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Appendix 1. Operable forest by subcatchment

CatchmentSubcatchment“Utilizable forest”
(1 000 ha)
Growing stock
(1 000 cum)
(1 000 cum)
BUMTHANGBumthang646416 95816 9589393
 Mangde E*9 1314 7 
DHANSRIBada East*9 1904 10 
 Dhansri M27275 7235 7234747
DRANGMEDrangme M606013 01113 0118888
 Manas East28284 3944 3943535
KURU CHUKuru Main686815 76015 760100100
 Manas W 817 3 137 21 
MANGDEMangde M727213 73513 7359090
 Mangde W*8 879 4 
MAO CHUMao Chu*36 6 361 35 
NYEARA AMChoumari*12 1 932 12 
 Darranga*14 2 420 13 
 Nanai12123 1883 1882727
 Nyera Main*54 9 031 42 
RAIDAKHa303011 31511 3155959
 Paro24243 9743 9742727
 Piping27276 6256 6255353
 Piping A*1 352 2 
 Raidak W19194 8094 8094040
 Thimphu35356 5536 5533838
SANKOSHDagana22223 8253 8253232
 Damphu*25 4 143 21 
 Dang Chu12122 1172 1171414
 Hara Chu5573773766
 Mochu881 2121 2121010
 Phobjika22223 2983 2982121
 Phochu991 9761 9761313
 Punats. E15152 2442 2441616
 Punats. W32325 6815 6814444
 Sami*23 6 246 38 
TORSAJaldhaka*46 9 427 48 
 Torsa A*10 1 328 6 
 Torsa M50508 5318 5317070
Total 905641184 140135 6661 182923

*) critical sub-catchment due to altitude (>3 800 m) or slope (>100%)

Appendix 2. Timetable on excavator operations

E n v i r o n m e n t a l l y   s o u n d   r o a d   c o n s t r u c t i o n   b y   e x c a v a t o rKharungla road
Work elements%Classification% %
Log removal (MW)2.01Main work time (MW)80.82Work time (WT)83.30
Topsoil removal (MW)22.82
Excavating base (MW)---
Fill slope construction (MW)32.62
Subgrade/cut shaping (MW)23.37
Move at construction site (CW)0.27Complementary work time (CW)0.27  
  Productive work time (PW)81.19  
Considerations (PL)0.85Preparatory time (PT)0.85  
Maintenance time (MT)0.52Service time (ST)0.52  
Assisting other worker (AW)0.84Ancillary work time (AW)0.84  
  Supportive work time (SW)2.21  
Disturbance time (DT)2.42Disturbance time (DT)2.42Non-work time (NT)16.70
Meal time (ME)13.63Work-related delay time (WD)14.28 
Rest/personal time (RP)0.64   
Interference time (IT)0.01   
Workplace time (WP)    100.00

The total workplace time observed amounted to 39 h 50 min 36 sec.

Appendix 3. Timetable on bulldozer operations

T r a d i t i o n a l   r o a d   c o n s t r u c t i o n   b y   b u l l d o z e rKorila extension
Work elements%Classification% %
Log removal (MW)---Main work time (MW)76.99Work time(WT)89.60
Stump removal (MW)3.31
Cut slope (MW)48.78
Subgrade construction (MW)24.57
Uprooting trees (MW)0.33
Move at construction site (CW)0.50Complementary work time (CW)1.83
Grade checking (CW)0.24
Blade adjustment (CW)1.09
  Productive work time (PW)78.82
Considerations (PL)1.25Preparatory time (PT)1.48
Operational time (OP)0.23
Repair time (RT)0.50Service time (ST)9.09
Maintenance time (MT)1.11
Refill water (MT)7.16
Refuel time (RF)0.32
Assisting other worker (AW)0.21Ancillary work time (AW)0.21
  Supportive work time (SW)10.78
Disturbance time (DT)0.77Disturbance time (DT)0.77Non-work time (NT)10.40
Meal time (ME)6.21Work-related delay time (WD)9.63
Rest/personal time (RP)3.28
Interference time (IT)0.14
Workplace time (WP)    100.00

The total workplace time observed amounted to 27 h 50 min 59 sec.

Appendix 4. Timetables on long-distance cable logging operations

L o g g i n g   b y   l o n g-d i s t a n c e   c a b l e   s y s t e mKorila logging site
Work elements Classification   
Carriage move - empty (MW)8.17Main work time (MW)99.10Work time (WT)99.65
Attaching load (MW)51.39
Carriage move - loaded (MW)19.73
Unloading at landing site (MW)19.81
  Productive work time (PW)99.10
Considerations (PL)0.41Preparatory time (PT)0.55
Operational time (OP)0.14
Maintenance time (MT) Service time (ST)---
Refuel time (RF) 
  Supportive work time (SW)0.55
Disturbance time (DT) Disturbance time (DT)---Non-work time (NT)0.35
Meal time (ME)---Work-related delay time (WD)0.35
Rest/personal time (RP)0.35
Workplace time (WP)    100.00

The total workplace time observed amounted to 9 h 16 min 59 sec.

