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5.1 Classrooms

Description - The classroom is designed as a unit of two classrooms each with a capacity for 20 students (drawing 02) and each has a store for educational material. Toilets and cleaning facilities are common to both classrooms so that when only one classroom is to be built that part of the building containing the common facilities should be selected.

Assuming three or four lectures a day, one held in each class, the unit of two classroom is sufficient for an intake of 60 to 80 students.

Cost estimates

Construction 250 m2 at US$ 118 m229,500
 Total building costs33,000
 Grand total38,700


  1. Electricity - installed power 3.5 Kw.
    19 mounted single tube fluorescent fittings
    6 weatherproof tunsten fittings
    6 5A socket outlets

  2. Plumbing
    3 bowl urinals
    4 wash basins with cold water taps
    3 water closets
    1 water storage tank

  3. Sewage
    1 gully trap
    2 manholes
    100mm dia. cast iron piping
    100mm dia. pitch fibre piping

  4. Furniture
    40 students' desks
    42 school chairs
    2 teachers' desks
    4 running metres of light shelving
    2 blackboards 120cm × 480cm
    2 white screens
    2 notice boards 120cm × 240cm
    30m of 120cm curtain material

  5. Equipment
    2 overhead projectors

5.2 Laboratories

Description - The laboratory unit (drawing 03) is designed to house both a chemistry and a microbiology laboratory each with working space for ten students. Between the two laboratories common facilities for storage, media preparation and wash-up have been included.

Each work space has easy access to water, electricity, gas and washing-up facilities. Room is allowed for the students to have a personal issue of general laboratory equipment and easy access to the specialized laboratory equipment.

The equipment included for the laboratory unit is sufficient to carry out the following:

The equipment will have to be supplemented to some degree if diploma level courses are to be run.

Cost estimate

Construction 204 m2 at US$ 130 m226,700
Electricity 1,900
Plumbing 4,100
Sewage 700
 Total building costs33,400
Furniture 6,000
Equipment 36,000
 Grand total75,300

Area (m2) 
A Classrooms
B Stores
C Toilets
D Cleaner's room
E Corridors
Total area250 m2
Furniture and Equipment
a Students' tables and chairs
b Teachers' tables and chairs
c Blackboard
d Shelves

02. Classrooms 1:200

Area (m2) 
A Microbiology
B Chemistry
C Wash-up room
D Store
E Corridors
Total area204 m2
Furniture and Equipment
a Laboratory table type 1
b Laboratory table type 2
c Laboratory table type 3
d Laboratory table type 4
e Trolley
f Shelves
g Cupboard
h Blackboard
j Incubators
k Water heater
l Autoclave
m Concrete slab

03. Laboratories 1:200

Laboratory specifications

  1. Electricity - installed power 20.0 Kw.
    18 mounted single tube fluorescent fittings
    3 weatherproof tungsten fittings
    25 5A socket outlets
    5 20A cord outlets

  2. Plumbing
    20 vulcathene sinks
    20 vulcathene cold water taps
    6 stainless steel sinks with draining boards
    6 hot and cold water mixer taps
      acid resistant drainage with 20 gas outlets
    1 water storage tank

  3. Sewage
    7 gully traps
    5 manholes
    100mm. dia. concrete or pitch fibre piping

  4. Furniture
    20 type 1 working tables
    6 type 2 working tables
    1 type 2A working table
    4 type 3 working tables
    20 type 4 storage units
    3 trolleys
    24 high stools
    2 blackboards
    7 running metres of four-tier shelving
    20 m of 9cm plastic curtaining
    3 m concrete slab

  5. Equipment
    3 incubators
    1 incubator/refrigerator
    1 autoclave
    1 sterilizing oven
    2 laboratory balances
    4 thermostatically controlled water baths
    10 microscopes
    2 Gerber centrifuges
    1 set of automated milk testing equipment recording fat, protein and total solids
    1 apparatus for methylene blue test
    1 scale to determine the moisture content of butter
    1 apparatus for freezing point determination
    1 water distiller

Glassware, chemicals and substitutes sufficient for one year comprising: titration sets, sediment testers, filter pads, petri dishes, test tubes, rubber mats, measuring flasks, measuring cylinders, pipettes, Erlenmeyer flasks, evaporation dishes, funnels, beakers, spatulas, reagent flasks, drip bottles, mortars, stoppers, special butyrometer stands, thermometers, phosphatase test equipment, Durham tubes, slides and cover glasses, lactometers.

Phenolphthalein, sodium hydroxide, resazurin, methylene-blue, phosphatase reagents, alizarin, alcohol, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid, amylalcohol, paraphenylendiamin, hydrogen-peroxide, litmus, immersion oil, sodium carbonate.

Milk agar, plate-count agar, violet red bile agar, potato dextrose agar, trypsin digest agar, MacConkey broth.

5.3 Library

Description - The library (drawing 04) incorporates a visual-aid room which can accomodate up to 60 students, a film operator's room and reading space for 18 students.

The visual aid room is sufficiently equipped for holding seminars and conferences and the library will house about 4,000 books and space is provided for newspaper and magazine stands. The complete unit is sufficient to cope with an intake of 60 to 80 students.

