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1. Aglen, A., Føyn, L., Godø, O.R., Myklevoll, S. and østvedt, O.J., 1981a, Surveys of the marine fish resources of Peninsular Malaysia, June-July 1980: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 69 p.

2. Aglen, A., 1981b, A survey of the marine fish resources of the West Coast of Thailand, 16 July - 3 August 1980: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 57 p.

3. Aglen, A., 1981c, A survey of the marine fish resources of the North and West Coast of Sumatra, August 1980: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 55 p.

4. Aglen, A., Gjøsæter, J., Myrseth, B. and Tilseth, S., 1982, Surveys of mesopelagic fish resources in the Gulf of Oman and the Gulf of Aden, Jul.-Aug. 1979 and Jan.-Feb. 1981: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 68 p.

5. Aglen, A., Gjøsæter, J. and Tilseth, S., 1981, A survey of mesopelagic fish resources in the Gulf of Oman and the Gulf of Aden, January-February 1981: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 37 p.

6. Aglen, A. and Myklevoll, S., 1982a, A survey of the pelagic fish resources in the Red Sea (Egyptian zone) and the Gulf of Suez, March 1981: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 36 p.

7. Aglen, A., 1982b, A survey of the pelagic fish resources in Tunesian waters. (March 1981): Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 33 p.

8. Aglen, A., 1982c, A survey of the pelagic fish resources in Algerian coastal waters, April 1981: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 41 p.

9. Blindheim, J., 1984, Fisheries resources surveys in PDR Yemen, Somalia and Ethiopia, 11 February - 21 March 1984. Preliminary cruise report R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 41 p.

10. Blindheim, J., de Bruin, G.H.P. and Sætersdal, G., 1979, A survey of the coastal fish resources of Sri Lanka, Report No. II, April-June 1979: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 63 p.

11. Blindheim, J. and Føyn, L., 1980, A survey of the coastal fish resources of Sri Lanka, Report No. III, Jan.-Feb. 1980: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 78 p.

12. Brinca, L., Jorge da Silva, A., Sousa, L. and Sætre, R., 1983, A survey on the fish resources at Sofala Bank, Mozambique, September 1982: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 85 p.

13. Brinca, L., Mascarenhas, V., Palha de Sousa, P., Sousa, I.M., Sætre, R. and Timochin, I., 1984, A survey on the fish resources at Sofala Bank, Mozambique, May-June 1983: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 90 p.

14. Brinca, L., Rey, F., Silva, C. and Sætre, R., 1981, A survey on the marine fish resources of Mozambique, Oct.-Nov. 1980: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 58 p.

15. Bruin, G.H.P. de, 1979, Review of previous resources surveys and existing fisheries Report on a survey of the coastal fish resources of Sri Lanka, August-September 1978, edited by G.S. Sætersdal and G.H.P. de Bruin: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 29 p.

16. CECAF/ECAF, 1984, Report on the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN fish resource surveys off West Africa: Morocco to Ghana and Cape Verde, May 1981 - March 1982: Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, CECAF/ECAF Series, 190 p.

17. Chowdhury, W.N., Iversen, S.A., Khan, Md. G., Sætre, R., 1980, Preliminary results from a survey on the marine fish resources of Bangladesh, May 1980: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 24 p. Also in Sætre, 1981 (pp. 43–67).

18. Chowdhury, W.N., Kahn, Md. G., Myklevoll, S., Sætre, R., 1981, Preliminary results from a survey on the marine fish resources of Bangladesh, Nov.-Dec. 1979: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Resources, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 28 p. Also in Sætre, 1981 (pp. 13–42).

19. Gjøsæter, J., 1977, Aspects of the distribution and ecology of the Myctophidae from the western and northern Arabian Sea. Indian Ocean Fishery Development Programme, Pelagic fish assessment survey North Arabian Sea: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 43 p.

20. Gjøsæter, J. and Myrseth, B., 1979, A survey of mesopelagic fish resources in the Gulf of Oman and the Gulf of Aden, July-August 1979: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 26 p.

21. Gjøsæter, J. and Tilseth, S., 1983, Survey of mesopelagic fish resources in the Gulf of Oman, February 1983: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 30 p.

22. IMR, 1975, Report on cruise No. 1 and No. 2 of R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. Indian Ocean Fishery and Development Programme, Pelagic fish assessment survey North Arabian Sea. Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 79 p.

