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SESSION 3a (contd.)


J. S. Dube
Matopos Research Station, P. Bag K5137, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe


In Zimbabwe there is a marked decline in the nutritive value of rangeland grass in the dry season (Plowes, 1957; Elliott and Fokkema, 1960; Sibanda, 1984). However, browse from indigenous trees contains a high concentration of nitrogen (N) and is available during this critical period (August to November) when ruminant livestock are in need of supplementary nourishment (Walker, 1980; Dube and Ndlovu, 1994).

Acacia karroo and Acacia nilotica thorn trees dominate rangeland in the Matopos area and most semi-arid parts of Africa (Barnes et al., 1996). The nutritive value of browse from these trees is complicated by the presence in the browse of anti-nutritive factors which interfere with the availability of nitrogen (N) to the animal.

Strategies are being developed at Matopos Research Station for the use of stored dried Acacia leaves as dry season supplements to rangeland grass.

Materials and methods

Experimental design

Mixtures of high and low condensed tannin (proanthocyanidin) feeds were fed to goats. The following mixtures were fed: (1) A. karroo (Ak) and Securinega virosa (Sv) and, (2) A. karroo and A. nilotica (An). The mixtures were fed according to the following scheme:

DietRatioAmount Browse (g)Amount Hay (g)
1 000

The same scheme was repeated with A. karroo and A. nilotica.

Animals and diets

Twenty-four castrated indigenous Matebele goats of nearly the same age and weight were housed individually in metabolism crates. They were allocated randomly to each of the browse mixtures and hay so that there were four animals to each diet. The design was a completely randomised design. The browse (air-dried in a well-ventilated room) was offered at 08.00 hours while hay was offered at 14.00 hours. The adaptation period to the diets and crates was 14 days. Faces and urine were collected in the next seven days, during which time intake of the diets was estimated.

Measurements and analyses

Food eaten was estimated daily from the amount offered minus the amount of food left in the feeding trough. Both food offered and refusals were weighed and their dry matter determined.

Collection of faeces and urine

The daily output of faeces for each animal was weighed and ten per cent of the weight was subsampled and stored at -20° C to await analysis. Ten per cent of the daily output of urine, preserved by collecting the urine into vessels containing 25 per cent (v/v) sulphuric acid, was stored at -20° C to await analysis.


All browse and faecal samples were dried at 55° C for 48 hours or until constant weight and then ground to pass a 1-mm screen. The browse and faecal samples were analysed for N, ash, neutral-detergent fibre (NDF), acid-detergent fibre (ADF), neutral-detergent insoluble N (NDIN) and acid-detergent insoluble N (ADIN). Browse samples were, in addition, analysed for total soluble phenolics (YbPPT) and soluble proanthocyanidins (solPAs). Urine was analysed for N only.

Statistical analysis

The data was analysed by Analysis of Variance using a SAS computer program (SAS Institute, 1986) which accounted for diet effect, i.e.,
where u=mean
          A=diet effect
Regression analysis was used to test if animal response to the diet was dose-dependent.


The chemical composition of the diets is shown in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1. Chemical composition of the diets in experiment 1

HayAcacia karrooSecurinega virosa

A550 - absorbance units of extract at 550 n
YbPPT - total acetone soluble phenolics precipitated by ytterbium metal

Table 2. Chemical composition of the diets in Experiment 2.

HayAcacia karrooAcacia nilotica


When S. virosa alone or A. karroo and S. virosa mixtures were offered to the goats there was an increase in total dry matter (DM) and browse DM intake (P<0.05) as compared to feeding A. karroo alone (Table 3). There was no change (P<0.05) in hay intake. Intake of total DM or browse was higher (P<0.05) when mixtures of A. karroo and A. nilotica were offered than when either A. karroo or A. nilotica was offered alone (Table 4). Intake of A. karroo was higher than intake of A. nilotica. There was no change in the intake of hay.

