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Adapted from C.C. Webster & Baulkwill, 1989.

There is no official international registration authority for Hevea cultivars, but cooperation between breeders and others in various countries has led to the general adoption of a system whereby a clone is designated by letters indicating its place of origin and a serial number assigned to it by workers at that place. Names of more than one word are abbreviated to the initial letters of each word in capitals without full-stop points between them, e.g. RRIM for Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia. Single word names are abbreviated by giving the initial capital letter only, by two letters if both are consonants, e.g. Ch for Chemara, or occasionally by three or more letters, e.g. Pil for Pilmoor. Some exceptions to these conventions are in use, either because they are long established, or to avoid confusion between similar names such as Tjiomas and Tjirandji. A space is left between the abbreviation of the name and the serial number. If the latter is prefixed or suffixed with a serial letter, this is run on with the number, e.g. Pil A44. Where a subdivision of a series is indicated by a number, this is shown by an oblique stroke, e.g. PB 5/63. The following list gives the names and abbreviations of the places of origin of the better known clone series.

AVROS Algemene Vereniging Rubberplanters Oostkust Sumatra

BD Bodjong Datar

Ch Cliemara

Ct Cultuurtuin

Ford Ford

FA Ford Acre

FB Ford Belem

FX Ford Cross

GI Glenshiel

GT Godang Tapen

GyT Goodyear T series

GyX Goodyear Cross

Har Harbel

HAPM Hollandsh Amerikaansche Plantage Maatschappij

IRCI Institut des Recherches sur le Caoutchouc en Indochine

IAN Instituto Agronomico do Norte

LCB Lands Caoutchouc Bedrijven Lun Lunderston

MDF Madre de Dios Firestone

MDX Madre de Dios Cross

MAP Malayan American Plantations

Nab Nabutemme

PPN Perusaha'an Perkebunan Negara

Pil Pilmoor

PB Prang Besar

PR Proefstation voor Rubber

RRIC Rubber Research Institute of Ceylon (Sri Lanka)

RRII Rubber Research Institute of India

RRIM Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia

TR Terres Rouges

Tjiomas Tjiomas

Tjir Tjirandji

WR Wanggo Redjo

Clonal seedling families

Most plantations of clonal seedlings are established with seed resulting from self or cross-pollination in isolated seed gardens which have been planted with clones of buddings selected for their ability to give high-yielding seedling families when crossed in all combinations. Seed collected from a mixture of clones in such a garden is designated by letters indicating the name of the garden, e.g. PBIG/GG 1 for Prang Besar Isolated Seed Garden, Gough Garden 1. Seed collected from budded trees of one clone in a polyclone planting is denoted by the abbreviation for that clone, e.g. PB 5/51 seed. Seed obtained from an isolated monoclone planting, i.e. resulting from selfing of, or crossing between, budded trees of one clone, is designated by the abbreviation appropriate to the clone, with the suffix M for monoclonal, e.g. PB 5/51 M seed. Such seed may be useful for raising rootstocks for budding.

List of Working Papers already released

APFSOS/WP/01 Regional Study - The South Pacific

APFSOS/WP/02 Pacific Rim Demand and Supply Situation, Trends and Prospects: Implications for Forest Products Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region

APFSOS/WP/03 The Implications of the GATT Uruguay Round and other Trade Arrangements for the Asia-Pacific Forest Products Trade

APFSOS/WP/04 Status, Trends and Future Scenarios for Forest Conservation including Protected Areas in the Asia-Pacific Region

APFSOS/WP/05 In-Depth Country Study - New Zealand

APFSOS/WP/06 In-Depth Country Study - Republic of Korea

APFSOS/WP/07 Country Report - Malaysia

APFSOS/WP/08 Country Report - Union of Myanmar

APFSOS/WP/09 Challenges and Opportunities: Policy options for the forestry sector in the Asia-Pacific Region

