Africa Report 05/96

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Table 6: Availabilities for Export and Local Purchase Requirements in Cereals in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Region / Country
Availabilities for export
Local Purchase Requirements
so far
so far
Eastern Africa 845 412 295 193
Ethiopia 80 - 235 139
Kenya 270 270 25 25
Sudan 100 100 9 9
Tanzania 115 40 25 19
Uganda 280 2 1 1
Southern Africa 381 381 27 27
Namibia - - 1 1
South Africa 372 372 - -
Zambia 9 9 26 26
Western Africa 100 2 93 12
Coastal countries 35 0 3 3
Benin 35 - - -
Ghana - - 3 3
Sahelian countries 65 2 90 9
Burkina Faso 25 2 25 3
Chad - - 10 -
Mali 40 - 20 -
Mauritania - - 5 3
Niger - - 20 2
Senegal - - 10 1
Central Africa 5 3 8 8
Cameroon 5 3 - -
Zaire - - 8 8
Sub-total 1 331 798 423 240
Countries which have entered their 1996/97 marketing year
Southern Africa 100 2 9 9
Malawi - - 3 3
Mozambique - - 6 6
Zimbabwe 100 2 - -
Sub-total 100 2 9 9
TOTAL 1 431 800 432 249

Note: Totals computed from unrounded data.
1/ Includes 495 000 tons of commercial exports and 305 000 tons of triangular transactions.
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