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The first rains were registered in the extreme south in mid-May where they allowed land preparation to start. Substantial rains covered most of the producing areas in early June. Elsewhere, seasonably dry conditions prevail. Land preparation is underway. Plantings are progressing northwards following the onset of regular rains.

On 12 May, immature Desert Locust swarms were seen flying in the Tamesna, west of Agadez. Immature adults were also reported by nomads and locals in the north-east. No details were available on densities nor sizes of the infestations. However, these reports may be the first indication of adults moving from the spring breeding areas of North-West Africa to the summer areas in the Sahel. Reports had already been received indicating that a few isolated Desert Locusts adults were present in some wadis north of Agadez during the second dekad of February. During the second half of March, nomads reported a swarm moving south of Agadez. In late April, locusts were reported again north of Agadez near Arlit and 30 km east of Agadez. Locust numbers are now expected to increase in the Tamesna and wadis west of the Aïr Mountains as adults arrive from the north. These will mature and lay eggs with the onset of the rainy season. Adults present in the Bilma area are expected to move further east in the absence of favourable breeding conditions.

Satellite images (cold cloud duration) for the three last dekads.

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