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Following first scattered rains in the extreme south in late April and early May, substantial rains were registered in mid and late May in the south. Land preparation is underway and first planting has started. They will progress northwards following the onset of the rains.

Small swarm of Desert Locust adults were reported from Aguelhoc and in the Timetrine area at Tinkar in mid April. Locust numbers and densities increased during the following weeks and several swarms were also reported. Damage occurred on trees. During 2-8 May, there were reports of swarms and groups of adults coming from the north in several wadis near Aguelhoc and in the Tilemsi Valley. There were other reports of flying adults and swarms from Tamesna to the eastern side of the Adrar des Iforas. Isolated adults were seen at several places in the town of Gao on 20 May. Laying may have occurred in northern areas that received sufficient rains during April and, if so, hoppers are almost certainly present at some places along the Tilemsi Valley. Locust numbers are expected to increase as adults arrive from the north. These will mature and lay eggs in the Adrar des Iforas and Tamesna if rainfall occurs.

Satellite images (cold cloud duration) for the three last dekads.

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