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3. The Session was opened by Mr S.M. Garcia, Director of the Fishery Resources Division, who presented an Opening Statement on behalf of Mr David A. Harcharik, Deputy Director-General and Officer-in-Charge, FAO Fisheries Department. Mr Garcia informed the Committee that the Committee on Fisheries (COFI), at its Twenty-third Session in February 1999, expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the First Session of ACFR and FAO's follow-up actions to its recommendations. He acknowledged the very valuable contribution of members of ACFR to the work of the three Working Parties that were constituted by the First Session; Implications of Globalization: Implications for Trade and Benefit Distribution; Status and Trends of Fisheries; and New Research Methods. He referred to several other important developments that had taken place since the First Session and expressed the hope that the Committee would take these into account as it reviewed these intersessional activities, appraised FAO's fisheries research-related activities and elaborated its work for the forthcoming intersessional period.

4. Mr Garcia also expressed the Fisheries Department's appreciation of the work of Mr Sissenwine who participated at the Meeting of FAO and non-FAO Regional Fishery Bodies and Arrangements, and the Twenty-third Session of COFI. Mr Sissenwine presented to the distinguished members and representatives at these meetings the main conclusions of the First Session of ACFR. The full text of the Opening Statement is attached as Appendix D.

5. The Chairperson was pleased that all members of the Committee were able to be present and looked forward to a productive and important Second Session.

6. The Committee adopted the Agenda and Timetable for the Session which is attached as Appendix A. The documents placed before the Committee are listed in Appendix C.

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