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ANNEX 3. List of Participants


Mr. M.A. Matin
Head of Administration
National Minor Irrigation Development Project
6/9, Block - F, Lalmatia
Satmasjid Road, Dhaka - 1207
Tel: (880-2) 811922
Fax: (880-2) 818167


Mr. Zhang Hansong
Irrigation and Drainage Division
Department of Rural Water Conservancy
Ministry of Water Resources
Baiguang Road, Beijing 100053
Tel: (86-10) 6320-2872
Fax: (86-10) 6326-0365


Mr. B.N. Navalawala
(Irrigation and Command Area Development)
Planning Commission, Government of India
Yojana Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi 110001
Tel: (91-11) 371-0273
Fax: (91-11) 371-7681


Ir. The Siew Keat
Director of Irrigation
Department of Irrigation and Drainage
Ministry of Agriculture
Jalan Sultan Salahuddin
50626 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: (60-3) 292-8912
Fax: (60-3) 291-4282


Mr. Muhammad Yasin
Senior Scientific Officer
Water Resources Research Institute
National Agricultural Research Centre
Park Road, Islamabad
Tel: (92-51) 240-148
Fax: (92-51) 240-909


Dr. Rodolfo Undan
National Irrigation Administration
2nd Floor, NIA Building, eDSA, Diliman,
Quezon City 1104
Tel: (63-2) 922-2795
Fax: (63-2) 926-2846


Mr. Ranjith Ratnayake
Water Resources Development
Ministry of Irrigation, Power and Energy
500, T.B. Jayah Mawatha
Colombo 10
Tel: (94-1) 684-822
Fax: (94-1) 688-771


Mr. Bong-Hoon Lee
Assistant Director
Rural Water Development Division
Rural development Bureau
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Government 2nd Complex, Kwacheon
Tel: (82-2) 500-2666
Fax: (82-2) 507-3964


Dr. Siripong Hungspreug
Director of Project Planning Division
Royal Irrigation Department
Samsen Road, Bangkok 10300
Tel: (66-2) 241-0068


Dr. V.V.N. Murty
School of Civil Engineering
Asian Institute of Technology
KM. 42 Paholyothin Highway, Klong Luang
Pathumthani, Thailand 12120
Tel: (66-2) 524-5794
Fax: (66-2) 524-6059

Mr. David Molden
Senior Water Management Officer
International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI)
P.O. Box 2075, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Mr. S. Bhuiyan
Senior Water Resources Engineer
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
Los Baños, Philippines

Mr. Albert Brolsma
NEWMASIP Co-manager
RID Region IV compound
P.O. Box 137
Khon Kaen 40000, Thailand
Tel: (66-43) 224800
Tel: (66-43) 224800

Mr. Herve Plusquelec
Senior Adviser
Water Policy Division
Agriculture Department,
The World Bank
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20433, USA
Tel: (1-202) 473-0348
Fax: (1-202) 334-8748

Mr. Charles Burt
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, California 93407, USA
Tel: (805) 756-2379
Mr. Yoshikazu Yoshida
Director/Chief Engineer
Tokyo Branch Office, KURIMOTO Ltd.
1-9, Shinbashi 4 chome, Minato-ku
Tokyo, 105 Japan
Tel: (81-3) 3436-8310
Fax: (81-3) 3436-8024


Economic and Social Commission for
Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

Mr. David Jezeph
Economic Affairs Officer
Water Resources Section
Environment and Natural Resources Management
The United Nations
Rajadamnern Avenue
Bangkok 10200, Thailand

Mekong River Commission (MRC)

Mr. Eli Gelber
Irrigation Engineer, Resources Development Division
Kasatsuk Bridge, Rama I Road
Bangkok 10300, Thailand
Tel: (66-2) 225-0029; Fax: (66-2) 225-2796


Mr. G. van Halsema

The World Bank
Mr. Randall Purcell
Executive Secretary
IPTRID/The World Bank
1818 H. Street NW
Washington DC 20433, USA


Mr. Zaengel Christian
Civil Engineer

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Mr. Koichi Yamazaki
Royal Irrigation Department (RID)
Tel: (66-2) 243-1044
Fax: (66-2) 243-1044
Mr. Kanezo Takeuchi
Department of Energy Development and Promotion (DEDP)
Tel: (66-2) 225-8919
Fax: (66-2) 226-1416

Mr. Kiyoshi Horii
Irrigation Engineering Center (IEC)
Royal Irrigation Department (RID)
Tel: (66-2) 243-1098
Fax: (66-2) 243-1317

Royal Irrigation Department (RID)

Mr. Chaiwat Prechawit
Deputy Director General
Royal Irrigation Department (RID)
Samsen Road, Bangkok 10300, Thailand
Tel: (66-2) 243-6919
Fax: (66-2) 243-6918

Mr. Vason Boonkird
Chief of Engineering Branch
Tel: (66-2) 241-3069
Fax: (66-2) 241-3347

Mr. Laaid Sainamkeow
Regional Irrigation Office 2

Mr. Samran Thammultree
Project Engineering
Regional Irrigation Office 4
Nongwai Irrigation project
Khon Kaen

Mr. Nibhon Kuanpermsin
Director of O&M Division

Mr. Tanit Japar
Regional Irrigation Office 1

Mr. Prapun Punyaroj
Chief of O&M Office
Regional Irrigation Office 3

Mr. Metha Hovarongkura
Senior Irrigation Engineer, O&M Branch
Regional Irrigation Office 5

Mr. Somchai Piyabavorn
Regional Irrigation Office 6
Nakorn Ratchasima

Mr. Panya Sachakamol
Regional Irrigation Office 9

Mr. Songyos Sirisuvanna
Chief of O&M Branch
Regional Irrigation Office 12

Mr. Teerachai Chonhenchob
Chief, Project Planning Division

Mr. Somikiate Tungchatuporn
Civil Engineer 7, Design Division

Mr. Kanchiang Kawsard
Irrigation Engineer

Mr. Akkapong Boonmash
Irrigation Engineer 6

Mr. Theerawat Tangpanich
Chief of O&M Branch
Regional Irrigation Office 8

Mr. Visit Sathiranavin
Chief Engineer, O&M Branch
Regional Irrigation Office 10

Mr. Somkiat Thampitak
Irrigation Engineer
Royal Irrigation Region II

Mr. Atthanan Lekuthai
Civil Engineer 5, Project Planning Division

Mr. Krairerk Inchayanunth
Civil Engineer 7, Design Division

Mr. Wichai Supasode


Mr. H.W. Wolter
Water Resources, Development and Management Service
Land and Water Development Division
FAO Headquarters
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla,
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel: (39-6) 570-54702
Fax: (39-6) 570-56275

Mr. Klaus Siegert
Technical Officer
Water Resources, Development and Management Service
Land and Water Development Division
FAO Headquarters, Rome

Mr. Thierry Facon
Technical Officer
Water Resources, Development and Management Service
Land and Water Development Division
FAO Headquarters, Rome

Mr. A.Z.M. Obaidullah Khan
Assistant Director-General and
Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO/RAP)
39, Maliwan Mansion, phra Atit Road
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Tel: (66-2) 281-7844
Fax: (66-2) 280-0445

Mr. Saiichi Oi
Regional Water Development and Management Officer
FAO/RAP, Bangkok

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