23. IMR, 1976a, Report on cruise No. 3 R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. Indian Ocean Fishery and Development Programme, Pelagic fish assessment survey North Arabian Sea: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 50 p.

24. IMR, 1976b, Status report No. 1, Survey results of DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN 1975. Indian Ocean Fishery and Development Programme, Pelagic fish assessment survey North Arabian Sea: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 30 p.

25. IMR, 1976c, Report on cruise No. 4 of R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. Indian Ocean Fishery and Development Programme, Pelagic fish assessment survey North Arabian Sea: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 44 p.

26. IMR, 1976d, Report on Cruise No. 5 of R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. The Indian Ocean Fishery and Development Programme, Pelagic fish assessment survey North Arabian Sea: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 45 p.

27. IMR, 1977a, Report on cruise No. 6 of R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. Indian Ocean Fishery and Development Programme, Pelagic fish assessment survey North Arabian Sea: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 55 p.

28. IMR, 1977b, Final report survey results of DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. Indian Ocean Fishery and Development Programme, Pelagic fish assessment survey North Arabian Sea. Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 40 p.

29. IMR, 1977c, Cruise report No. 1 of R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. Joint NORAD/ Moçambique/FAO project to investigate the fish resources off the coast of Moçambique: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 40 p.

30. IMR, 1978a, Survey results of DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, January-June 1977. Joint NORAD/Pakistan Project. Fish assessment survey Pakistan waters: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 39 p.

31. IMR, 1978b, Cruise report No. 2 of R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, October-December 1977. Joint NORAD/Moçambique/FAO project to investigate the fish resources off the coast of Moçambique: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 40 p.

32. IMR, 1978c, Cruise report No. 3 of R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, January-March 1978. Joint NORAD/Moçambique/FAO project to investigate the fish resources off the coast of Moçambique: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 55 p.

33. IMR, 1978d, Cruise report No. 4 of R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, April-June 1978. Joint NORAD/Moçambique/FAO project to investigate the fish resources off the coast of Moçambique: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 49 p.

34. IMR, 1978e, Survey results of R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN in July 1978. Joint NORAD/Seychelles project to investigate the fish resources in Seychelles waters: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 44 p.

35. IMR, 1981, A survey of the marine fish resources of Mozambique, October-November 1980: Bergen, Norway, Instituto de Desenvolvimento Pesqueiro, Maputo and Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 58 p.

36. IMR, 1982a, Survey of the pelagic community from Freetown to Agadir, February, March, 1982. Preliminary Cruise Report R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 21 p.

37. IMR, 1982b, Surveys of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources off Kenya, Preliminary Cruise Report DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN (12–24 August 1982): Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 16 p.

38. IMR, 1982c, Second fisheries resources survey, Tanzania, 12 November - 3 December 1982. Cruise Report R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 31 p.

39. IMR, 1982d, Survey of the abundance and distribution of fish resources off Kenya, 7–15 December 1982. Cruise Report R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 18 p.

40. IMR, 1983a, Third fisheries resources survey Tanzania, 11–26 May 1983. Cruise report R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 30 p.

41. IMR, 1983b, Fisheries resources survey Madagascar, 16–28 June 1983. Cruise report R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 25 p.

42. IMR, 1983c, Fisheries resources survey Iran, 23 September - 1 October 1983. Cruise report Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 27 p.

43. IMR, 1984a, Second fisheries resources survey, Pakistan, 20 January - 2 February 1984. Preliminary Cruise report DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 19 p.

44. IMR, 1984b, Preliminary Cruise Report R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN [11 February - 21 March 1984]: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 39 p. Covers PDRY, Somalia and Ethiopia.

45. IMR, 1985a, Survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources of Angola. Report of cruise No. 1, 28 January to 26 February 1985: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 25 p. Confidential.

46. IMR, 1985b, Survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources of Congo and Gabon. Report of cruise No. 1, 2–15 March 1985: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 25 p. Also issued in French.

47. IMR, 1985c, Survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources of Angola. Report of cruise No. 2, 23 April to 28 May 1985: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 19 p. Confidential.

48. IMR, 1985d, Survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources of Congo and Gabon. Report of cruise No. 2, 30 May - 12 June 1985: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 18 p. Also issued in French.

