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Annex 1 - Agenda

Agenda Item 1

Opening Session

Agenda Item 2

Election of Officers and Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable

Agenda Item 3

Presentation of the Background for the Expert Consultation and of its Objectives

Agenda Item 4

Livestock Sector Data for Decision-making

· Existing Methodologies for Collection of Livestock Sector Data

· Review of Strengths/Weaknesses in the Methodologies

Agenda Item 5

Estimation and Forecasting of Livestock Sector Parameters

· Strategies for Collection of Data on Livestock Numbers

· Strategies for Collection of Data on Livestock Products

Agenda Item 6

Analysis and Dissemination of Livestock Sector Data

Agenda Item 7

Adoption of the Report

Agenda Item 8

Closing of the Expert Consultation

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