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Preparation of this document

This revised list constitutes an attempt to bring together most of the material related to aquaculture and published since 1960 by FAO and its Statutory Bodies. It also includes a limited selection of the numerous reports prepared as part of various technical assistance projects. A complete list of these reports was published in 1997 (see reference K631).

The titles of the printed documents are listed and numbered (K series) in chronological order of year of publication. For each particular year, they are listed in alphabetical order of authors' names. In a final section, selected FAO Web sites (W series numbers) and CD-ROMs (C series numbers) are identified. Author, taxonomic, geographic and subject indexes provide further assistance in retrieving the information required.

The abbreviations used are based on the American Standards Institute, Standards Committee 239, prepared for the UNISIST/ICSU-AB Working Group on Bibliographic Descriptions. A list of acronyms is given on pages xii and xiii. Common bibliographic abbreviations in English, French and Spanish are given on page xiv.

Information on non-FAO aquaculture literature has been provided earlier in similar lists:

(i) Aquaculture in marine waters. An indexed list of non-FAO reference books and monographs, 1961-1997. FAO Fish.Circ., (925):68 p. 1997

(ii) Aquaculture in fresh waters. An indexed list of non-FAO reference books and monographs, 1951-1997. FAO Fish.Circ., (926): 71 p. 1997

(iii) Selected aquaculture publications: serials, newsletters, meeting proceedings, and bibliographies/directories/glossaries. FAO Fish.Circ., (808, Rev.1):133 p. 1991

Within FAO, the assistance of the staff of the Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service, the Fisheries Branch Library and the GLOBEFISH Programme is gratefully acknowledged.

Coche, A. G. (comp.)
An indexed list of FAO publications related to aquaculture, 1960-2001.
FAO Fisheries Circular. No. 924, Rev. 1. Rome, FAO. 2001. 91p.


A bibliographical list of about 800 FAO documents published during the period January 1960-December 2001 and related to aquaculture. Author, geographic, taxonomic and subject indexes provide further assistance in locating the information required.

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