49. IMR, 1985e, Survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources of Angola. Report of cruise No. 3, 8 August to 10 September 1985: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 18 p. Confidential.

50. IMR, 1985f, Survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources of Congo and Gabon. Report of cruise No. 3, 14 – 27 September 1985: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 18 p. Also issued in French.

51. IMR, 1986a, Survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources of Angola. Report of cruise No. 4, 5 November to 5 December 1985: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 38 p. Confidential.

52. IMR, 1986b, Survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources of Congo and Gabon. Report of Cruise No. 4, 7–18 December 1985: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 18 p. Also issued in French.

53. IMR, 1986c, Report on surveys of Gabon marine fish resources, March-December 1985: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 150 p. Also issued in French.

54. IMR, 1986d, Survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources of Angola. Report of cruise No. 5, 21 January to 10 March 1985: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 27 p. Confidential.

55. IMR, 1986e, Survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources of Angola. Report of cruise No. 6, 22 April to 5 June 1986: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 20 p. Confidential.

56. IMR, 1986f, DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN surveys of Pakistan fishery resources, September 1983 - June 1984, Summary of findings. Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 53 p. Prepared as a contribution to the Pakistan national workshop on fisheries policy and planning, 1986.

57. IMR, 1986g, CECAF cooperative survey 1986. Report on a trawl survey in the Gambia, 10–12 September 1986. Cruise Report Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 11 p.

58. IMR, 1986h, CECAF cooperative survey 1996. A survey of the small pelagic fish resources in Morocco, from Agadir to Cape Juby, 22 September - 3 October 1986. Cruise report Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 16 p.

59. IMR, 1987a, CECAF cooperative surveys 1986. Preliminary cruise reports. (1) Cruise No. 1, First part, August 17–28, 1986, Sherbro-Bijagos Islands. (2) Cruise No. 1, Second part, August 28 - September 5 1986, Intercalibration trials and acoustic survey work, Senegambia. (3) Cruise No. 2, Guinea Bissau, The Gambia, Senegal and Mauritania, 21 November - 12 December 1986. Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 63 p. Contains three separate cruise reports.

60. IMR, 1987b, CECAF cooperative surveys 1986. Interim Cruise Report DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. Surveys of the shelf between Agadir and Cape Juby, September-November 1986. Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 18 p. Survey 22 September to 5 October 1986 and 6–12 November.

61. IMR, 1987c, Surveys of the fish resources on the Pacific shelf between southern Mexico and Colombia. Preliminary Report Cruise No. I. Part 1: Panama - Costa Rica, 4–20 February 1987: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 63 p. Also issued in Spanish.

62. IMR, 1987d, Surveys of the fish resources on the Pacific shelf between southern Mexico and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. I. Part 2, Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador, 20 February - 3 March 1987: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 92 p. Also issued in Spanish.

63. IMR, 1987e, Surveys of the fish resources on the Pacific shelf between southern Mexico and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. I. Part 3: Guatemala - Golfo de Tehuantepec, Mexico, 4–13 March 1987: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 57 p. Also issued in Spanish.

64. IMR, 1987f, Surveys of the fish resources of the Pacific shelf between southern Mexico and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. II. Part 1: Colombia-Costa Rica, 23 April - 20 May 1987: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 73 p. Also issued in Spanish.

65. IMR, 1987g, Surveys of the fish resources on the Pacific shelf between southern Mexico and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. II. Part 2: Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador, 20 May - 2 June 1987: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 63 p. Also issued in Spanish.

66. IMR, 1987h, Surveys of the fish resources on the Pacific shelf between southern Mexico and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. II. Part 3: Guatemala-Golfo Tehuantepec, Mexico, 4–13 June 1987: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 59 p. Also issued in Spanish.

67. IMR, 1987i, Surveys of the fish resources on the Pacific shelf between southern Mexico and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. III. Part 1: Colombia-Panama-Costa Rica, 4–28 August 1987: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 53 p. Also issued in Spanish.

68. IMR, 1987j, Surveys of the fish resources on the Pacific shelf between southern Mexico and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. III. Part 2: Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador, 27 August - 11 September 1987: Bergen, Norway, Insitute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 36 p. Also issued in Spanish.