Cost Estimate

Construction 235 m2 at US$ 118 per m227,700
Electricity 1,100
 Total building costs28,800
Furniture 7,900
Equipment 2,900
 Grand total39,600

Library and Audio-visual Room specifications

  1. Electricity - installed power 5.0 Kw.
    12 mounted single tube fluorescent fittings
    5 mounted twin tube fluorescent fittings
    3 weatherproof tungsten fittings
    8 5A socket outlets
    1 20A double pole switch with cord outlets
    2 loudspeaker outlets

  2. Plumbing - nil

  3. Sewage - nil

  4. Furniture
    18 students' desks
    80 school chairs
    2 conference tables
    1 office desk
    1 office chair
    32 library-type bookcases
    4 shelves for newspapers
    3 running metres light storage shelving
    1 blackboard 120 cm × 480 cm
    1 notice board 120 cm × 240 cm
    6 m of 120 cm light-proof curtain material
    12 m of 120 cm cotton curtain material

  5. Equipment
    1 16mm film projector with two loudspeakers
    1 screen - 1.5 m × 2 m
    1 slide projector

Area (m2) 
A Audio-visual room
B Library
C Operator's room
D Corridor
Total area235 m2
Furniture and Equipment
a Student's desk
b School chairs
c Conference table
d Office desk with chair
e Library bookcase
f Newspaper shelves
g Light storage shelves
h Notice board
j Blackboard
k Film projector

04. Library and audio-visual room 1:200

5.4 Hostel

Description - the hostel (Drawing 05) contains 10 double rooms, a store, a laundry room and two toilets. Each room is furnished with tables, chairs, beds and cupboards. The laundry room allows hostel occupants to wash their personal laundry.

Cost estimate

Construction 235 m2 at US$ 170 m240,000
Electricity 2,000
Plumbing 2,400
Sewage 700
 Total building costs45,100
Furniture 7,700
Equipment 500
 Grand total53,300

Hostel Specifications

  1. Electricity - installed power 5.5 Kw.
    36 Standard light fittings
    6 Weatherproof tungsten fittings
    14 5A socket outlets
    1 20A cord outlet

  2. Plumbing
    3 Sinks
    3 Water closets
    3 Wash basins
    3 Bowl urinals
    3 Shower fittings
    1 Water storage tank
    13 Taps, plus piping

  3. Sewage
    1 Gully trap
    4 Manholes
    100 mm dia. cast iron piping
    100 mm dia. pitch fibre or concrete piping

  4. Furniture
    20 Tables
    20 School chairs
    20 Beds
    20 Foam mattresses 75 cm × 200 cm
    20 Built-in cupboards
    7 Running metres heavy storage shelving
    7 m of 90 cm plastic curtain material
    90 m of 120 cm cotton curtain material
    25 Blankets
    80 Sheets
    80 Towels

  5. Equipment
    1 225 1 (50 gall) water heater
    3 Irons

Area (m2) 
A Students' rooms
B Toilets and baths
C Laundry
D Store
E Corridor
Total area235 m2
Furniture and Equipment 
a Tables and chairs
b Built-in cupboards
c Beds
d Water heater
e Heavy storage shelves
f Concrete slabs

05. Hostel for 20 students 1:200

5.5 Dining Hall and Kitchen

Description - The unit comprises a dining hall kitchen, office, two stores and a combined laundry and ironing room (Drawing 06). The dining hall can accomodate 42 students and is furnished to the same standard as the hostel and classrooms.

The laundry and ironing room is equipped with one heavy duty washing machine, a tumbler dryer, a spin dryer, three ironing boards and cupboard space for finished laundry. The comparatively large laundry area is designed for washing working clothes issued to students.

The cooking island in the kitchen is equipped with two stainless steel cooking pans, one tea and one coffee urn, a potato frier and two four-burner stoves with ovens. All cooking equipment is gas-operated. Ancillary equipment includes a potato peeler and a heated cupboard for keeping food warm, two refrigerators with a total capacity of 800 litres and a deep freeze with a capacity of 400 litres.

For food preparation the kitchen has two bays, one for vegetables and one for meat; a third bay is the washing-up area.

The kitchen and dining hall layout are designed for a cafetaria system of food service.

The office is placed for ease of control over catering and the reception area has facilities for the control of purchasing and a stainless steel table for sorting.

The storage area is divided into a vegetable store and a dry goods store. One wall of the vegetable store is fitted with two tiers of weldmesh baskets and the two longer walls are fitted with four-tier shelving.

Toilet facilities are solely for kitchen staff.

The unit is sufficient for an intake of 40 to 80 students.

Cost estimate

Construction 265 m2 at US$ 157 m2 41,600
Electricity 8,100
Plumbing 2,000
Sewage 1,000
 Total building costs52,700
Furniture 7,900
Equipment 31,800
 Grand Total92,400

Dining Hall and Kitchen Specifications

  1. Electricity - installed power 25.0 Kw.
    23 Mounted single tube fluorescent lights
    18 5A socket outlets
    3 Weatherproof tungsten fittings
    1 20A cord outlets
    1 Outlet for fan
    1 15A triple pole and neutral switch
    1 13A spur unit switched and fused with pilot lamp
    1 Mains distribution meter

  2. Plumbing
    3 Wash basins
    1 Water closet
    2 Mixer taps
    5 Taps
    2 Water storage tanks
    Gas installation and 1 ton capacity gas tank

  3. Sewage
    3 Gully traps
    1 Grease trap
    4 Manholes
    100 mm dia. cast iron piping
    100 mm dia. pitch fibre or concrete piping

