Forestry Out-Grower Schemes: A Global View

Table of Contents

Based on the work of
Digby Race and Helen Desmond
Edited by D. J. Mead
March 2001

Forest Plantations Thematic Papers

Forestry Department
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Forest Resources Development Service
Forest Resources Division
Forestry Department

Working Paper FP/11
FAO, Rome (Italy)

Table of Contents


1. Introduction

2. Overview of experiences

2.1 Definition of out-grower schemes
2.2 Types of arrangements
2.3 Benefits of out-grower schemes
2.4 Issues influencing out-grower schemes

2.4.1 Competing land uses
2.4.2 Production methods
2.4.3 Access to financial loans
2.4.4 Competitive markets
2.4.5 Negotiating arrangements
2.4.6 Scope of partnership
2.4.7 Other issues

2.5 Success from out-grower schemes

2.5.1 Ingredients for success

3. Discussion: Towards an analytical framework

3.1 Key issues

3.1.1 Locally appropriate out-grower arrangements
3.1.2 Security of contributions and partnerships
3.1.3 Sharing production and market risks
3.1.4. Negotiation of arrangements
3.1.5 Awareness of realistic opportunities
3.1.6 Sustainable forest management
3.1.7 Community support

4. Conclusions



List of Working Papers on forest plantation: Thematic Paper Series