69. IMR, 1987k, Surveys of the fish resources on the Pacific shelf between southern Mexico and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. III. Part 3: Guatemala - Golfo de Tehuantepec, Mexico, 11–23 September 1987: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 28 p. Also issued in Spanish.

70. IMR, 1987l, Surveys of the fish resources on the Pacific shelf between southern Mexico and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise VI. Part 1: Colombia - Panama - Costa Rica, 28 October - 18 November 1987: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 48 p. Also issued in Spanish.

71. IMR, 1987m, Surveys of the fish resources on the Pacific shelf between southern Mexico and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. IV. Part 2: Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador, 17–28 November 1987: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 28 p. Also issued in Spanish.

72. IMR, 1987n, Surveys of the fish resources on the Pacific shelf between southern Mexico and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. IV. Part 3: Guatemala - Golfo de Tehuantepec, Mexico, 30 November - 8 December 1987: Bergen, Norway, Insitute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 35 p. Also issued in Spanish.

73. IMR, 1988a, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. I, Part 1: The Guianas from the Maroni River to the Serpents Mouth, 21 January - 7 February 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 47 p. Also issued in Spanish.

74. IMR, 1988b, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. I, Part 2: Work off the east coasts of Trinidad and Tobago, 9–14 February 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 15 p. Also issued in Spanish.

75. IMR, 1988c, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. I, Part 3: Venezuela, north coast from Bocas del Dragon to Golfo de Venezuela, 15 February - 5 March 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 48 p. Also issued in Spanish.

76. IMR, 1988d, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. I, Part 4: Colombia from the Guajira Peninsula to the Uraba Gulf, 3–11 March 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Surveys with the DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 20 p. Also issued in Spanish.

77. IMR, 1988e, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. II, Part 1: The Guianas, 8–22 May 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 44 p. Also issued in Spanish.

78. IMR, 1988f, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. II, Part 2: Work off Trinidad and in the joint research area with Venezuela, 23–29 May 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 30 p. Also issued in Spanish.

79. IMR, 1988g, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. II, Part 3: Venezuela, north coast from Bocas del Dragon to Golfo de Venezuela, 30 May - 14 June 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 51 p. Also issued in Spanish.

80. IMR, 1988h, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. II, Part 4: Colombia from the Guajira Peninsula to the coast off Cartagena, 14–21 June 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 23 p. Also issued in Spanish.

81. IMR, 1988i, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. III, Part 1: The Guianas, 9–23 August 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 36 p. Also issued in Spanish.

82. IMR, 1988j, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. III, Part 2: Work off Trinidad and in the joint research area with Venezuela, 23–28 August 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 22 p. Also issued in Spanish.

83. IMR, 1988k, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. III, Part 3: Venezuela, north coast from Bocas del Dragon to Golfo de Venezuela, 29 August - 15 September 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 59 p. Also issued in Spanish.

84. IMR, 1988l, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. III, Part 4: Colombia from the Guajira Peninsula to the coast off Cartagena, 15–23 September 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 28 p. Also issued in Spanish.

85. IMR, 1988m, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Suriname and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. IV, Part 1: The Guianas, 29 October - 12 November 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 44 p. Also issued in Spanish.

86. IMR, 1988n, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Suriname and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. IV, Part 2: Work off Trinidad and in the joint fishing area with Venezuela 13–20 November 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 31 p. Also issued in Spanish.

87. IMR, 1988o, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Suriname and Colombia. Preliminary report cruise No. IV, Part 3: Venezuela, north coast from Bocas del Dragon to Golfo de Venezuela, 21 November - 6 December 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 51 p. Also issued in Spanish.

88. IMR, 1988p, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. Preliminary report cruise No. IV, Part 4: Colombia from the Guajira Peninsula to Santa Marta, 6–11 December 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 19 p. Also issued in Spanish.

89. IMR, 1989a, Surveys of the fish resources of Congo and Gabon. Preliminary report, cruise No. I, 25 January - 8 February 1989: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 41 p. Also issued in French.

90. IMR, 1989b, Surveys of the fish resources of Angola. Preliminary cruise report No. I, Part 1: Cunene to Tombua and Tombua to Benguela, 13–19 February 1989; part 2: Benguela to Luanda and Luanda to Cabinda, 19 February - 16 March 1989: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 73 p.