Table 3. Intakes of total, browse and hay DM by goats consuming A. karroo (AK) and S. virosa (Sv) mixtures, and hay

Total DM4954636060502.38
Browse DM1932353334-1.25
Hay DM3022282726500.78

DM - g per (kg w0.75) per animal per day

Table 4. Intakes of total, browse and hay DM by goats consuming A. karroo (Ak) and A. nilotica (An) mixtures, and hay

Total DM50595955465620.6
Browse DM2028292717-0.17
Hay DM3031302829560.82

DM - g per (kg w0.75) per animal per day

Neutral-detergent insoluble N and Acid-detergent insoluble N

In the A. karroo-S. virosa experiment there was a decrease in NDIN when the animals were fed mixtures but ADIN first increased and then decreased to below the ADIN level recorded when the animals consumed A. karroo alone (Table 5). There was less NDIN and ADIN when A. karroo-A. nilotica mixtures were supplements than when A. karroo was the sole supplement (Table 6).

Table 5. Faecal, urinary and retained N (g per day) in goats consuming A. karroo (Ak) and S. virosa (Sv) mixtures, and hay

Faec N8.
Urin N0.
Ret N-

Table 6. Faecal, urinary and retained N (g per day) in goats consuming A. karroo (Ak) and A. nilotica (An) mixtures, and hay

Faec N8.
Urin N1.
Ret N-


Animals consuming A. karroo or hay alone had negative N retention. There was a marked increase (P<0.05) in N retention when mixtures of A. karroo and S. virosa were consumed by the goats (Table 7). Furthermore, N retention increased linearly with every additional increase in the amount of S. virosa consumed (R2=0.77).

Table 7. Faecal NDF and ADF N (g per day) of goats consuming Acacia karroo (Ak) and Securinega virosa (Sv) mixtures, and hay


NDIN - neutral - detergent insoluble N
ADIN - acid - detergent insoluble N

Similarly, in the second experiment, animals consuming A. karroo browse as the only supplement had negative N retention. Nitrogen retention became positive with every addition of A. nilotica to A. karroo but N retention rose and then remained constant (Table 8). Nitrogen retention was positive for animals feeding on hay alone in this experiment.

Table 8. Faecal NDF and ADF N (g per day) in goats consuming A. karroo (Ak) and A. nilotica (An) mixtures


NDIN - neutral-detergent insoluble N
ADIN - acid-detergent insoluble N


Acacia nilotica has a high content of polyphenolics but low PA content. Acacia karroo, on the other hand, is relatively low in total phenolics but has a high content of PAs. Securinega virosa has a low content of all phenolics. Proanthocyanidins are generally thought to be responsible for decreased availability of N in feeds in which they occur but their effect on intake is controversial (McLeod., 1974; Reed et al., 1985; Woodward and Reed, 1989; Dube and Ndlovu, 1995).

Several methods have been used to alleviate the adverse effects of PAs. Among these are use of concentrates, strategic lopping, use of metal ions, heating, microbial degradation, use of PEG or PVP and simple dilution. Simple dilution or feeding of mixtures is attractive because it is cheap and can easily be handled by the communal farmer.

Nitrogen retention was negative when A. karroo was the sole supplement to grass. It was positive when A. karroo was mixed with S. virosa or A. nilotica. When a low PA browse, for example, S.virosa, is consumed alone, there is rapid ammonia production in the animal rumen and consequent loss of N as urea in urine. When a high PA browse is consumed, most of the N is unavailable to the animal. However, A. nilotica presents a problem because it has a high content of total phenolics which are probably responsible for the low intake of the browse. The hay used in the A.nilotica experiment had a high content of N, thus diminishing the usefulness of the browse species as supplements to hay.

Conclusion and recommendations

The two experiments conducted in this study indicated that A. karroo and A. nilotica could be used together as dry season supplements to grass. The easily available A. karroo can be used either with the less common high protein S. virosa or with the easily obtainable A. nilotica in the Matopos rangeland.

Instead of plucking individual leaves from branches of the plant and then drying the leaves, as was done in these experiments, it is recommended that lopped tree branches be laid down to dry in a well-ventilated room. The branches can then be simply shaken to release the leaves. The regeneration of the lopped trees is rapid. We have been lopping large quantities of browse from trees in the Matopos Research Station area since 1986 without any visible effect on the trees.