  4. Furniture
    1 Office table
    2 School chairs
    22 Students' desks
    44 School chairs
    1 Filing cabinet
    1 Library type bookcase
    7 Kitchen tables - type 1
    2 Kitchen tables - type 2
    2 Kitchen tables - type 3
    1 Kitchen table - type 4
    Ironing boards
    Linen cupboard
    3 Vegetable racks
    10 Running meters of heavy storage shelving
    1 Hot-food cupboard
    1 Rack for Kitchen utensils
    1 Chopping block
    1 Crockery cupboard
    30 m of 120 cm cotton curtain material

  5. Equipment
    1 Potato fryer
    2 Gas stoves
    2 Boiling pans
    2 Urns (tea and coffee)
    Sterilizing tank and 4 stainless steel baskets
    1 Electric mixer
    1 Extractor hood
    1 Potato peeler
    2 Refrigerators 400 l each
    1 Deep freeze 400 l
    1 Washing machine
    1 Spin dryer
    1 Tumbler dryer
    1 Large weighing scale
    1 90 l (20 gal) water heater
    3 Irons
    4 10-litre pots with lids
    8 5-litre pots with lids
    4 Pans
    4 Ladles
    8 Bowls, glass and plastic
    1 Potato chipper
    1 Chopper
    4 Carving knives
    2 Strainers
    100 Sets of plates
    (large, soup and small)
    100 Cups and saucers
    100 Sets of knives, forks, spoons and teaspoons
    100 Glasses
    20 Water jugs
    10 Sets of dishes and bowls
    50 Wooden trays
    50 Dish towels
    50 Tablecloths

5.6 Sick bay

Description - The Sick Bay (Drawing 07) can accommodate four students or, when not in use, it could be used as a guest house.

There are two double rooms, two separate toilets, a doctor's room and a waiting room.

Cost estimate

Construction 81 m2 at US$ 157 m2 12,700
Electricity 500
Plumbing 1,200
Sewage 500
 Total building costs14,900
Furniture 1,300
Equipment 200
 Grand Total16,400

Sick Bay Specifications

  1. Electricity - Installed power 2.0 Kw.
    4 Mounted single tube fluorescent lights
    5 Weatherproof tungsten fittings
    4 5A socket outlets
    1 20A cord outlets

  2. Plumbing
    2 Wash basins with cold water taps
    2 Water closets
    2 Shower fittings
    1 Sink with hot and cold water taps
    1 Water storage tank

  3. Sewage
    2 Gully traps
    4 Manholes
    100 mm dia. cast iron piping
    100 mm dia. pitch fibre or concrete piping

  4. Furniture
    4 Beds
    4 Foam mattresses 75 cm × 200 cm
    10 School chairs
    4 Cupboards
    Working top
    6 m of 90 cm plastic curtain
    24 m of 120 cotton curtain material
    4 Blankets
    8 Sheets
    8 Towels

  5. Equipment
    1 90-litre (20 gal) water heater

Area (m2)   
A Dining hall91.8E Reception area21.8
B Kitchen61.2F Stores23.4
C Office12.1G Toilet2.3
D Laundry33.1H Corridor19.4
 Total area 265m2 
Furniture and Equipment  
a Weldmesh rackm Kitchen island
b Shelvesn Refrigerator
c Chopping blocko Deep freeze
d Kitchen tablep Potato peeler
e Hot cupboardr Washing machine
f Kitchen table and sinks Spin drier
g Rack for utensilst Tumbler dryer
h Ironing boardsu Water heater
j Cupboard for linenw Scale
k Cupboard for crockeryz Tables and chairs
l Sink  

06. Dining hall and kitchen 1:200

Area (m2) 
A Bedrooms
B Waiting room
C Doctor's room
D Toilets
E Corridor
Total area81 m2
Furniture and Equipment 
a Bed
b Chair
c Cupboard
d Water heater

07 Sick bay 1:200

5.7 Games Room

Description - The unit (Drawing 08) comprises three rooms, one for darts, one for table tennis and one for television viewing.

The darts room is equipped with two dart boards, ten sets of darts, two scoreboards and special light fittings over the dart boards. A fixed bench is fitted along the free walls.

The table tennis room has two standard size tables, four nets, eight bats and eight dozen balls. Fixed benches are fitted along the window walls.

The TV room has a 26-inch black and white television set and 28 chairs.

It is considered that this unit is sufficient to cater for the needs of 60 to 80 students.

Cost Estimate

Construction 143 m2 at US$131 m2 18,700
Electricity 600
Plumbing -
Sewage -
 Total building costs19,300

Area (m2) 
A Table tennis
B T.V. room
C Darts
D Corridor
Total area143 m2
Furniture and Equipment
a Chairs
b Fixed benches
c Table tennis table
d Television
e Dart board
f Score board

08. Games rooms 1:200

Furniture 2,800
Equipment 800
 Grand total22,900


  1. Electricity - Installed power 1.5 Kw
    10 mounted single tube fluorescent lights
    6 5A outlet sockets
    1 outlet for television aerial

  2. Plumbing

  3. Sewage

  4. Furniture
    28 School chairs
    9 Fixed benches
    2 Table tennis tables
    32 m of 120 cotton curtain material

  5. Equipment
    1 Television
    2 Dart boards
    10 Sets of darts
    2 Score-boards
    4 Table tennis nets
    8 Table tennis bats
    8 dozen table tennis balls

5.8 Offices

Description - The Office block comprises the following rooms (Drawing 09):

Area (m2) 
A Principal's office
B Offices
C Stores
D Toilet
E Printing room
F Corridor
Total area250 m2
Furniture and Equipment 
a Desks and chairs
b Typists' desks and chairs
c Library bookcases
d Easy chairs
e Small table
f Filing cabinets
g Duplicator
h Photocopy machine
j Shelves

09. Office building 1:200

The offices are equipped with furniture as outlined in the specifications.

