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Section 5 Designing a biometric inventory for NWFPs

Participatory methods do produce statistically reliable results, if they are used appropriately. Criticism of the biometrics of informal approaches therefore relates mainly to poor use of the participatory methods. Key factors are:

Selecting appropriate methods

Table 20: Integration of studies vs optimization of methods

Table 22: Matching sampling design to target population characteristics

Table based on: Cochran, 1977; Gillison & Brewer, 1985; Schreuder et al., 1993; Philip, 1994; Seber & Thompson, 1994; Patil et al., 1994; Myers & Patil, 1995; Greenwood, 1996; Sheil, 1998

ACS - Adaptive cluster sampling RSS - Ranked set sampling

AA - Adaptive allocation SRS - Simple random sampling

Table 23: Plot configurations that could be used for NWFPs

Deciding how to measure the product

Deciding how many plots are needed

Data handling, analysis, interpretation and presentation

Presentation of the results is a key consideration. Even if the inventory is well designed and analysed, if the results are not conveyed in an appropriate, timely and considered manner to those who need to act on the results, it will be of limited use. The design of data presentation should be part of the planning stages of the inventory so that results can be processed and disseminated without delay. Annex 3 gives an example of a rather formal presentation style that has been used for reporting a national NWFP inventory.

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