The author would like to thank Matopos Research Station, Department of Research and Specialist Services, Ministry of Agriculture, Zimbabwe, for the use of the animals and other facilities. Thanks are also extended to Professor L.R. Ndlovu of the Department of Animal Science, University of Zimbabwe, whose advice was invaluable.


Barnes, R.D., Filer, D.L. and Milton, S.J. 1996. Acacia karroo. Tropical Forestry Papers No. 32. Oxford Forestry Institute, Oxford University.

Dube, J.S. and Ndlovu, L.R. 1994. A note on seasonal variations in the chemical composition of four browse species in the Matopos redsoil thornveld. Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. 4: 119–123.

Dube, J.S. and Ndlovu. L. R. 1995. Feed intake, chemical composition of faeces and nitrogen retention in goats consuming single browse species or browse mixtures. Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. 33: 133–141.

Elliott, R. C. and Fokkema, K. 1960. Digestion trials on Rhodesian feedstuffs. Rhodesia Agricultural Journal. 57: 252–256.

McLeod, M. N. 1974. Plant tannin - their role in forage quality. Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews. 44(11): 803–812.

Plowes, D.C.H. 1957. The seasonal variation of crude protein of twenty common grasses at Matopos, Southern Rhodesia, and related observations. Rhodesia Agricultural Journal. 54: 33–55.

Reed, J.D., Horvath, P. J., Allen, M. S. and Van Soest, P. J. 1985. Gravimetric determination of soluble phenolics including tannins from leaves by precipitation with trivalent ytterbium. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 36: 255–261.

SAS 1986. SAS User's Guide: Statistics. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina.

Sibanda, S. 1984. Composition of diet selected from veld by steers fistulated at the oesophagus and body mass of non-fistulated steers grazing the same paddocks. Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. 22: 105–107.

Walker, B.H. 1980. A review of browse and its role in livestock production in Southern Africa. In: Browse in Africa, Ed: H.N. Houerou, International Livestock Centre for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp7–24.

Woodward, A. and Reed, J.D. 1989. The influence of polyphenolics on the nutritive value of browse: a summary of research conducted at ILCA. International Livestock Centre for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Marion Titterton1, O.Mhere2, Barbara Maasdorp3, T. Kipnis4, G. Ashbell5 and Z. Weinberg5.
Department of Animal Science, University of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box MP 167, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Matopos Research Station, P. Bag K 5137, Bulawayo.
Department of Crop Science, University of Zimbabwe, P.O.Box MP 167, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Agricultural Research Organization, Institute of Field and Garden Crops, The Volcani Centre, Bet Dagan, Israel.
Agricultural Research Organization, Forage Preservation and By-products Research Unit, The Volcani Centre, Bet Dagan, Israel.


Livestock is recognized as being an integral component of mixed farming systems which predominate in the tropics, particularly in the developing world. Animal manure and traction make the land more productive than would be the case in their absence. Yet, it has been recognized with equal force that livestock owned in the semi-arid developing world are forced to barely subsist on poor and sparse vegetation in the dry season, leading to severe loss of body condition, productivity and fertility and on the land, the threat of desertification. Technologies aimed at achieving a balance whereby livestock can increase in productivity, so enhancing wealth for the livestock owner, while resource degradation is minimized must be developed (Steinfeld, 1998). One such technology is the conservation of forage produced during the wet season which can be fed to livestock kept in at least partially zero-grazed systems during the dry season. This may, in fact, be the only such technology that would satisfy high demand for nutrients for such livestock production operations as small scale dairy farms in the semi-arid regions of the tropics (Dube, 1995).

Methods of conservation

There are two principal methods of conserving forage for the dry season, that of drying (hay) and ensilage.