A switchboard with 10 extensions is installed in one of the typists' offices. The extensions are distributed as follows:

Principal's office- one extension
Teachers' offices- four extensions
Administrative office- one extensions
Office in boarding unit- one extension
Office in model milk plant- one extension
Available as required- two extensions

The stores are equipped with four-tier shelving all around the walls giving approximately 30 m of shelving space in each store.

The printing room installation consists of a duplicating machine and a photocopying machine. A large table in the middle of the room and a two-tier shelving unit on the wall between the corridor and the printing room will facilitate the assembly of reports, lecture notes, etc.

The end wall between the administration office and the printing room has a fivetier shelving unit for storage of paper, stencils, etc. Shelves are also shown for other available wall space and may be incorporated if desired.

Office accommodation as described is considered sufficient for an intake of 60 to 80 students. By doubling up the offices accommodation would be sufficient for an intake of 120–140 students.

Junior personnel should be accommodated within their respective disciplines, e.g. the demonstrator in laboratory techniques should be accommodated in the laboratory.

Cost Estimate

Construction 250 m2 at US$144 m2 36,000
Electricity 1,200
Plumbing 900
Sewage 500
 Total building costs38,600
Furniture 9,000
Equipment 9,600
 Grand total57,200


  1. Electricity - Installed power 4.0 Kw
    20 mounted single tube fluorescent lights
    1 Weatherproof tungsten fitting
    1 Electric clock
    15 5A socket outlets

  2. Plumbing
    2 Wash basins with cold water taps
    2 Water closets
    1 Water storage tank

  3. Sewage
    2 Manholes
    100 mm dia. cast iron piping
    100 mm dia. pitch fibre or concrete piping

  4. Furniture
    7 Office desks
    5 Office chairs
    2 Typists' desks
    2 Students' desks
    2 Teachers' desks
    18 Library bookcases
    4 Easy chairs
    1 Small table
    5 Steel filing cabinets
    1 Safe
    31 Running metres of four-tier light storage shelving
    42 m of 120 cm cotton curtain material

  5. Equipment
    2 Electric typewriters
    1 Duplicator
    1 Photocopy machine
    1 Switchboard with 10 extensions
    Office supplies

5.9 Garages

Description - The unit (Drawing 10) comprises a garage for a 30-seater bus, space to garage a 1-½ ton pickup, a covered VW type pickup for transport of dairy products and a saloon car. A repair pit is built into the bus garage.

A demonstration hall with a floor space of 50 m2 is also included in the unit, as a workshop and a store.

Area (m2) 
A Bus garage
B Car garage
C Demonstration room
D Workshop
E Store
Total area186 m2
Furniture and Equipment
a Work benches
b Four-tier shelves
c Pit

10. Garage 1:200

The workshop supplements the workshop in the dairy and can be used both as a repair unit and a teaching unit. It is equipped with work benches, tools and one universal power tool.

The demonstration hall is intended to test new machinery and equipment and to house demonstration equipment not covered by other teaching facilities.

Cost Estimate

Construction 186 m2 at US$124 m2 23,100
Electricity 1,500
Plumbing 100
Sewage 200
 Total building costs24,900
Furniture 600
Equipment 7,800
 Grand total33,300

Garage Specifications

  1. Electricity - Installed power 15.0 Kw
    12 mounted single tube fluorescent lights
    1 Weatherproof tungsten fitting
    13 5A socket outlets
    4 15A triple pole and neutral isolator distribution board

  2. Plumbing
    2 Taps and piping

  3. Sewage
    1 Oil trap
    100 mm dia. cast iron piping
    100 mm dia. pitch fibre or concrete piping

  4. Furniture
    4 Work benches
    4–5 Running metres of four-tier shelving

  5. Equipment

5.10 Sketches of furniture

5.10.1 Laboratory

5.10.2 Kitchen

5.10.3 Office, classroom and hostel

5.10.4 Miscellaneous


11. Sketches of laboratory furniture 1:40


12. Sketches of kitchen furniture


13. Sketches of office, classroom and hostel furniture 1:40


14. Sketches of miscellaneous furniture

5.11 Milk Plant - Administration Building

Description - The administration building (Drawing 15) comprises:

The offices are equipped as outlined in the specifications.

The above is equipped with four-tier shelving around the walls.

The classroom can accommodate 12 students and is meant for use before and after practical training.

