Undisplayed Graphic

Crops partly recovered following adequate precipitation in July and early August but stages of development vary reflecting fluctuating rains since the start of the season. Following generally above-normal rains in May, precipitation decreased significantly in mid and late June over the centre and the north, thus necessitating substantial replantings. In July, rainfall resumed and was generally widespread and adequate except in the centre and the north during the second dekad. Precipitation remained widespread and adequate in early August, improving in the extreme north. Reflecting this somewhat erratic installation of the rainy season, stages of development vary in the regions. Millet and sorghum are generally tillering or in the elongation phase in the south, the west and the east. They are emerging/tillering in the centre, while in the north replantings are still underway. Pastures are regenerating. Water reserves are being replenished.

The pest situation is calm. No Desert Locust activity has been reported.

Satellite images (cold cloud duration) for the three last dekads.

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