Factors affecting hay quality

Important considerations are:

The potential yield and quality required: the difficulty is in achieving a balance, as good quality is dependent on cutting early (three months after planting) in the season while good yields are achieved later (four to four and half months into the season) (Maroske et al., 1997).
rapid drying capacity (stem thickness). This is important when related to the need to cut early in the season. At this time, the rains are still prevalent and there may be only as much as one or two days to accomplish this. This can be achieved with the thin-stemmed forage legumes (Cameron, 1988) but bulky crops such as forage sorghums, napier and hybrid pennisetums can take up to three months to dry even when left out on racks (Mhere, 1997) and are more suitable for ensiling (Humphreys, 1980; Maroske et al., 1997).
good crop regrowth if required
flexibility in time of cutting without rapid quality deterioration and leaf loss. Later flowering varieties give such flexibility (Stuart et al., 1997)

Making hay

The hay making process involves (Stuart et al., 1993)

Table 1. Yield and quality of legumes when cut under ideal conditions (reasonable rainfall, early cut) in the semi-arid area.

Forage legume cropYield (t/ha DM)Crude Protein
Cowpea1.4 (from cuts)150–200Stuart et al., 1993
 4.1–5.7146Mhere, 1999
Dolichos bean7.4 (from 2 cuts)150–200Stuart et al., 1993
(Highworth Lablab)4.3–7.2163Mhere, 1999

Viability of hay making for small holder livestock production in the semi-arid areas.

In the semi-arid regions of the tropics, the conditions are harsh for conserved forage. High temperatures combine with short rainy seasons on largely poor soils to produce grasses and legumes which, while able to produce high yield under good management, still deteriorate rapidly in nutritional quality after only three months of growth. Protein and digestibility both decline rapidly in tropical grasses after flowering, as lignification proceeds in most tropical grasses and legumes (Skerman, 1988). In order to harvest grass and legumes of high nutritional quality, cutting has to take place at the early stage of growth, in fact while the rains are still prevalent. This leads to leaching and rotting of the lying crop and the hay may often be unpalatable because of mould. There are other problems as well. By April, when it is more feasible to make hay, legumes have mostly podded and at harvesting there is the loss of pod and leaf shattering because the legumes are too dry (Nobbs and Oliver, 1987). Forage sorghums and hybrid pennisetums which grow well in the semi-arid areas are very bulky by this time and take too long to dry. Unless a mower-conditioner is used with the harvested crop and it is then baled and taken for treatment with bulk driers in large hay sheds, it is unlikely a good hay crop can be produced at this time (Kaiser et al., 1993). All this involves machinery that is too expensive for any one small holder to use.


The process of ensilage (McDonald et al., 1991; Bareeba, 1992; Stuart et al., 1993 and Titterton, 1996).

There are two stages involved in this process.

Stage 1

This stage is one of aerobic respiration and it continues in the plant after it is cut and after it is packed into the silo, until all the plant sugars, or the oxygen, is depleted. This process is carried out by plant enzymes and aerobic organisms on the plant at ensilage and in the process, plant sugars are oxidised to carbon dioxide, water and heat.

Ideally, the process should take no longer than three hours and at the end of it, there should still be plant sugars available for fermentation by the anaerobic bacteria, provided of course that there were sufficient plant sugars in the plant in the first place. Therefore, the quicker the oxygen can be depleted, the better. Prolonged respiration leads to overheating (the silage should heat up to no more than 10°C over ambient temperature, that is, the temperature of the air outside the silo). With the excess production of heat, energy is lost to heat instead of being available for fermentation. Energy is also lost for feeding and proteins are heat damaged and totally indigestible. In addition, as long as oxygen is available, sugars will be oxidised instead of fermented, and lactic acid production will be inadequate.

To ensure rapid respiration requires the correct moisture content, correct length of chop (Table 2), rapid packing, (preferably within 24 hours), correct compaction and complete sealing. Plastic sealing has proved to be the best, which is then packed with sandbags around the edges, and covered with soil.

Table 2. Recommended stage of maturity, moisture content and length of chop of a number of plants for ensiling

CropMaturityMoistureLength of chop (cm)
Maizehard dough67–721–1.25
Legumeearly flower65–700.6–1.0
Grassstems, 1st head out67–720.6–1.0
Forage sorghumat 1 metre high70–751–1.25
Sweet sorghumat late flower70–751–1.25
Grain sorghummedium-hard grain67–721–1.25
Pennisetumsat 1 metre high67–721–1.25

Sources: Stuart et al., (1993); Mahanna (1994); Mhere (1997) and Panditharane et al., (1986).

