appendix tables

Table A.13 - EXPORT PRICE INDICES (July/June)

1994/95 2/
Change 1994/95
over 1993/94 3/
Agriculture fishery and
forestry products 1/
( . . . . . . . . . . . . Index 1979-81 = 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . ) (. . . percent . . . .)
Developing 83 78 77 82 102 + 29
Developed 105 103 99 95 100 + 6
World 98 94 91 90 101 + 13

SOURCE: Based on data published in the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, United Nations, New York.
1/ Weighted average of UN indices of export prices, in U.S. dollars, of agricultural, fishery and forestry products. 2/ July 1994 to March 1995. 3/ Change from corresponding period of previous year for which figures are not shown.

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