APFSOS/WP/10 Sources of Non-wood Fibre for Paper, Board and Panels Production: Status, Trends and Prospects for India

APFSOS/WP/11 Country Report - Pakistan

APFSOS/WP/12 Trends and Outlook for Forest Products Consumption, Production and Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region

APFSOS/WP/13 Country Report - Australia

APFSOS/WP/14 Country Report - China

APFSOS/WP/15 Japan - In-depth country study

APFSOS/WP/16 Country Report - Sri Lanka

APFSOS/WP/17 Forest Resources and Roundwood Supply in the Asia Pacific Countries: Situation and Outlook to Year 2010

APFSOS/WP/18 Country Report - Cambodia

APFSOS/WP/19 Wood Materials from Non-Forest Areas

APFSOS/WP/20 Forest Industry Structure and the Evolution of Trade Flows in the Asia-Pacific Region - Scenarios to 2010

APFSOS/WP/21 Decentralization and Devolution of Forest Management in Asia and the Pacific

APFSOS/WP/22 Commentary on Forest Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region (A Review for Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua-New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, And Western Samoa

APFSOS/WP/23 Asia Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook: Focus On Coconut Wood

APFSOS/WP/24 Ecotourism And Other Services Derived From Forests In The Asia-Pacific Region: Outlook To 2010

APFSOS/WP/25 Technology Scenarios in the Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector

APFSOS/WP/26 In-depth Country Report - India

APFSOS/WP/27 People and Forests: Situation and Prospects

APFSOS/WP/28 Non-Wood Forest Products Outlook Study for Asia and The Pacific: Towards 2010

APFSOS/WP/29 Opportunities for Forestry Investment in Asia and the Pacific Through Carbon Offset Initiatives

APFSOS/WP/30 Country Report - The Maldives

APFSOS/WP/31 Country Report - Vietnam

APFSOS/WP/32 Country Report - Nepal

APFSOS/WP/33 Country Report - The Philippines

APFSOS/WP/34 Regional Study on Wood Energy Today and Tomorrow in Asia

APFSOS/WP/35 The Status, Trends and Prospects for Non-Wood and Recycled Fibre Sources in China

APFSOS/WP/36 Outlook, Trends and Options with Special Reference to Legislation, Institutions and Capacity Building (A Review for Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Japan and Vietnam) (Draft)

APFSOS/WP/37 Perspectives of Environmental Civil Society Organizations on Forestry in the Asia-Pacific Region: Outlook To 2010

APFSOS/WP/38 Summary Of The Country Outlook: Lao PDR

APFSOS/WP/39 Forestry and Key Asian Watersheds (Issued by ICIMOD as ISBN 92 9115 760 0)

APFSOS/WP/40(a) FAO Outlook Study On Wood Based Panels Production, Consumption And Trade In The Asia Pacific Region 1996 to 2010

APFSOS/WP/40(b) FAO Outlook Study On Wood Based Panels Production, Consumption And Trade In The Asia Pacific Region - 1996 To 2010 - China Section Study On China's Wood-Based Panel Market Outlook For The Years 2000-2010

APFSOS/WP/41 Scenarios For Extra- And Inter-Sectoral Developments Of Forestry Outlook Study For Asia And The Pacific

APFSOS/WP/42 Country Report - Forestry Of Mongolia

APFSOS/WP/43 Asia-Pacific Forestry Statistics Compendium (Draft):

APFSOS/WP/44 Urban Forestry in the Asia-Pacific Region - Situation and Prospects

APFSOS/WP/45 Country report - Indonesia

APFSOS/WP/46 In-depth country report - Thailand

APFSOS/WP/47 Review of Economic and Social Developments in the Asia-Pacific Region with Projections to 2010

APFSOS/WP/48 Country Report - Bangladesh

APFSOS/WP/49 Review of Social and Economic Developments in the Asia-Pacific Region with Projections to 2010

APFSOS/WP/50 The Utilization, processing and demand for Rubberwood as a source of wood supply

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