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Presentation of the background for the expert consultation and of its objectives (Item 3 of the Agenda)

12. Frederick Baker, Senior Statistician (RAP), in STAT/LVSTK/3.1, presented the Background and objectives of the expert consultation and the reasons for holding it. He explained that the objective of this expert consultation was to provide a forum for experts to

13. Mr Baker also indicated that the documents and recommendations of the Expert Consultation would be used in the preparation of a series of publications documenting country practices.

14. In STAT/LVSTK/3.2, Review of FAO activities in livestock statistics, Mr Som presented an outline of the various activities undertaken by FAO with respect to the collection and use of livestock sector data. He cautioned that reliable and timely livestock statistics were difficult to obtain because of their complexity. Such problems as limited resources, incomplete coverage, the frequent movement of livestock and the fear of reporting information to the government, combined with the lack of a suitable survey methodology, had contributed to this condition.

15. He reminded the Expert Consultation that FAO’s past activities included the establishment of standardised concepts, definitions, coverage and classification procedures; provision of technical assistance to countries for the enumeration of livestock numbers both as part of an agricultural census and separately; convening of workshops and study groups of experts to review associated problems and propose solutions; promotion of data collection activities on livestock numbers through application of methods and procedures discussed in publications for agricultural census and livestock sector statistics.

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