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This issue of Working together is timed to coincide with the World Food Summit: five years later, or WFS:fyl. In November this year, government leaders and representatives of many institutions concerned with the eradication of hunger and poverty are expected to reaffirm their commitment, made here in Rome in 1996, to cut the number of undernourished people in the world by half, by the year 2015.

From left to right:
Catherine A.Bertini, Executive Director, WFP;
Jacques Diouf, Director-General, FAO;
Lennart Båge, President, IFAD

- FAO/11894/L.Spaventa

For us, as heads of the three Rome-based food agencies, WFS:fyl is the occasion to reaffirm our commitment to working together in ways that make the most of our complementary mandates, skills and experience. We pledge to redouble our efforts to ensure that, as our member countries strive to meet the Summit goal, they can be confident of the strongest possible support from their partners in Rome.

This and earlier issues of Working together portray the many ways in which our agencies collaborate in the pursuit of common goals. This joint publication reflects our shared conviction that a world without hunger is within our grasp and that we have a central role to play in its creation. This is particularly so because hunger and poverty bite deepest in the rural areas of developing countries, where our work is mainly focused.

In working together to eradicate hunger, we share a number of fundamental beliefs that guide our joint actions:

Jacques Diouf,
Director-General, FAO

Lennart Båge,
President, IFAD

Catherine A.Bertini,
Executive Director, WFP

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