Foodcrops and shortages April 1996



1994/95 or 1995
1995/96 or 1996
Actual imports
Import position
Marketing year
Commercial purchases
Food aid
Total commercial and aid
Total import requirements (excluding re-exports)
Total commercial food-aid
Food aid allocated committed or shipped
Commercial purchases
AFRICA 18 158.9 3 244.5 21 403.4 21 890 14 653.2 2 454.4 12 198.8
Northern Africa 10 779.1 190.9 10 970.0 11 510 10 373.9 219.8 10 154.1
Egypt July/June 9 021.9 178.1 9 200.0 7 650 6 671.9 219.8 6 452.1
Morocco July/June 1 757.2 12.8 1 770.0 3 860 3 702.0 0.0 3 702.0
Eastern Africa 1 464.1 1 552.8 3 016.9 2 158 809.7 621.1 188.6
Burundi Jan./Dec. 31.9 26.1 58.0 54 8.5 8.5 0.0
Comoros Jan./Dec. 34.6 9.4 44.0 44 0.0 0.0 0.0
Djibouti Jan./Dec. 98.9 21.5 120.4 80 3.2 2.1 1.1
Eritrea Jan./Dec. 32.3 63.1 95.4 291 57.7 57.7 0.0
Ethiopia 2/ Jan./Dec. 14.8 686.8 701.6 80 227.1 227.1 0.0
Kenya July/June 662.1 145.0 807.1 575 191.1 52.3 138.8
Rwanda Jan./Dec. 20.7 318.7 339.4 148 168.8 168.8 0.0
Somalia Sept./Aug. 100.0 41.8 141.8 320 39.3 23.5 15.8
Sudan Nov./Oct. 375.0 64.5 439.5 480 60.7 60.7 0.0
Tanzania June/May 77.0 138.6 215.6 45 42.8 9.9 32.9
Uganda Jan./Dec. 16.8 37.3 54.1 41 10.5 10.5 0.0
Southern Africa 1 487.8 765.2 2 253.0 2 939 1 874.8 1 140.8 734.0
Angola April/March 144.8 283.0 427.8 560 321.4 291.2 30.2
Lesotho April/March 179.6 24.5 204.1 277 121.2 61.5 59.7
Madagascar April/March 151.4 30.1 181.5 146 35.9 33.9 2.0
Malawi April/March 332.1 135.9 468.0 180 226.0 218.1 7.9
Mozambique April/March 53.9 274.4 328.3 446 525.3 397.9 127.4
Swaziland May/April 67.3 8.7 76.0 93 55.3 14.1 41.2
Zambia May/April 375.6 3.4 379.0 577 278.1 117.6 160.5
Zimbabwe April/March 183.1 5.2 188.3 660 311.6 6.5 305.1
Western africa 3 854.7 653.8 4 508.5 4 521 1 508.4 423.8 1 084.6
Coastal countries 2 404.8 441.6 2 846.4 2 823 1 311.2 290.5 1 020.7
Benin Jan./Dec. 85.4 16.9 102.3 105 26.6 8.5 18.1
Cote d'Ivoire July/June 444.2 55.2 499.4 587 254.7 65.1 189.6
Ghana Oct./Sept. 221.0 97.0 318.0 305 109.9 52.9 57.0
Guinea Jan./Dec. 321.8 6.2 328.0 300 2.5 2.5 0.0
Liberia Jan./Dec. 16.5 233.8 250.3 230 137.0 137.0 0.0
Nigeria July/June 1 070.2 0.0 1 070.2 920 729.9 0.0 729.9
Sierra Leone Jan./Dec. 150.3 27.8 178.1 230 39.4 23.6 15.8
Togo Jan./Dec. 95.4 4.7 100.1 146 11.2 0.9 10.3
Sahelian countries 1 449.9 212.2 1 662.1 1 698 197.2 133.3 63.9
Burkina Faso Nov./Oct. 88.6 42.7 131.3 140 24.8 24.8 0.0
Cape Verde Jan./Dec. 16.9 77.3 94.2 90 53.4 53.4 0.0
Chad Nov./Oct. 47.1 12.9 60.0 65 13.1 13.1 0.0
Gambia Nov./Oct. 85.2 3.2 88.4 93 3.7 3.7 0.0
Guinea Bissau Jan./Dec. 67.1 1.7 68.8 65 2.5 2.5 0.0
Mali Nov./Oct. 65.4 17.2 82.6 105 7.1 7.1 0.0
Mauritania Nov./Oct. 193.7 28.1 221.8 240 15.6 15.6 0.0
Niger Nov./Oct. 153.2 12.8 166.0 200 13.8 9.8 4.0
Senegal Nov./Oct. 732.7 16.3 749.0 700 63.2 3.3 59.9
Central Africa 573.2 81.8 655.0 762 86.4 48.9 37.5
Cameroon July/June 282.2 2.8 285.0 347 31.8 2.9 28.9
Cent.Afr.Rep. Sept./Aug. 29.2 0.8 30.0 34 0.0 0.0 0.0
Congo July/June 85.3 12.1 97.4 108 22.3 22.3 0.0
Eq. Guinea Jan./Dec. 7.7 3.3 11.0 11 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sao Tome Jan./Dec. 5.2 7.0 12.2 12 1.4 1.4 0.0
Zaire Jan./Dec. 163.6 55.8 219.4 250 30.9 22.3 8.6
ASIA 40 175.6 2 087.4 42 263.0 44 207 33 359.3 1 870.7 31 488.6
Afghanistan July/June 805.6 84.4 890.0 1 270 440.8 188.5 252.3