Legumes and grasses can be cut early because they can be wilted to the correct moisture content. Maize and grain sorghum, on the other hand has to be cut at the chosen stage of maturity to obtain the correct moisture content.

Stage 2. Anaerobic phase

Once the oxygen is depleted sufficiently for fermentation, acetic acid bacteria and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria produce acetic acid, ethanol, lactic acid and carbon dioxide. This takes from twenty four to seventy two hours and the pH is reduced to 5.5. Then, homofermentative bacteria predominate because 5.5 is optimum for their growth and so lactic acid is predominantly produced. Other bacteria continue to produce, in much smaller amounts, acetic, propionic and butyric acid. This brings the pH in maize silage down to 4,0 and the pH in legumes down to 4.5. The silage is essentially ready by this stage. The important thing to achieve in Stage 2, then, is the predominance of lactic acid bacteria who produce the lactic acid so necessary to good quality silage.

This can be ensured by there being sufficient available fermentable sugars after respiration has finished and rapid fermentation of those sugars. This is achieved by ensiling the crop at the correct stage of maturity and dry matter content (Table 2).

The following will occur if the crop is not properly ensiled (Mahanna, 1991):

Points to remember in making silage (from de Figueiredo, 1994; Titterton, 1996):

Tests of silage quality (from Mahanna, 1994; McDonald et al., 1987 and Titterton, 1996)

Dry matter (DM)

This is an important factor affecting the success of fermentation, as explained above. The DM gives a good indication of how well fermentation should have taken place, given that all the other methods of ensilage (packing speed, compaction, sealing, etc.) were correct and that there was sufficient sugar for rapid fermentation.


pH is a test of the acidity of silage- it does not tell you whether the acids are good or bad acids- lactic acid is good acid and butyric acid is bad acid-, but it does indicate that fermentation took place and that if it is low enough, it means that sufficient acid was produced to preserve the silage.

pH of maize and cereal silage should be less than or equal to 4.0
pH of legume or grass silage should be 4.3 to 4.5, maximum 5.0.

Fermented acids (% dry matter)

Lactic acid is the desirable acid to be produced because it gives the silage the palatability cows enjoy and indicates that the protein was preserved. The other acids are not desirable in large amounts because they reduce the palatability of the silage and indicate protein breakdown.

Lactic acid should be around six to eight percent of dry matter, acetic acid < two percent and butyric and propionic acid<one percent.

Ammonia to nitrogen ratio (expressed as a percentage)

This reflects the amount of protein broken down to ammonia in relation to total protein content. If there is too much ammonia in relation to total nitrogen, it means that there was not enough sugar or starch in the silage to allow the lactic acid bacteria to produce enough lactic acid and prevent the wrong kind of bacteria from thriving. The “bad” bacteria break down the protein, producing ammonia and amides. It is thought that the amides impart poor palatability to the silage.

In maize and cereals this should be < five percent
In legumes and grasses, this should be no more than 10 to 15 percent.

Water soluble carbohydrates - percent dry matter

In legumes and grasses: four to six percent
In maize and cereals: six to eight percent.

Viability of ensilage of forages for livestock production in the semi-arid areas.

Silage has many advantages over hay as a methods of forage conservation, namely:

Overcoming the constraints of ensilage for the small holder

While ensilage as a forage conservation method has distinct advantages over that of drying for hay, there are nevertheless a number of challenges to face and overcome before it can be accepted and adopted as a sustainable practice by small holder farmers. These are:

Studies carried out to address the challenges of producing and ensiling forage crops for dry season feeding.