Cost Estimate

Construction 150 m2 at US$144 m2 21,600
Electricity 700
Plumbing 700
Sewage 200
 Total building costs23,200
Furniture 4,400
Equipment 1,100
 Grand total28,700

Milk Plant Administration Building - Specifications

  1. Electricity - Installed power 2.5 Kw
    12 Mounted single tube fluorescent lights
    2 Weatherproof tungsten fittings
    6 5A socket outlets

  2. Plumbing
    2 Wash basins with cold water taps
    2 Water closets
    1 Water storage tank

  3. Sewage
    1 Manhole
    100 mm dia. cast iron piping
    100 mm dia. pitch fibre or concrete piping

  4. Furniture
    3 Office desks
    6 Office chairs
    1 Typist desk
    1 Typist chair
    12 Students' desks
    12 School chairs
    2 Steel filing cabinets
    4 Easy chairs
    1 Small table
    7 Library bookcases
    7 Running metres of four-tier light storage shelving
    1 Blackboard 120 cm × 240 cm
    36 m of 120 cm cotton curtain material

  5. Equipment
    1 Typewriter
    Office supplies

Area (m2) 
A Manager's office19.2
B Typist's office12.9
C Offices25.8
D Classroom37.8
E Store12.9
F Toilets12.9
G Corridor28.5
Total area150 m2

15. Milk plant - administration building 1:200

5.12 Milk Plant

Description- The milk plant (Drawings 16 to 23) is designed to serve the double purpose of giving practical training space for up to 20 students attending diploma courses, and of providing facilities for manufacturing conventional dairy products.

The flow line has a capacity of 1,000 litres/h. The capacity of the reception and storage facilities is based on approximately 6,000 litres/day liquid milk, or corresponding to an eight-hour working day (one shift).

The production line incorporates the following units:

The equipment is itemized in the lists of equipment.

The storage capacity is based on peak production of the whole production line.

All service units have standby units to ensure a continuous operation in case of breakdown and to facilitate training in the operation and maintenance of equipment.

An emergency generator takes care of power cuts.

A waste water treatment plant is included to comply with the strict environmental legislation in many countries.

An emergency reservoir with a capacity of 60,000 litres water corresponding to 2 to 3 days' consumption will offset any breakdown of the water supply.

An independent water supply must be considered as a separate item.

Cost Estimate

Construction 943 m2 at US$261 m2 247,000
Special floor 33,500
Electricity and power 96,000
Plumbing 50,000
Sewage 60,000
 Total building costs486,500
Furniture 7,500
Equipment, fittings, erection and running in606,500
 Grand total1,100,500

Milk Plant - Specifications

  1. Electricity - Installed power 180 Kw
    Power load 170 kVA
    Light load 10 kVA

    70 Power points
    1 125 kVA emergency generator
    1 Main switchboard

  2. Plumbing
    2 Wash basins
    2 Water closets
    6 Showers

    1 Set of stainless steel pipes and fittings for internal connection of dairy machinery

    1 Set of steel pipes and fittings consisting of:

    steam pipes
    water pipes
    chilled water pipes
    condensed water pipes
    air pipes inclusive of bends, valves, breakers, etc.

    1 Set of pipe insulation material consisting of:

    insulation material for steam pipes
    insulation material for chilled water pipes
    insulation material for ammonia pipes
    insulation material to be completed with vapour seal, asphalt, nails, wire, glue, tape, etc. The pipes to be covered with polystyrene tapes steam pipes with aluminium plates.

  3. Sewage
    10 Manholes
    15 Floor gullies
    100 to 150 mm dia. pitch fibre piping
    Vent pipes
    1 Waste water treatment plant
    - 30,000 1 a day complete with all accessories

  4. Special floor
    400 m2 acid-proof tiles

  5. Furniture
    1 Laboratory table type 2
    2 Laboratory tables type 3
    46 Cupboards 30 cm × 50 cm × 150 cm counter and shelving for shop
    7 Running metres of heavy storage shelving
    12 m of 90 cm plastic curtain

  6. Equipment

Milk/Reception (*Numbers refer to Figures 19 & 20)

* No.

101 2 4-metre Roller Conveyors for transportation of milk cane

102 1 Milk Reception Scale with manually operated valve including weight tank
Maximum weighing: 250 kgs.
Graduated:               kg and litres

103 1 Rectangular Milk Reception Vat in stainless steel
Capacity: 500 litres

104 1 Drip Saver
Length: 2 metres

105   Double Milk Filter
Capacity of each filter: 2,000 litres/hour

106 1 Rotary Type hand-operated Can Washing Machine with 3 compartments
Capacity: approximately 180 cans/hour of 50 litres or smaller scale

107 1 Boiling Vessel in stainless steel
Capacity: 150 litres

Cooling and storage of Raw Milk

201 1 Centrifugal Pump in stainless steel
Capacity: 2,000 litres/hour milk

202 1 Plate Cooler in stainless steel
Capacity: 2,000 litres/hour milk, cooled from 35°C to 4°C with chilled water

203 1 Chilled Water Centrifugal Vertical Multistage Pump with direct coupled motor
Capacity: 3,000 litres/hour

204 1 2,000 litre Vertical, Enclosed Milk Storage Tank inclusive of agitator and all necessary accessories

205 1 Two-speed Centrifugal Pump in stainless steel Capacity: 1,000/3,000 litres/hour


301 1 Float Controlled Balance Tank - Capacity: 100 litres

302 1 Centrifugal Pump in stainless steel - Capacity: 1,000 litres/hour

303 1 Plate Heat Exchanger in stainless steel - Capacity: 1,000 litres/hour

304 1 Centrifugal Pump in cast iron housing for hot water
Capacity: approximately 5,000 litres/hour
1 Set of hot water pipes for connecting the pump to the plate heat exchanger

305 1 Control Panel inclusive of thermograph, thermometer and flow diversion valve, etc.