Bangladesh July/June 1 632.8 934.8 2 567.6 2 600 2 310.7 666.9 1 643.8
Bhutan July/June 32.0 0.0 32.0 32 1.7 1.7 0.0
Cambodia Jan./Dec. 36.4 89.6 126.0 50 50.4 45.4 5.0
China 3/ July/June 22 619.1 208.0 22 827.1 23 350 20 109.0 249.0 19 860.0
India July/June 0.0 263.7 263.7 250 292.8 292.8 0.0
Indonesia April/March 5 196.2 32.2 5 228.4 5 735 4 166.2 17.5 4 148.7
Jordan July/June 1 494.2 114.1 1 608.3 1 630 1 174.3 188.6 985.7
Laos Jan./Dec. 28.2 21.8 50.0 133 19.8 19.8 0.0
Maldives Jan./Dec. 32.4 2.6 35.0 35 0.0 0.0 0.0
Mongolia Oct./Sept. 125.6 11.4 137.0 170 0.0 0.0 0.0
Nepal July/June 126.5 10.1 136.6 82 29.1 29.1 0.0
Pakistan 4/ May/April 2 346.7 22.2 2 368.9 2 100 1 774.7 19.7 1 755.0
Philippines July/June 2 380.7 51.1 2 431.8 3 250 2 136.3 46.0 2 090.3
Sri Lanka Jan./Dec. 831.2 156.7 987.9 1 050 355.9 50.8 305.1
Syria July/June 575.0 57.7 632.7 450 269.3 8.4 260.9
Yemen Jan./Dec. 1 913.0 27.0 1 940.0 2 020 228.3 46.5 181.8
CENTRAL AMERICA 2 832.0 388.3 3 220.3 2 529 924.6 253.9 670.7
Dominican Rep. Jan./Dec. 960.1 1.8 961.9 860 52.0 0.8 51.2
El Salvador Aug./July 451.9 6.6 458.5 329 176.8 15.6 161.2
Guatemala July/June 519.6 137.1 656.7 520 328.6 48.2 280.4
Haiti July/June 273.3 118.2 391.5 372 187.2 92.4 94.8
Honduras July/June 420.6 92.1 512.7 260 79.9 44.8 35.1
Nicaragua July/June 206.5 32.5 239.0 188 100.1 52.1 48.0
SOUTH AMERICA 2 905.4 214.2 3 119.6 2 752 473.5 178.1 295.4
Bolivia July/June 167.7 181.3 349.0 312 311.6 178.1 133.5
Colombia Jan./Dec. 2 267.9 15.2 2 283.1 1 980 91.5 0.0 91.5
Ecuador Jan./Dec. 469.8 17.7 487.5 460 70.4 0.0 70.4
OCEANIA 281.8 0.0 281.8 276 0.2 0.2 0.0
Kiribati Jan./Dec. 7.0 0.0 7.0 7 0.0 0.0 0.0
Papua New Guinea Jan./Dec. 230.8 0.0 230.8 225 0.2 0.2 0.0
Samoa Jan./Dec. 15.0 0.0 15.0 15 0.0 0.0 0.0
Solomon Isl. Jan./Dec. 19.0 0.0 19.0 19 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tuvalu Jan./Dec. 1.0 0.0 1.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Vanuatu Jan./Dec. 9.0 0.0 9.0 9 0.0 0.0 0.0
EUROPE / CIS 5/ 6/ 5 180.7 2 203.3 7 384.0 6 152 3 130.9 1 060.2 2 070.7
Armenia July/June 10.0 467.0 477.0 425 280.0 250.0 30.0
Albania July/June 261.7 38.3 300.0 300 168.0 84.0 84.0
Azerbaijan July/June 284.0 386.0 670.0 660 440.6 175.0 265.6
Georgia July/June 48.0 677.0 725.0 550 274.0 234.0 40.0
Lithuania July/June 5.0 64.0 69.0 75 1.1 0.0 1.1
Moldova July/June 233.0 227.0 460.0 180 48.1 48.1 0.0
Macedonia , FYR July/June 194.0 46.0 240.0 240 0.0 0.0 0.0
Kyrgyz Republic July/June 209.0 124.0 333.0 207 156.1 106.1 50.0
Romania July/June 276.0 0.0 276.0 170 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tajikistan July/June 285.0 124.0 409.0 530 170.0 70.0 100.0
Turkmenistan July/June 570.0 50.0 620.0 410 293.0 93.0 200.0
Uzbekistan July/June 2 805.0 0.0 2 805.0 2 405 1 300.0 0.0 1 300.0
TOTAL 69 534.4 8 137.7 77 672.1 77 806 52 541.7 5 817.5 46 724.2

1/ Includes food deficit countries with per caput income below the level used by the World Bank to determine eligibility for IDA assistance (i.e. U.S.$ 1345 in 1993), which is in accordance with the guidelines and criteria agreed to by the CFA should be given priority in the allocation of food aid. 2/ Includes refugee needs.
3/ Includes import requirements of Taiwan Province.
4/ Excludes Afghan refugee requirements.
5/ Classified as LIFD countries as of January 1995.
6/ Data for CIS members includes intratrade between the Republics