Intercropping to produce high yields of forages for ensilage

In the semi-arid regions of the tropics, maize, generally accepted as being the ideal silage crop in the high rainfall regions, is very susceptible to moisture stress and is thus questionable as the crop of choice for silage. Alternative crops such as grain sorghums, forage sorghum and forage pennisetums which are drought tolerant yet high yielding have been researched as silage crops and found to be suitable (Havilah and Kaiser, 1992) although it has been concluded after an evaluation of grain and forage sorghums in semi-arid areas that sweet forage sorghums offer better potential than grain sorghums (Cole et al., 1996). However, both forage sorghum and hybrid pennisetums have low protein content (70 and 95 g/kg respectively). Mhere (1999) intercropped forage sorghums (var. Sugargraze) and hybrid pennisetum (var. SDPN3) with cowpea or dolichos bean in three planting patterns over three years. The three planting patterns were those of 1) in-row ; 2) one row cereal, one row legume; 3) one row cereal, two rows legume. The trial was repeated over three seasons. The results showed improved total dry matter yields and crude protein content of the forage mixture and better land usage as shown by Land Equivalent ratios (Tables 3 and 4). However, while forage sorghums showed compatability with the two legumes, the hybrid pennisetum evidently requires modification of harvesting (multiple cutting) to allow better conditions for growth of the legume. Of the three planting patterns, pattern (2), that of one row cereal, one row legume, was found to be a suitable planting pattern. All the cereal and legume crops ensiled well with pH of 3.2 to 4.5, dry matter content of 270 to 350 g/kg and NH3-N% of total N of 3.1 to 8.5. Crude protein content of the silage ranged from 85 to 140 g per kg DM, with digestibility of 540 to 650 g per kg DM. Varying hours of wilting appear to have had no beneficial effect on quality of silage; however, dry matter content was already optimal at ensilage. Further work is needed on early cut crops such as pennisetums (for multiple cutting technique) when dry matter content may be less than 25 percent at cutting.

Table 3. Quality parameters of hybrid pennisetum and forage sorghum intercrops with cowpeas and dolichos beans from the selected planting pattern (Table 4) during the 1995–1996 to 1997–1998 seasons.

Forage%legume in biomassCrude protein
g/kg DM
g/kg DM
g/kg DM
Pennisetum + cowpeas16121350586
Pennisetum + dolichos19124346590
Sorghum + cowpeas13119361571
Sorghum + dolichos34130352583

MADF (Clancy and Wilson, 1966; Linn and Martin, 1991)
Digestibility derived from MADF using the formula Digestibility = 99.43 - 1.17 MADF.
Legume content of the total intercrop yield averaged over three years

Table 4. Dry matter yields (m/t per ha) and Land Equivalent Ratios (LER)Y values for cereal and legume intercrops from three planting patterns averaged over three years (1995–1996, 1996–1997 and 1997–1998).

ForagePlanting patternClay soilsLERSandy soilsLER
Hybrid pennisetum18.
+ cowpeas2*
 39.0 7.00.93
Hybrid pennisetum110.
+ dolichos beans2*
Forage sorghum113.
+ cowpeas2*13.01.1210.01.12
Forage sorghum113.
+ dolichos beans213.41.338.01.05
Mean10.9 7.8 
CV%15.0 17.8 
Sole crops    
Hybrid pennisetum 
Forage sorghum 
Dolichos beans 

* Selected planting pattern for large scale forage production on-station and on-farm during the 1998–1999 season.
Y Total land are required under sole cropping to give yields obtained in the intercropping mixture. Where the LER = 1, there is no advantage of intercropping. If it is >1, a larger area of land is needed to produce the same yield of sole crop of each component than with an intercropping mixture.

Agroforestry also offers potential for improving protein content of mixed silages (Tjandraatmadja et al., 1994) The addition of wilted Amaranthus hybridus to maize (1:1) at the time of ensiling resulted in good fermentation and raised the crude protein content of the silage from 6.9 percent to 11.6 percent and reduced the crude fibre content (Bareeba, 1977). Maasdorp and Titterton (1999) successfully ensiled, on a fresh mass ratio of 50:50, the leaf material of four varities of forage tree legumes with maize with improvements of crude protein content to 14 percent, 15.5 percent, 17.2 percent and 18.7 percent in maize/Calliandra calothyrsus, maize/Glyricidia sepium, maize/ Leucaena leucocephala and maize/Acacia boliviana silages respectively, (Table 5). Only in the maize/Calliandra silage was organic matter digestibility significantly reduced, while in the other three, it was similar to that of maize silage. A similar trial is planned for forage tree legumes ensiled with forage sorghums and pennisetums.

