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Widespread and above-normal rains in late August compensated for reduced rains of early August. Following abundant rains received in the south in late July, precipitation decreased during the first dekad of August, notably in the centre. Rains resumed during the second dekad, notably in the south and the east. The west and the north-west remained mostly dry. However, during the last part of the month, above normal rains covered almost the entire country, being particularly abundant in the extreme south. These good rains, following earlier reduced levels, permitted crop recovery and reconstitution of soil moisture reserves. Millet and sorghum are generally at the heading stage in the south. Maize is maturing. Rice is growing satisfactorily although some fields may have been flooded following heavy rain in late August. In the north, coarse grains are tillering/elongating. Pastures are regenerating well, following recent rains.

No Desert Locusts have been reported recently but adult groups and possibly a few small swarms are likely to appear from the north in the western part of the Senegal River Valley and lay upon arrival in areas of recent rains.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

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