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4.12.Regional and International Collaboration

Given the magnitude of the problem associated with forestry and soil and water conservation and environmental issues which are directly related to the development and management of forest resources, it is recognised that one of the possible ways to tackle the problems of soil degradation, shortages of wood for fuel and / or construction and natural heritage and terrestrial biological diversity at an acceptable cost is to work in collaboration with regional and international organisations. Contacts must be made with organisations such as FAO, UNDP, DANIDA, FINNIDA, SIDA, ICRAF, UNESCO, CISRO AND NGOs to name but a few.

In addition to these experts, should participate in environmental related seminars and workshops that are held within or abroad.

4.13.Monitoring, Evaluation and Statistics

The government starts from a very weak information base in information, analysis and planning. It seeks to develop its capacities in areas so as to provide rural statistics analysis for use in planning and policy formulation.

Maintain agricultural information systems through regular censuses of production. Publish major results in a form suitable for use with producers and extensionists;

Maintain a list of development projects suitable for external funding and produce project reports for funding bodies;

Enhance the Early Warning and Food Information System;

Identify and promote areas of high growth potential attractive to investors to enhance national agriculture capacity(production, marketing and processing) so as to promote investment; and

Collect and update supporting documentation on current projects suitable for inclusion in project reports.



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