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General Information on the Ossiacher Tauern Forest District of the Millstatt Forest Enterprise Austrian Federal Forests Joint-Stock Company (ÖBf/AG) Experimental and Training Forest Area of the FFTC-Ossiach AUSTRIA

The experimental and training forest area of the Federal Forestry Training Centre (FFTC) Ossiach comprises the forest Compartments 107 to 125 of the Millstatt forest enterprise- ÖBf/AG. The total area is 606.3 ha of which 574.5 ha is forest land (excluding roads etc.). It is situated at the northern slope of the mountain “Ossiacher Tauern” at an elevation of 500 to 1 000 m above sea level. During the summer it is heavily frequented by tourists and throughout the year by inhabitants of nearby towns. The recreational function of this forest area is an important factor besides the welfare and productive function. The annual cut varies from 4 000 to 5 000 m3, which is less than the annual increment.

The woodland community is Luzulo-Abieti-Fagentum on acid soils, more broadleaf in medium and lower elevation, conifer dominated in upper region, Larix-variants on steep slopes and Primus on drier ridges. Climatic conditions are moderate subcontinental with well distributed moderate precipitation of 1 000 to 1 100 mm per year. Average medium annual temperature is 7 to 8 °C. Wet snow area.

The growth district is marginal alpine spruce-fir-beech-forest of lower and medium montane level. Northerly slopes are moderately steep to steep, with flat areas in the upper region. Bedrock is mainly crystalline slate and mica-slate with a few limestone and marble bands. Mostly deep soils of which 77 percent are fresh nutrient rich brown soils, on upper slopes often with podzolic dynamic.

The vegetation type is mainly wood-sorrel (Oxalis) and lily of the valley (Maianthemum bifolium), which facilitates natural regeneration. Vegetation regrowth on clear-felled areas enhances biodiversity and provides food for game animals.

Distribution of tree species:spruce65 percent
beech30 percent
fir5 percent
with some larch and pine
Productivity of stands:On the slopes - especially the lower slope, high growth performance
spruce and firmean annual increment 100 = 10–14 (16)
beechmean annual increment 100 = 7–9
Roads and harvesting:Forest road density is > 50 longitudinal metres/ha.
About 35 percent of the forest area permits logging with wheeled skidders (< 35 percent slope) or with harvester and forwarder. 35 percent of the forest area demands cable logging, the rest lies in between and is logged mainly with cable systems.

The forest is tended and utilized according to the management plan of the ÖBf/AG considering the training and experimental needs of the course activities from the FFTC. The timber produced belongs to the Millstatt Forest Enterprise but harvesting costs for each cubic metre of logs produced are partly refunded to the FFTC.

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