Table 5. Fermentation and nutritional quality of silages made from maize and legume forage trees.

Silage typeFermentation qualityNutritional quality
pH1NH3: N%2CP%3OMD%4
M+C. Calothyrsus4.111.614.037.5

1 Acidity of < pH5 needed for good preservation
2 Protein-N loss as ammonia of < 15% is reasonable in legumes
3 CP = Crude protein
4 OMD-organic matter digestibility.

Development of a low-cost, minimal labour, small scale ensilage technology which can produce high quality silage

The treatments consisted of:

Summary of results

Fermentation and nutritional quality are generally good, exhibiting similar results of analyses as that of the trials with intercropped and mixed crop silages above, Tables 6 and 7.

Table 6. Fermentation quality of different forage crops ensiled after differing treatments.1

Crop materialDry matter (DM) loss %pHNH3: N % DMLactic acid % DMButyric acid % DMAcetic Acid % DMEthanol % DM
All sorghum (FS)9.363.704.075.630.052.042.12
All pennisetum (PS)
FS/DB (dolichos bean)12.33.784.376.550.32.340.72
FS only7.153.633.854.760.071.742.81
PS only19.794.44.711.920.571.340.72
All materials fine-chopped12.433.844.44.650.502.121.22
All materials coarse-chopped15.314.204.74.620.721.81.6
All materials tobacco-press15.
All materials hand-press12.884.015.23.590.672.131.45

Table 7. Nutritional quality of silages made from different crops1

CropDM %Digestibility g/kgCrude Protein g/kg

1 Statistical differences are not displayed in these tables but will be shown in a paper to be published shortly. (An. Feed. Sci.).

There are differences in fermentation and nutritional quality of silages due to crop variety but none due to chop length, compression treatment or type of bag. Therefore on-farm silage can be made in plastic bags with coarsely chopped crop material which is compressed by hand.


Collaborative studies carried out in Israel (Ashbell et al., 1999) show that the success of ensilage despite the lack of fine chopping and effective compression is due to effective sealing in bags, preventing the loss of effluent containing lactic and volatile fatty acids, compared with pit or bunker silages where loss of effluent is high, necessitating fine chopping and effective compression.

The fertiliser bags, being thicker, could be used over two seasons. This puts their present cost ($9.00) equivalent, when used over two seasons, to the cheaper bags (present cost around $4.50). When no longer usable, the bags can be used for the manufacturing of wax for floor polish, a traditional practice in most small holdings. Some losses (2 to 5%) in the cheaper bags were likely due to poor packing of bags in the silage store room and this requires attention. The technology is found to be ideal for smallholder farmers as losses are minimum, compared with silage pits which have been used in smallholder dairy farms in the higher rainfall areas, where silage losses amount to as much as 30 percent due to poor compression and exposure of the remaining silage in daily removal for feeding. The bag technology has also been found to benefit women and children as the bags can easily be stored and carried to the cows for feeding, thus there is minimum labour in feeding compared with daily digging out from pits. It is environmentally more friendly as there is no effluent discharges into the soil as occurs with pit silage.



The author and collaborators of the studies in producing and conserving forages for small holder livestock owners in the semi-arid areas of Zimbabwe wish to thank the following for their contribution to the research:


Ashbell, G., Kipnis T., Weinberg, Z.G., Hen, Y., Azriell, A., Katler, S. and Titterton, M. 1999. Developing a technology for ensiling forage crops for small holder cattle owners in developing countries. In: Proc. XIIth Int. Silage Conference on Silage Production in Relation to Animal Performance, Animal Health, Meat and Milk Quality. Uppsala, Sweden. July 5, 1999.

Bareeba, F.B. 1992. Forage conservation and utilization. Nomadic Peoples 31: 91–96.

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