91. IMR, 1989c, Surveys of the fish resources of Angola. Preliminary report cruise No. II, Part I: Cunene to Tombua and Tombua to Benguela, 23–30 April 1989; Part II: Benguela to Luanda and Luanda to Cabinda, 30 April - 29 May 1989: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 84 p.

92. IMR, 1989d, Surveys of the fish resources of Congo and Gabon. Preliminary report cruise No.II, 31 May - 12 June 1989: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 38 p. Also issued in French.

93. IMR, 1989e, An acoustic survey of the small pelagic fish resources of Morocco from Cape Safi to Cape Blanc, 27 Aug. - 18 Sept. 1989. Preliminary cruise report: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 31 p.

94. IMR, 1989f, Surveys of the small pelagic fish resources of Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana, 12–20 October 1989: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 33 p.

95. IMR, 1989g, Surveys of the fish resources of Angola. Preliminary report cruise No 3/89, 17 November - 13 December 1989: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 52 p.

96. IMR, 1990a, Surveys of the fish resources of Namibia. Preliminary report cruise No. I, 25 January - 19 March 1990: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 82 p.

97. IMR, 1990b, Surveys of the fish resources of Mozambique. Preliminary cruise report No. I, 21 April - 14 May 1990: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 48 p.

98. IMR, 1990c, Surveys of the fish resources of Namibia. Preliminary cruise report No. 2, May 27 - June 20 1990: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 39 p.

99. IMR, 1990d, Surveys of the fish resources of Mozambique. Preliminary cruise report No. II, 9 August - 1 September 1990: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 25 p.

100. IMR, 1990e, Surveys of the fish resources of Namibia. Preliminary report cruise No. III, September 11 - October 6 1990: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 49 p.

101. IMR, 1990f, Survey for deep water shrimp resources in Mozambique. Preliminary report cruise No.III, 6 November - 15 December 1990: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 89 p.

102. IMR, 1991a, Surveys of the fish resources of Namibia. Preliminary cruise report No. 1/91. part I: Surveys of the hake stocks, 25 January - 28 February 1991 and Part II: Surveys of the inshore pelagic stocks, 2 – 22 March 1991: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 101 p. Part I: 62; Part II: 39.

103. IMR, 1991b, Surveys of the fish resources of Angola, 4 May - 19 June 1991. Preliminary report cruise No. 1, Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 74 p.

104. IMR, 1991c, Surveys of the fish resources of Angola, 6 August - 18 September 1991, Cruise Report No. 2: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 66 p.

105. IMR, 1991d, Surveys of the fish resources of Namibia. Preliminary report cruise No 2/91, Part I: Surveys of the hake stocks, 23 October - 22 November 1991; and, Part II: Surveys of the pelagic stocks, 23 November - 16 December 1991: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 104 p., Part I: 78 p.; Part II: 26 p.

106. IMR, 1991e, Surveys of the fish resources of Angola. Report on a survey of pelagic resources on the shelf from Tombua to Cunene, 26–29 November 1991: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 10 p.

107. IMR, 1992a, Survey of the pelagic fish resources off North West Africa, Part 1: Morocco, 16 January - 10 February 1992: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 40 p.

108. IMR, 1992b, Survey of the pelagic fish resources off North West Africa, Part 2: Mauritania, 11 – 19 February 1992: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 24 p.

109. IMR, 1992c, Survey of the pelagic fish resources off North West Africa, Part 3: Senegal - The Gambia, 19 February - 4 March, 1992: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 51 p.

110. IMR, 1992d, Survey of the pelagic fish resources off North West Africa, Part 4: Guinea Bissau, 5 – 11 March 1992: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 31 p.

111. IMR, 1992e, Surveys of the fish resources of Namibia. Preliminary report cruise No. 1/92, Part I: Surveys of the hake stocks, 23 April - 22 May 1992, and part II: Surveys of the pelagic stocks, 24 May - 21 June: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 102 p.

112. IMR, 1992f, Surveys of the fish resources of Angola, 5 August - 22 September 1992: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 86 p.

113. IMR, 1992g, Surveys of the fish resources of Namibia. Preliminary report cruise No. 2/92. Part I: Surveys of hake stocks, 20 October - 1 December 1992: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 67 p.