306 1 Chilled Water Centrifugal, Vertical, Multistage Pump with direct coupled motor - Capacity: approximately 5,000 litres/hour

307 1 Separator complete with all necessary accessories - Capacity: 1,000/2,000 litres/hour

308 1 Homogenizer complete with all necessary accessories
Capacity: 1,000 litres/hour at 210 kg/cm2

1 Boiling Vessel in stainless steel - Capacity: 150 litres

Milk Storage and Filling

401 1 2,000 litre Vertical, Enclosed Milk Storage Tank, inclusive of agitator and all necessary accessories

402 1 2,000 litre Vertical, Enclosed Milk Storage Tank, inclusive of agitator and all necessary accessories

403 1 Centrifugal Pump in stainless steel - Capacity: 1,000 litres/hour

404 1 Automatic Filling Machine for filling of milk into plastic bags

405 1 Manual Filling Machine for filling of milk into plastic bags

406 2 Plastic Vats for manual cleaning of plastic crates

Yoghurt Manufacture

501 1 Batch Pasteurizer in stainless steel - Capacity: 300 litres
1 Set of accessories for the batch pasteurizer

502 1 Centrifugal Pump in stainless steel - Capacity: 1,000 litres/hour

503 1 Semi-automatic Yoghurt Filling and Closing Machine
Capacity: approximately 200 litres/hour

504 1 Stainless Steel Table

505 2 Starter Heaters for mother culture

Butter and Ghee Manufacture

601 1 Batch Pasteurizer in stainless steel
Capacity: 300 litres
1 Set of Accessories for the batch pasteurizer

602 1 Centrifugal Pump in stainless steel
Capacity: 2,000 litres/hour

603 1 Butter Churn in stainless steel
Capacity of bowl: 600 litres

604 1 Butter Milk Trolley

605 1 Butter Milk Pump in stainless steel
Capacity: 2,000 litres/hour

606 1 Butter Moulding Machine in stainless steel
Capacity: 1,000 packs/hour

607 1 Ghee Boiler in stainless steel
Capacity: 180 litres

608 1 Stainless Steel Table inclusive of control weighing scale

609 1 Boiling Vessel in stainless steel
Capacity: 150 litres

Cheese Manufacture

701 and 702 2 Cheese Vats in stainless steel - Capacity: 500 litres each

703 1 Cheese Press, complete with all necessary accessories
1 Set of Cheese Equipment consisting of cheese knives, moulds for various types of cheese

704 and 705 2 Stainless Steel Tables

706 1 Cheese Coating Machine, complete with all necessary accessories

707-709 3 Cheese Salting Vats made of reinforced glass fibre
Capacity: 500 litres each

710 1 Cheese Packing Table in stainless steel

Ice Cream Plant

801 1 Batch Pasteurizer in stainless steel - Capacity: 300 litres
1 Set of accessories for the batch pasteurizer

802 1 Ice-cream Pump in stainless steel - Capacity: approximately 1,000 litres/ hour

803 1 Batch Pasteurizer in stainless steel - Capacity: 300 litres

804 1 Continuous Ice-Cream Freezer, complete with all necessary accessories

805 and 806 2 Deep-Freeze, complete- Capacity: 400 litres each


901–908 1 Complete Evaporating Plant for re-circulating 100 litres milk/hour

evaporation 73 kgs/hour water
consumption 27 kgs/hour
44% dry solids

909 1 Stainless steel tank for evaporated milk The tank to be complete with agitator and all necessary accessories Capacity: 200 litres

Spray Drying

1001 – 1003 1 Spray Drying Plant, type Production Minor, complete with all necessary accessories Capacity: 10–25 kgs/hour

Cleaning in Place

1101 1 500-litre Cylindrical, Vertical, Uninsulated, Stainless Steel Tank

1102 1 Centrifugal Pump in stainless steel Capacity: 10,000 litres/hour

1103 1 500-litre Cylindrical, Vertical, Uninsulated, Stainless Steel Tank

Refrigeration Plant

1201 2 Centrifugal Pumps, each with a capacity of 4,200 litres/hour

1202 1 Water Pressure Tank - Capacity: 500 litres

1203 1 Air Compressor for the above water pressure tank Capacity: approximately 150 litres/hour

1204 1 Air Compressor, complete with all necessary accessories and air dryer Capacity: 1,060 litres/hour

1205 1 60 m3 Water Storage Tank

1301 – 1302 2 Compressors for ammonia, complete with all necessary accessories

1303 1 Ice Water Tank, complete with coils and all necessary accessories

1304 1 Condenser, complete with all necessary accessories

1305 1 Receiver, complete with all necessary accessories

1306 1 Flow Control Valve

1307 - 1310 4 Evaporators, complete with all necessary accessories

1311 First filling with ammonia and oil

Boiler Plant

1401 1 Boiler Plant complete with oil burner, feed water pump, control panel and all necessary accessories
Capacity: 500 kgs/hour

1402 1 Boiler Plant complete with oil burner, feed water pump, control panel and all necessary accessories

1403 1 10-metre uninsulated Chimney inclusive of smoke funnel

1404 1 Water Softening Unit
4 Trolleys for transportation of various items
2 Trolleys for transportation of plastic crates from the packing machine
9 Doors, especially made for cold stores

Area (m2) 
A Reception53.0
B Processing269.0
C Cheese manufacture97.0
D In-place cleaning8.5
E Cold stores53.5
F Steam & refrigeration83.0
G Spare parts18.0
H Main switch15.0
J Laboratories18.0
K Changing rooms & toilets56.5
L Shop10.0
M Other stores80.0
N Platforms and corridors183.0
Total area943 m2

