38 55 83 104 92 78 45 40 39 51
33-Redfishes,basses,congers,.. 27 38 55 86 108 99 88 56 67 60 72
Chilean jack mackerel Chile,Peru,Ecuador 3 16 474 2292 3246 3655 3828 3954 3372 3348 4255 M-F
Other Jacks,mullets,sauries, 2 5 19 31 30 47 41 10 23 16 52 M
34-Jacks,mullets,sauries,... 6 21 494 2323 3276 3702 3869 3963 3394 3364 4307
South American pilchard Peru,Chile 0 3 807 4583 5383 4528 4254 4190 3042 1624 1793 (D),F-O
Araucanian herring Chile 14 58 81 47 30 164 299 584 452 244 341 F-O
Anchoveta(=Peruvian anchovy) Peru,Chile 345 8166 4605 2147 3613 5408 3772 4017 5489 8300 11897 (R),F-O
Pacific thread herring Ecuador 0 0 0 39 38 90 42 23 29 20 36 F
Other Herrings,sardines,anchov 12 11 21 45 36 38 47 44 107 111 70
35-Herrings,sardines,anchovies 371 8239 5514 6862 9100 10227 8412 8858 9118 10300 14138
Eastern Pacific bonito Peru,Chile 63 84 29 18 35 27 40 25 55 46 50 R-M
Yellowfin tuna Ecuador,Colombia,Venezuela 6 9 28 37 70 74 88 83 84 70 53
Bigeye tuna Japan,Ecuador,Korea Rep 0 3 7 12 7 11 24 16 12 10 9
Skipjack tuna Ecuador,Colombia,Venezuela 15 26 23 25 24 40 47 46 69 41 23
Other Tunas,bonitos,billfishes 3 4 5 8 10 12 28 26 20 11 18
36-Tunas,bonitos,billfishes,.. 87 126 92 100 145 164 228 195 240 178 153
Chub mackerel Ecuador,Chile,Peru 5 16 315 306 236 245 402 294 112 159 79 M
Other Mack.,snoeks,cutlassfish 9 9 3 2 7 3 5 4 1 0 1
37-Mack.,snoeks,cutlassfishes 14 26 318 309 244 248 408 297 113 160 79
Squids nei Japan,Korea Rep,Chile 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 48 55 120 150 M
Jumbo flying squid Peru 0 0 0 1 1 3 7 21 13 8 43 M
Other Squid,cuttlefish,octopus 0 1 0 3 6 7 11 4 5 5 6
57-Squid,cuttlefish,octopuses 0 1 1 6 7 10 21 72 73 132 199
Selected groups 571 8547 6652 9902 13323 14900 13440 13793 13359 14457 19291
Other groups 57 127 252 345 376 355 433 364 304 261 288
Total aquaculture 0 0 0 35 79 82 101 141 162 149 191
Total productions 628 8674 6904 10282 13778 15337 13974 14298 13825 14867 19770
Total marine capture 628 8674 6904 10247 13699 15255 13873 14157 13663 14718 19579