114. IMR, 1993a, Surveys of the fish resources of Namibia. Preliminary report cruise No. 1/93, part I: Surveys of the hake stocks, 20 January - 25 February 1993, and Part II: Surveys of the pelagic stocks 28 February - 19 March 1993: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 98 p.

115. IMR, 1993b, Surveys of the fish resources of Namibia. Preliminary cruise report No. 2/93, Part I: Surveys of the hake stocks, 21 April - 25 May 1993, and Part II: Surveys of the pelagic stocks, 26 May - 19 June 1993: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Cruise Reports DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 105 p.

116. Iversen, S.A., 1983, Survey of the abundance and distribution of fish resources off Kenya, 2–8 May 1983. Preliminary cruise report R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 11 p.

117. Iversen, S.A., 1984, Kenyan marine fish resources in water deeper than 10 m investigated by R/V “Dr. Fridtjof Nansen”: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, mimeo. Report presented at a joint Kenyan/Norwegian seminar, Mombasa, Kenya, 13–15 March 1984.

118. Iversen, S.A., Myklevoll, S., Lwiza, K., and Yonazi, J., 1984, Tanzanian marine fish resources in the depth region 10–500 m investigated by R/V “DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN”: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, p. 45–83 In: Iversen, S.A. and S. Myklevoll (eds.) the proceedings of the NORAD/Tanzania seminar to review the marine fish stocks and fisheries in Tanzania, held at Mbegani, Tanzania 6–8 March 1984.

119. Jorge da Silva, A., Mubango, A. and Sætre, R., 1981, Information on oceanographic cruise in the Mozambique Channel: Maputo, Mozambique, Instituto de Desenvolvimento Pesqueiro, Revista de Investigação Pesqueira No. 2, 89 p.

120. Kesteven, G.L., Nakken, O. and Strømme, T., 1981, The small-pelagic and demersal fish resources of the North-West Arabian Sea. Further analisis of the results of the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, survey, 1975–1976: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports of surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 135 p.

121. Myklevoll, S., 1982a, A pelagic fish survey in the EEZ of the Republic of Djibouti (March 1981): Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 18 p.

122. Myklevoll, S., 1982b, Fisheries resources survey, Tanzania, 16 June - 8 July 1982. Preliminary Cruise report R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 26 p.

123. Nakken, O., 1981, Report on cruise with R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN off Kenya, 8–19 December 1980: Bergen, Norway, IMR, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 31 p.

124. Nakken, O., 1983, Fisheries resources survey in Pakistan, 5–16 September 1983. Cruise report Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 31.

125. Nakken, O. and Sann Aung, 1980, A survey of the fish resources of Burma, September-November 1979: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 50 p.

126. Ona. E., 1984a, Fisheries resources survey Iran, 21–23 May, 30 May - 2 June, 12–15 June 1984. Cruise report DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 16 p.

127. Ona, E., 1984b, Fisheries resources survey, Pakistan, 2–12 June 1984. Cruise Report DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 41 p.

128. Sætersdal, G.S. and de Bruin, G.H.P., 1979, Report on a survey of the coastal fish resources of Sri Lanka, August - September 1978: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 56 p. & Annex 1.

129. Sætre, R., 1981, Surveys on the marine fish resources of Bangladesh, Nov. - Dec. 1979 and May 1980: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 67 p.

130. Sætre, R. and de Paula e Silva, R, 1979, The marine fish resources of Mozambique: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 179 p. Includes chapters on Mesopelagic fish and whales.

131. Schärfe, J., 1983, A report prepared for the survey and identification of world marine fish resources project: midwater trawling trials for lantern fish with the research vessel DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN in the Gulf of Oman, 9 February - 1 March 1983: Rome, Italy, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 28 p.

132. Strømme, T., 1983a, Final report of the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN fish resource surveys off West Africa from Agadir to Ghana, May 1981 - Mar. 1982. A joint NORAD FAO/UNDP project: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. Also published as Part 1 of CECAF/ECAF Series 84/29, 157 p.

133. Strømme, T., 1983b, Survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources off Oman from Muscat to Salalah, 1–19 March 1983. Cruise report Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 37 p.

134. Strømme, T., 1983c, Survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources in the coastal waters off Maldives, 17–28 August 1983. Cruise report Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 25 p.