16. Milk plant - plan 1:200

17. Milk plant - elevation and section 1:200

A. Grano
B. Terazzo
C. Acid proof tiles
D. Cast iron tiles

18. Milk plant - floor finishing 1:200

19. Milk plant - flow diagram

20. Milk plant - machinery layout 1:200

21. Milk plant - lighting 1:200

22. Milk plant - piping layout 1:200

23. Milk plant - sewage layout 1:200

1 Set of various dairy equipment, consisting of:

about 4–6 months' consumption

1 Set of laboratory equipment, complete for the following tests:

Butter fat test
Acidity test
Density test
Reduction test
Plate count/coli test
Total solids test
Butter moisture test
Freezing point test

The workshop consists of tools and equipment necessary for the maintenance of the plant.

1 Set of spare parts for the Dairy Machinery, Boiler Plant, Refrigeration Plant, Water and Air Supply Plant, and Electrical Installation

Erection and running - in include:

Erection of the Dairy Machinery

Erection of the Refrigeration Plant, Boiler Plant, Water and Air - Supply Plant

Air - conditioning for the dairy plant includes extension of the ice water tank

5.13 Milk Collecting Centre


The milk collecting centre (Drawing 24) is designed to handle 1,000 litres of milk a day.

The reception area has two sections, one counter to receive milk from small holders and a ramp where large quantities of milk can be received.

There is easy access from both reception areas to the collecting equipment. In the layout a Basin cooler with space for 25 40-litre milk cans has been shown. It is possible, if the collection system justifies it, to install a cooling tank.

A compressor room has been allowed for, to cater for individual choice regarding the cooling systems. The compressor room should also serve as a workshop and spare parts store.

Washing facilites are available inside for equipment used in the milk collecting centre and outside for farmers to wash their milk containers after milk delivery.

Area (m2)
A Milk handling
B Office
C Compressor room
D Store
E Ramp
F Toilet
G Corridor
Total area121 m2
Furniture and Equipment
a In-can milk cooler
b Milk separator
c Wash basins
d Two-tier can rack
e Water heater
f Shelves
g Desk and chairs

24, Milk Collecting centre 1:200

It is assumed that hot water will be supplied from an electric water heater. Where no electricity is available a 44–gallon drum can be built into a chimney arrangement and provide sufficient hot water for both washing operations mentioned above.

A hand-operated cream separator with a capacity of approximately 500 litres an hour is included to facilitate separation of low grade milk.

The centre is large enough to give practical training to six students at a time.

Cost Estimate

Construction 121 m2 at US$ 130 m2 15,800
Electricity 1,400
Plumbing 800
Sewage 300
 Total building costs18,300
Furniture 600
Equipment 7,800
 Grand total26,700

24. Milk Collecting Centre - Specifications

  1. Electricity - Installed power 5.0 Kw
    12 Mounted single tube fluorescent fittings
    1 Weatherproof tungsten fitting
    2 5A socket outlets
    2.20A cord outlet boxes
    1 13A spur unit switched and fused with pilot lamp

  2. Plumbing
    2 Water storage tanks
    1 Water closet
    1 Wash basin
    13 Water taps and piping

  3. Sewage
    1 Manhole and piping

  4. Furniture
    1 Set four-tier shelves
    1 Writing desk
    2 Chairs
    1 Metal filing cabinet
    3.5 metres cotton curtain material

  5. Equipment
    1 Cooling unit
    1000 litres milk an hour from 35°C to 8°C
    1 Hand-operated separator
    400 litres/hour
    6 Galvanized wash basins
    1 Platform weighing scale 250 kg
    4 Spring balances 30 kg
    1 Water heater - Electric
    1 Two-tier can rack
    30 Milk cans, each 40 litres
    4 Strainers
    6 Stainless steel buckets
    12 Lactometers
    12 Thermometers
    1 Water bath and other resazurin equipment
    Detergents (Washing soda and soap)
    Sterilizers (Chloride of lime)
    2 Litre measures
    6 Dippers for sampling
    Set of tools

5.14 Hand Milking Unit 6 to 10 cows


The hand milking unit (Drawing 25) is designed to cater for small scale dairy farmers with handmilked herds of six to ten mature cows.

The unit contains two milking places, two calf pens, a fodder store and a milk room equipped with the essentials for carrying out a technically correct milking procedure.

It is assumed that no electricity or cooling equipment is available. Needs for light must be covered with kerosene or gas-fuelled lamps. Delivery of milk have to take place immediately after each milking.

  Milking unit for 6–10 cows
A Feed store
B Milking room
C Milk store
D Calf pens
Milking unit for 20–40 cows
A Feed store
B Milking room
C Milk store
D Feeding area
E Calf pens

25. Milking units 1:200

The milking places have mangers for concentrate feeding and a simple fastening system ensures that the cows are kept quiet during milking. It is estimated that milking of ten cows can be completed within one hour.

The calf pens have half doors opening in the total width of the individual pen for easy cleaning.

The milk room is equipped with a cement basin divided into two for washing equipment and has shelves along the wall.

Hot water will have to be supplied from a charcoal or wood-fire outside the building.

The unit will provide practical training for four to six students.