L o g g i n g   b y   l o n g-d i s t a n c e   c a b l e   s y s t e mHelela logging site
Work elements Classification   
Carriage move - empty (MW)13.78Main work time (MW)87.78Work time (WT)100.00
Attaching load (MW)40.87
Carriage move - loaded (MW)10.49
Unloading at landing site (MW)22.64
  Productive work time (PW)87.78
Operational time (OP)7.31Preparatory time (PT)7.31
Maintenance time (MT)4.38Service time (ST)4.91
Refuel time (RF)0.53
  Supportive work time (SW)12.22
Disturbance time (DT)---Disturbance time (DT)---Non-work time (NT)---
Meal time (ME)---Work-related delay time (WD)---
Rest/personal time (RP)---
Workplace time (WP)    100.00

The total workplace time observed amounted to 9 h 08 min 21 sec.


These publications are available from the FAO Forest Harvesting, Trade and Marketing Branch, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

Intermediate Technology in Forest Harvesting: Agricultural Tractor with Winch. By P. Alhojärvi. FOPH Publication 1988. 45 pp. Country: Tanzania. Language: English.

Intermediate Technology in Forest Harvesting: Agricultural Tractor and Forest Trailer with Mechanical Crane. By R. Jakobsson. FOPH Publication 1988. 40 pp. Country: Ethiopia. Language: English.

Plastic Log Chute in Steep Terrain Thinning Operations. By K. Leppänen. FOPH Publication 1989. 30 pp. Country: Republic of Korea. Language: English.

Integrated Small-Scale Forest Harvesting and Wood Processing Operations. By O. Eeronheimo. FOPH Publication 1990. 27 pp. Country: Zimbabwe. Language: English.

Forest Harvesting with Small-Scale Mobile Cable System. By O. Eeronheimo. FOPH Publication 1991. 16 pp. Country: Republic of Korea. Language: English.

1. Reduction of Wood Waste by Small-Scale Log Production and Conversion in Tropical High Forest. By Risto Kilkki. FOPH Publication 1992. 33 pp. Country: Papua New Guinea. Language: English.

2. Cosecha de Hongos en la VII Región de Chile. By Juan E. Donoso y Risto Kilkki. FOPH Publication 1992. 37 pp. Country: Chile. Language: Spanish.

3. Uso de Bueyes en Operaciones de Aprovechamiento Forestal en Areas Rurales de Costa Rica. By William Cordero. FOPH Publication 1994. 44 pp. Country: Costa Rica. Language: Spanish.

4. Use of the Construction Crane for Wood Extraction on Mountainous Terrain. By Norbert Winkler. FOPH Publication 1995. 38 pp. Country: Austria. Language: English.

5. Elephants in Logging Operations in Sri Lanka. By Palitha Jayasekera and Shelton Atapattu. FOPH Publication 1995. 36 pp. Country: Sri Lanka. Language: English.

6. Impacto ambiental de las prácticas de cosecha forestal y construcción de caminos en bosques nativos siempreverdes de la X Region de Chile. By Jorge Gayoso Aguilar. FOPH Publication 1995. 169 pp. Country: Chile. Language: Spanish.

7. Forest Harvesting in Natural Forests of the Republic of the Congo. By Robert Scharpenberg. FAO; Albert Essereke and Pierre Ekiama, Ministry of Water and Forests, Congo. FOPH Publication 1997. 66 pp. Country: Congo. Language: English. French version will be available in 1998.

8. Environmentally Sound Forest Harvesting, Testing the Applicability of the FAO Model Code in the Amazon in Brazil. By Norbert Winkler. FOPH Publication 1997. 84 pp. Country: Brazil. Language: English.

9. Labor-intensive harvesting of tree plantations in the southern Philippines. By Mike Jurvélius. RAP Publication 1997. 34 pp. Country: Philippines. Language: English.

10. Environmentally Sound Road Construction in Mountainous Terrain, Applying Advanced Operating Methods and Tools. By Norbert Winkler. FOPH Publication 1998. 64 pp. Country: Austria. Language: English.

11. Reduced impact timber harvesting in the tropical natural forest in Indonesia. By Elias. FOPH Publication 1998. 40 pp. Country: Indonesia. Language: English.

12. Environmentally Sound Forest Infrastructure Development and Harvesting in Bhutan. By Norbert Winkler. FOPH Publication 1999. 75 pp. Country: Bhutan. Language: English.

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