135. Strømme, T., 1984a, Third survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources off Oman, 29 April - 17 May 1984. Cruise report Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 22 p.

136. Strømme, T., 1984b, Second fisheries resource survey in the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, 12 August - 4 September 1984: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 13 p.

137. Strømme, T., 1984c, Second fisheries resource survey of the northeast coast of Somalia, 24–30 August 1984. Cruise report Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 10 p.

138. Strømme, T., 1984d, The pelagic and demersal fish resources off north-east Somalia. Results of two surveys with R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN in 1984. Final Report: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 38 p.

139. Strømme, T., 1984e, Final report of the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN fish resource surveys off West Africa from Agadir to Ghana, May 1981 - Mar 1982: Report on the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN Surveys Off West Africa: Morocco to Ghana, and Cape Verde, May 1981 - March 1982 CECAF/ECAF Series, no. 84/29, p. 1–155. See also Strømme, T., 1983a.

140. Strømme, T., 1985, Fisheries resource survey of the Nile Delta, Egypt, 12–17 December 1984 Cruise report R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 8 p.

141. Strømme, T., 1986, The pelagic and demersal fish resources of Oman. Results of the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN surveys in Oman 1983–1984. Final Report: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 102 p.

142. Strømme, T., Føyn, L. and Sætersdal, G., 1983, Survey of the offshore sub-surface community from Togo to Cameroon and of the shelf from Equatorial Guinea to the Congo, Aug.-Sep. 1981: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 40 p.

143. Strømme, T., Nakken, O., Sann Aung and Sætersdal, G., 1981, Surveys of the marine fish resources of Burma, September-November 1979 and March-April 1980: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 89 p.

144. Strømme, T. and Sætersdal, G., 1986, Report on the surveys of Angola's marine fish resources, January 1985 - June 1986: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 69 p.

145. Strømme, T., 1987a, R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN fish resource surveys off West Africa: Morocco to Sierra Leone, August-December 1986, Part I, Final Report: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 117 p.

146. Strømme, T., 1987b, R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN fish resource surveys off West Africa: Morocco to Sierra Leone, August-December 1986, Part II, Data Files: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports of surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 148 p.

147. Strømme, T., 1988a, Final report. Surveys of the fish resources on the Pacific shelf from Colombia to southern Mexico, 1987: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 97 p. Also available in Spanish. Data files in separate volume. (In some copies the title reads: entre el sur de Mexico y Colombia).

148. Strømme, T., 1988b, Archivo de Datos. Prospecciones de los recursos pesqueros de la plataforma Pacifica entre el sur de Mexico y Colombia, 1987: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 309 p.

149. Strømme, T., 1989a, Final Report, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf areas between Suriname and Colombia, 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 139 p. Also available in Spanish. Data Files in separate volume.

150. Strømme, T., 1989b, Data Files, Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf areas between Suriname and Colombia, 1988: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN,?

151. Strømme, T., 1991, Final Report, Surveys of the marine fish resources of Angola, 1985–1989: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 119 p. Supplement contains data files. Also issued in Portuguese.

152. Strømme, T., Sætersdal, G. and Gjøsæter, H., 1982, Preliminary report on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN in West African waters, 1981; Mauritania to Guinea Bissau, May 1981; Guinea to Ghana, June 1981 and Mauritania to Guinea-Bissau, September 1981 [Mauritania December 1981]. Report prepared for a CECAF working party on resource evaluation, sixth session, Dakar 2–6 February 1982: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 109 p.

153. Strømme, T., Sundby, S. and Sætersdal, G., 1982, A survey of the fish resources in the coastal waters of the Republic of Cape Verde, November 1981: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 32 p.

154. Strømme, T., 1984, A survey of the fish resources in the coastal waters of the Republic of Cape Verde, November 1981: Report on the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN Fish Resource Surveys Off West Africa: Morocco to Ghana and Cape Verde CECAF/ECAF Series, no. 84/29, p. 157–187. See also Strømme, T., Sundby, S. and Sætersdal, G., 1982.

155. Strømme, T. and Tilseth, S., 1984, Second survey of the abundance and distribution of the fish resources off Oman, 7 Nov. - 11 Dec. 1983. Cruise report Dr. Fridtjof Nansen: Bergen, Norway, Institute of Marine Research, Reports on surveys with the R/V DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN, 36 p.

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