Cost Estimate

Construction 25 m2 at US$ 70/m21,750 
Electricity Nil
Plumbing 270
Sewage 100
 Total building cost2,300
Brushes, brooms, clothes, baskets, etc.200
 Grand total2,500

5.15 Mechanical Milking Unit 20 to 40 cows


The mechanical milking unit is designed to cater for medium to large scale dairy farmers utilizing machine milking on herds of 20 to 40 mature cows.

The unit contains a milking area with space for five cows, five calf pens for young calves, a calf pen for calves more than six weeks old, a fodder store, a milk room and a compressor room.

A pipe machine milking unit with two teat cup clusters and milk delivery directly to the milk room facilitate an up-to-date milking system. It is estimated that milking of 20 cows can be completed within 60 to 90 minutes.

The calf pens for young calves have half doors in the whole width of each individual pen for easy cleaning.

The pen for six weeks' calves provides a free moving area.

The fodder sotre contains no special equipment except for a weighing scale and a trolley for fodder transport.

The milk room is provided with washing facilities, can rack and a recording desk. Hot water is supplied from an electrical water heater placed in the compressor room, where the vacuum pump for the milking machine is also placed. There is also space in this room to install a compressor for cooling the milk.

The unit is large enough for six to eight student at a time to be given practical training.

Cost Estimate

Construction 94 m2 at US$ 66 m25,595 
Electricity 800
Plumbing 400
Sewage 100
 Total building cost7,500
Furniture 300
Equipment 7,100
 Grand total14,900

Mechanical Milking Unit - Specifications

  1. Electricity – Installed power 1.5 Kw
    9 Mounted single tube fluorescent lights
    2 20A cord outlets

  2. Plumbing
    7 Water taps and pipework

  3. Sewage
    1 Soak pit

  4. Furniture
    Managers and fastening devices for cows and calves
    1 Board for pregnancy control
    1 Waiting desk
    1 Chair

  5. Equipment
    1 Pipe machine milking unit with two teat-cup clusters and five vacuum outlets
    1 Vacuum pump for milking machine
    1 Electric water heater 100/150 l.
    3 Galvanized wash basins
    20 Milk cans - 40 litres each
    4 Strip cups
    2 Spring balances, 30 kg
    1 Platform scale, 250 kg
    1 Two-tier can rack
    1 Cooling unit. Capacity 1,000 l, 35°C to 8°C in one hour
    1 Hand-operated separator, 400 1/hour
    4 Stainless steel buckets
    6 Galvanized iron buckets
    1 Trolley with galvanized iron receptacle for fodder distribution
    2 Lactomenters
    2 Thermometers
    40 Cloths for washing udders
         Detergents, soap and soda
         Sterilizers, chloride of lime
         Milking jelly
         2 Shovels
         Set of tools



  1. Horticulture: a select bibliography, 1976 (E*)
  2. Cotton specialists and research institutions in selected countries, 1976 (E*)
  3. Food legumes: distribution, adaptability and biology of yield, 1977 (E* F*** S*)
  4. Soybean production in the tropics, 1977 (E* F* S*)
  5. Les systèmes pastoraux sahéliens, 1977 (F*)
  6. Pest resistance to pesticides and crop loss assessement - 1, 1977 (E* F* S*)
  7. Rodent pest biology and control. Bibliography 1970–74, 1977 (E*)
  8. Tropical pasture seed production of food ligume crops, 1978 (E* F* S*)
  9. Improvement and production of food legume crops, 1977, (E*)
  10. Rev. Pesticide residues in food 1977 – Report, 1978 (E* F*** S*)
  11. Sup. Pesticide residues in food 1977 – Evaluations, 1978 (E*)
  12. Pesticide residues in food 1965–77 –Index and summary, 1978 (E*F*** S***)
  13. Crop calendars, 1978 (E/F/S*)
  14. Manual on the use of FAO specifications for plant production products, 1979 (E*)
  15. Integrated control of rice insect pests, 1979 (E*)


  1. Animal breeding: selected articles from World Animal Review, 1977 (C* E* F* S*)
  2. Eradication of hog cholera and African swine fever, 1976 (E* F* S*)
  3. Insecticides and application equipment for tsetse control, 1977 (E* F*)
  4. New feed resources, 1977 (E/F/S*)
  5. Bibliography of the criollo cattle of the Americas, 1977 (Bi. E/S*)
  6. Mediterranean cattle and sheep in cross breeding, 1977 (E* F*)
  7. Environmental impact of tsetse chemical control, 1977 (E* F*)
  8. Declining breeds of Mediterranean sheep, 1978 (E* F*)
  9. Slaughterhouse and slaughterslab design and construction, 1978 (E* F*** S***)
  10. Treating straw for animal feeding, 1978 (E* F*** S*)
  11. Packaging, storage and distribution on of processed milk, 1978 (E*)
  12. Ruminant nutrition: selected articles from World Animal Review, 1978 (E*** F*** S***)
  13. Buffalo reproduction and artificial insemination, 1979 (E***)
  14. The African trypanosomiases, 1979 (E* F***)
  15. Establishment of dairy training centres, 1979 (E*)

FAO CONSERVATION GUIDES: 5 titles published

FAO FORESTRY PAPERS: 14 titles published

FAO FOOD AND NUTRITION PAPERS: 10 titles published



FAO SOILS BULLETINS: 41 titles published

Availability: February 1979

C Chinese
E English
F French
S Spanish
Bi. Bilingual
* Available
** Out of print
*** In preparation

The FAO Technical Papers are available through the authorized FAO Sales Agents or directly from Distribution and Sales Section, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy


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