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Annex 12

Minutes of the follow-up meeting held on 11 March 2000 at the SLA Forum


Bailey, John, WFP
Baker, Doyle, FAO
Clark, Jane, DFID
Crowley, Eve, IFAD
Dey-Abbas, Jennie, FAO
Di Biase, Dominique FAO
Hines, Deborah, WFP
Hobley, Mary, DFID
Holden, Sarah, DFID
Huddleston, Barbara, FAO
Kelly, Tom, UK Permanent Representation to FAO
Matlon, Peter, UNDP
Rouse, John, FAO
Singh, Naresh, UNDP
Spearman, Dianne, WFP
Van de Sand, Klemens, IFAD
Warner, Katherine, FAO


1. -There was a strong consensus that the Forum had generated a better understanding of the underlying guiding principles of sustainable livelihoods approaches (SLAs), and the SL framework helped identify a number of gaps that could most effectively be tackled through collaborative partnerships among the participating agencies. There was a sense of urgency to proceed rapidly with the follow-up to build on the considerable momentum generated during the Forum.


2. -Several follow-up activities have already been initiated and will be completed by the end of April:


3. -Although recognizing that those present could not commit their agencies to specific actions without further internal consultation and reflection, consensus was reached on the desirability for collaborative action in the areas mentioned below. It was noted that these were initial proposals that would require further elaboration.

Building awareness of and support for SL principles and approaches at senior management level

4. -It was agreed that there was a need to promote cross-agency awareness-building and reinforcement of support for SL principles and approaches at different levels, particularly at senior levels (especially through dialogue in meetings, and through letters and presentations).

Action: FAO agreed that in April it would send the draft WRENmedia briefing paper for senior managers and a draft covering letter to the agency focal points for the Forum follow-up for comments/clearance, before dispatch to senior staff in these agencies.

Action: UNDP and DFID will take the lead in pursuing the idea of such a meeting with the other agencies.

Developing a more flexible programming framework and process to facilitate the formulation, implementation and monitoring of SLA-type programmes and projects.

5. -It was agreed that there was a need to sensitize agency staff responsible for drawing up the procedures governing the project cycle in order to introduce greater flexibility in the design, budgeting and monitoring process. This would inter alia focus on adapting traditional log-frame analysis to SL projects/programmes and using monitoring techniques for mid-term corrections/reorientations in project implementation. It was generally considered that the problem required urgent attention and that it could be addressed best through an inter-agency workshop with the objective of generating concrete proposals for changes in procedures.

Developing an inter-agency pilot project/programme to introduce SL approaches at a country level

6. -There was wide agreement to undertake, as soon as possible, some visible joint efforts to demonstrate effective ways of introducing SL approaches in a more integrated manner within countries. Ideally, this would be done by developing a joint project/programme, using the new programming framework suggested under item 5. However, in order to keep momentum, another practical approach would be to begin immediately to explore what might be done through a collaborative effort to introduce SLA into existing or planned programmes and projects of the five agencies that had participated in the Forum, in one or a few countries that would be interested in receiving such support.

Action: UNDP agreed to prepare a concept note on this issue and distribute it to agency focal points for comment by 31 March 2000.

Establishing an ad hoc inter-agency task force to develop culturally appropriate ways of applying SL concepts and approaches in various languages

7. -All the participants recognized the importance of adapting SL concepts, principles and approaches in French- and Spanish-speaking countries (and eventually in other countries/areas too) that used concepts and approaches that were based on similar principles and tools similar to SL. The concern that SL was a concept anchored in an English cultural context was voiced by a number of Forum participants who had met on this issue and made an excellent presentation on their preliminary findings at the closing session of the Forum. DFID is already working on this issue in connection with its ongoing work in transliterating its SL guidelines into French and Spanish. It was agreed that both CARE and FAO probably had a comparative advantage in taking this work further, starting with French, Spanish and Portuguese contexts.

Action: FAO agreed to discuss this issue with its Forum participants and also at the meeting of the IWG-PA in early April to identify interest among IWG-PA members in undertaking such a task (primarily using staff resources) within the framework of an ad hoc task group of the IWG-PA.

Including other partners in the planned IWG-PA activity on multistakeholder analysis of participatory methods and programmes for enhancing livelihoods

8.- -It was noted that FAO was planning to initiate, within the IWG-PA, a programme to develop a conceptual framework and a methodology for undertaking multistakeholder analysis, to test this methodology in a number of projects in countries representing different agro-ecological and socio-economic conditions, and to develop indicators for monitoring and assessing the costs and benefits of participation. It was proposed that this stakeholder analysis could focus on the contribution of participatory methods and programmes to improvements in people's livelihoods, providing insights into what changes in programmes and methods would most significantly affect livelihood outcomes.

Action: FAO will develop a set of proposals for further work on appraisal and evaluation of the use of participatory approaches for SL, and consult with the other agencies on their interest and opportunities for joint collaboration in this area.

Developing a joint agency training programme for professionals involved in SL

9. -It was agreed that this would be explored further. DFID shared an interest in thinking more about joint training opportunities.

Action: UNDP agreed to take the lead and contact focal points regarding possibilities of collaboration.

Developing a common roster of consultants with experience in SLA

10.- -It was agreed that the sharing of existing agency rosters was problematic largely because of the difficulty of ensuring quality control. It was agreed that for the time being, the best way would be to continue to share information on an informal basis, but that the issue of a common roster (particularly for consultants with experience training trainers) could be revisited.

Assignment of contact focal points in each participating agency for Forum follow-up

Contact focal points for each participating agency were identified:

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